This is a Fluentd output plugin for send data to Apache Solr.
fluent-plugin-output-solr | fluentd | td-agent | ruby |
1.x.x | >= 0.14.0, < 2 | 3 | >= 2.1 |
0.x.x | ~> 0.12.0 | 2 | >= 1.9 |
- The 1.x.x series is developed from this branch (master)
- The 0.x.x series (compatible with fluentd v0.12, and td-agent 2) is developed on the v0.x.x branch
Install it yourself as:
$ gem install fluent-plugin-output-solr
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install
$ rake test
$ rake build
$ rake install
The Solr base url (for example http://localhost:8983/solr).
base_url http://localhost:8983/solr
The ZooKeeper connection string that SolrCloud refers to (for example localhost:2181/solr).
zk_host localhost:2181/solr
The Solr collection/core name (default collection1).
collection collection1
Ignore undefined fields in the Solr schema.xml.
ignore_undefined_fields false
A field name of fluentd tag in the Solr schema.xml (default tag).
tag_field tag
A field name of event timestamp in the Solr schema.xml (default time).
time_field time
The format of the time field (default %FT%TZ).
time_format %FT%TZ
Output millisecond to Solr (default false).
millisecond false
A number of events to queue up before writing to Solr (default 100).
flush_size 100
Send commit command to Solr with flush (default true).
commit_with_flush true
<match something.logs>
@type solr
# The Solr base url (for example http://localhost:8983/solr).
base_url http://localhost:8983/solr
# The Solr collection/core name (default collection1).
collection collection1
<match something.logs>
@type solr
# The ZooKeeper connection string that SolrCloud refers to (for example localhost:2181/solr).
zk_host localhost:2181/solr
# The Solr collection/core name (default collection1).
collection collection1
After checking out the repo, run bundle install
to install dependencies. Then, run rake test
to run the tests.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at