Python library to automate creating DynamoBIM custom nodes.
Here is a simple example to create a node to add two values. For an advanced example check nodeFromComponent
method in
"""Create a simple node that dds number a and number b and returns addition."""
from dyfpy.dynamo_custom_node import Workspace, Camera, PythonNode, Input, Output
path = r'C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Dynamo\Dynamo Core\1.2\definitions'
component = {'name': 'Addition', 'description': 'This node adds two number.',
'category': 'Core', 'subcategory': 'Math'}
inputs = ({'name': 'a', 'description': 'Number a.', 'defaultValue': 2.1,
'valueType': 'double', 'accessType': 'item'},
{'name': 'b', 'description': 'Number b.', 'defaultValue': 3.5,
'valueType': 'double', 'accessType': 'item'})
output = {'name': 'addition', 'description': 'Addition of a + b.'}
sourceCode = 'a, b = IN\nOUT = a + b'
# initiate the node
node = Workspace(name=component['name'], description=component['description'],
category=component['category'], subcategory=component['subcategory'])
node.ZOOM = 0.5
# add a default camera for the background
# python node to read the code as a string
corenode = PythonNode(name=component['name'], x=-450, y=475, script=sourceCode,
# add inputs for this case I create two input
for count, inp in enumerate(inputs):
y = 475 + 95 * count
inp = Input(name=inp['name'], description=inp['description'],
valueType=inp['valueType'], defaultValue=inp['defaultValue'],
accessType=inp['accessType'], x=-750, y=y)
# connect the input to the python node
node.addConnector(inp, corenode, srcIndex=0, targetIndex=count)
# create the output node
out = Output(name=output['name'], description=output['description'], x=-240, y=475)
node.addConnector(corenode, out)
print 'Saving the custom node: {}'.format(component['name'])