MCAssertReflectiveEqual is a function that can be used to write swift test assertions. It works very similarly to XCTest's XCTAssertEqual but doesn't require Equatable items and uses reflection instead. Therefore you don't need to write neither equals functions that your production code does not require, nor assert multiple individual fields making tests a chore.
MCAssertReflectiveEquals works on primitives, structs, classes and enums. It gives you a nice error message when items do not match. It deeply compares items and handles recursive loops (A -> B -> A, where A & B are objects and -> is a references). It just makes tests easier.
The development of MCAssertReflectiveEqual is described here.
import XCTest
import MCAssertReflectiveEqual
private class ClassWithVal {
var val: Int
init(_ val: Int) {
self.val = val
class ClassWithValTest : XCTestCase {
func testAreEqual() {
let expected = ClassWithVal(1)
let actual = ClassWithVal(1)
MCAssertReflectiveEqual(expected, actual)
MCAssertReflectiveEqual([expected], [actual])
MCAssertReflectiveEqual(expected, ClassWithVal(5)) //fails
Sometimes simple reflective matching is not good enough. Imagine a complex data structure that contains a geographical coordinate, a CLLocation. We may not be interested that our expected value is identical to the value produced by the system under test, only that they are close enough. Here's how we go about that:
class FavouriteLocation {
let user: String
let location: CLLocation
init(user: String, location: CLLocation) {
self.user = user
self.location = location
let camdenTown = CLLocation(latitude: 51.5390, longitude: 0.1426)
let closeToCamdenTown = CLLocation(latitude: 51.5391, longitude: 0.1427)
let matcher = matcherFor(CLLocation.self, { (expected, actual) in
return expected.distance(from: actual) < 100 //close enough