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This repository contains sample usage of cucumber-ui-automation-framework

Running Your Tests

  • mvn clean install inside the root path will run all the test modules with default settings. After cd to submodule, you can only run that module with mvn clean install You can also mvn clean install -f selenium-herokuapp-test/pom.xml to run specific submodule

  • If you like to override default run settings you can just run it with

     #This will run your test on iPhone 6 simulator
     mvn clean install"ios""Iphone 6" -Dapp.file="myiosapp.ipa"
  • By default cucumber will execute every scenario except ones with @ignore

     #This will run scenarios tagged with @accounts and @p1
     mvn clean -D"cucumber.options=--tags @accounts --tags @p1" install
     #This will run scenarios tagged with @accounts or @p1
     mvn clean -D"cucumber.options=--tags @accounts,@p1" install
  • Thus

     #This will run your account test on android device named xxxxx with default imlicit wait 10 seconds
     mvn clean -D"cucumber.options=--tags @accounts""xxxxxx" -Dimplicit.wait="10"
  • See Property class in framework for more parameter


  • After the test execution you can find generated HTML report in /target/cucumber-html-reports folder

Project Structure


  • Your app package should be com.appium.test to spring can be able to autowire your classes

  • Your pom.xml should look like this.



  • Your app package should be com.appium.test to spring can be able to autowire your classes

  • Your pom.xml should look like this.



Locating Elements

While using PageFactory and AppiumFieldDecorator define and locate elements. It will decorate your element according to the platform in the test.

@AndroidFindBy(id = "checkbox_button")
@iOSFindBy(id = "check_button_id_in_your_ios_app")
public MobileElement CHECKBOX_BUTTON;
#If your element is not native. You must use @FindBy to locate it.
#But for sure you need to change context to interact with it
#For easy change you can use 'alertDialogsPage.getHelper().switchContextToFirstWEBVIEW();'
@FindBy(id = "web_view_id")
public MobileElement CHECKBOX_BUTTON;

While locating element with findElement

MobileElement element = alertDialogsPage.getDriver().findElement(By.xpath("//xpath']"));

Implicit and Explicit Waits

A implicit wait is to tell Driver to poll for a certain amount of time when trying to find an element or elements if they are not immediately available. Once set, the implicit wait is set for the life of the Web Driver object instance until it changed again.

A explicit wait is the code you define to wait for a certain condition to occur before proceeding further in the code. WebDriverWait in combination with ExpectedCondition is the most common way this can be accomplished.

If (given implicit time >= explicit time)
    explicit time is ignored and driver will wait till implicit wait value
if (given explicit time >= implicit time)
    max time taken to find the element (or condition) will vary between implicit wait value and the sum of implicit wait and explicit wait

Setting high implicit wait is blindly telling Selenium, if you don't find my element, then wait for a certain time until. No matter what it is, no matter the consequence, no matter what happened, you wait until you either find it or wait duration has passed. So try to keep your implicit wait value as low as possible (better set to default value 1) and use explicit wait where wait needed

  • Controlling Implicit Wait

While using PageObject driver.manage.timeouts does not have any effect. Each element holds its' own implicit timeout and its assigned while decorating the elements

So If you need to change your implicit wait time you can do

alertDialogsPage.getHelper().initElementsWithFieldDecorator(AlertDialogsPage.class, 10);

You can set it back to default value any time with below code


If you want to override implicit wait time for elements that located with findElement() you can do

  • Controlling Explicit Wait

Explicit wait is same for elements for both findElement() and PageObject

new WebDriverWait(driver, seconds).until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(element));
new WebDriverWait(driver, seconds).until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.xpath("//xpath")));
  • Override Both Implicit and Explicit Wait

Annotation @WithTimeout will override every wait and wait for that element until exact that value

@AndroidFindBy(id = "checkbox_button")
@iOSFindBy(id = "check_button_id_in_your_ios_app")
@WithTimeout(time = 1, unit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
public MobileElement CHECKBOX_BUTTON;


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