To windows user.
I'm impressed notebook of ipython, called jupyter now. I would try to introduce my work flow to improve my jobs. so I created some samples using notebook. then I would present the files as sample using nbviewer. 😄
top-level of samples
next, I introduced nbviewer server in local, so I would present my procedure in this repo.
Finally, I would challenge "" of nbviewer provider to custom to put tree directory such as github, but I can't.:cry:
if you success to create custom "" for local provider , which has tree directory displayed, please inform me.
- push the ipynb files to github
- access the ipynb file via nbviewer e.g (
- you can download files above button.
As you know, we can introduce nbviewer server besed on the repo nbviewer/jupyter.
it is easy to introduce it using "docker". but I'm not familiar with "docker".:cry: and then I also introduced nbserver in using of private network. here is my procedure.
- Download the nbviwer from repo nbviewer/jupyter.
- cd repo
- python install
- Download the static files morishin8838/nbviewer_static_files
- copy the static files to the static directory of site-package "nbviewer", which has installed by the repo of nbviewer.
In case you want to creat notebook.css, styles.css and slides.css yourself, you could take that below flow,
- Download less.js-windows-v2.5.1a
- prepare less files of static in the repo nbviewer/jupyter.
- cd <lessc.cmd located directory>
- .\lessc.cmd --include-path='.\less' --source-map='.\static\less' .\less\styles.less styles.css
- .\lessc.cmd --include-path='.\less' --source-map='.\static\less' .\less\notebook.less notebook.css
- .\lessc.cmd --include-path='.\less' --source-map='.\static\less' .\less\slides.less slides.css
Thanks! :yum: