MOSNE FrontEnd Framework (FF) is a Front-end WordPress theme friendly boilerplate to help you to build your own WordPress theme with modern tools and a better productivity.
You need a minimum of Node 16. Volta and Yarn pnp.
cd wp-content/themes/
git clone your_theme_name
Next, go to your theme folder.
rm .git
Then install node dependencies with Yarn.
volta install node@16
volta install yarn
yarn set version berry
yarn && yarn build
You can edit Webpack configuration with config/entries.js
file and settings by editing webpack.settings.js
For live editing edit the proxy url in the file config/browsersync.config.js
and the server path to the dist folder.
proxy: ``
After installing dependencies, you can run some commands which are explained below.
and run a first time the following command to generate required distributions files to run the server properly.
yarn build
Then, you can luch Browser Sync proxy by running :
yarn start
Try to auto fix JS using eslint :
yarn fixjs
Try to auto fix SCSS using stylelint :
yarn fixcss
Try to auto fix PHP using phpcbf :
yarn fixphp
Read our wiki page to correctly configure your enviroment