A skeleton plugin for nvim inspired by vim-skeleton written in lua.
- Load boilerplate templates when a new file is created
- Configurable mapping between templates and filename patterns
- Can replace placeholder tokens in templates with either configurable strings or dynamic population using lua functions
- Supports concept of global/per-project config and templates.
Using plug:
Plug 'motosir/skel-nvim'
Using packer:
use "motosir/skel-nvim"
basic config
-- file pattern -> template mappings
mappings = {
['*.cpp'] = "cpp.skel",
['*.h'] = "h.skel",
-- patterns can map to multiple templates
['LICENSE'] = {"license.mit.skel", "license.gpl.skel" }
by default, the plugin
- expects template files to be under XDG_CONFIG_HOME/skeleton/, i.e. ~/.config/nvim/skeleton/
- for filenames matching
pattern it will look for ~/.config/nvim/skeleton/cpp.skel file - for filenames matching
pattern it will look for ~/.config/nvim/skeleton/h.skel file
If multiple templates are specified, vim.ui.select
is used to allow user to choose which template to use.
Example config for C/C++ development
-- import basic default placeholder callbacks
local skeld = require("skel-nvim.defaults")
-- dir containing skeleton files (default)
templates_dir = vim.fn.stdpath("config") .. "/skeleton",
-- enable/disable plugin, this supercedes disable_for_empty_file (default)
skel_enabled = true,
-- enable/disable processing for bufread + empty file case (default)
apply_skel_for_empty_file = true,
-- file pattern -> template mappings (default)
mappings = {
['main.cpp'] = "main.cpp.skel",
['*.cpp'] = "cpp.skel",
['*.h'] = "h.skel",
['*.t.cpp'] = "utest.cpp.skel",
['main.c'] = "main.c.skel",
['*.c'] = "c.skel",
["*.go"] = "go.skel",
['*.py'] = "py.skel",
['*.lua'] = "lua.skel",
['*.sh'] = "sh.skel"
-- substitutions in templates (default)
-- can be a string or a callback function
-- these are the set of default placeholders provided by the plugin
substitutions = {
['FILENAME'] = skeld.get_filename,
['NAME'] = skeld.get_author,
['DATE'] = skeld.get_date,
['CPP_HDR_GUARD'] = skeld.get_cppheaderguard,
['CPP_TEST_HDR_GUARD'] = skeld.get_testheaderguard,
['CPP_HDR_INCLUDE'] = skeld.get_headerinclude,
['CLASS_NAME'] = skeld.get_classname2,
['NAMESPACE_OPEN'] = skeld.get_namespaceopen,
['NAMESPACE_CLOSE'] = skeld.get_namespaceclose,
-- Misc global config available to substitution callback functions
author = "MyName",
namespace = {"MyOrg", "MyApp"},
-- Supports user variables too
my_user_variable = "my_user_value",
-- per project overrides (default = {})
projects = {
project1 = {
path = "/home/<user>/dev/proj1", -- absolute path for project1
namespace = {"MyOrg", "Proj1"}, -- override namespace to use in1
author = "my project1 name" -- override author only in project1
project2 = {
path = "/home/<user>/dev/proj2", -- absolute path for project2
namespace = {"MyOrg", "Proj2"}, -- override namespace to use in1
my_user_variable = "I need different value in project2"
Here we have a gobal config and 2 project overrides where some configurations are overriden.
Projects are determined by path
, that is
:edit ~/home/dev/proj1/test.cpp // will match `path` of project1 and will apply project1 config
:edit ~/home/dev/proj2/test.cpp // will match `path` of project2 and will apply project1 config
:edit ~/home/dev/my_other_proj/test.cpp // doens't match any project paths so will use default global config
Command | Description |
SkelEnable | Enable auto loading of templates when pattern is matched (default) |
SkelDisable | Disable auto loading of templates when pattern is matched |
SkelStatus | Check if auto loading is enabled |
SkelEdit | If template auto loading is disabled, :SkelEdit <filename> can be used to create file and apply template |
SkelRun | If template auto loading is disabled, :SkelRun can be used to apply template on empty buffer with a filename, this covers use cases such as nvim-tree used to create a new empty file and then loaded into vim as two operations |
By default, templates are expected to be found under ~/.config/nvim/skeleton/ folder.
Placeholder variables need to be surrounded by '@', i.e. @FILENAME@
Here's an example template file for C++,
// File: @FILENAME@
// Author: @NAME@
// Description:
#ifndef @CPP_HDR_GUARD@
#define @CPP_HDR_GUARD@
class @CLASS_NAME@
@CLASS_NAME@() = default;
~@CLASS_NAME@() = default;
#endif /* @CPP_HDR_GUARD@ */
placeholder callback functions are called with single table
config = {
filename = <absolute path of buffer file>,
author = <name provided in 'author' in setup config>,
namespace = <ns provided in 'namespace' in setukp config>,
<user defined values>
below example shows how to write your own callbacks
-- calbacks take single `table` argument as described in previous section
local function my_filename_callback(config)
return vim.fs.basename(config.filename)
-- using user defined key/val `my_user_key="my user value"`
local function my_placeholder1_callback(config)
return strings.uppper(config.my_user_key)
-- user defined key/value
my_user_key = "my user value", -- user defined key/vals are avilable in placeholder callbacks
mappings = {
['main.cpp'] = "main.cpp.skel",
['*.cpp'] = "cpp.skel",
['*.h'] = "h.skel",
substitutions = {
['FILENAME'] = my_filename_callback, -- user callback
['NAME'] = "My Name", -- can use hard-coded string
['MYPLACEHOLDER1'] = my_placeholder1_callback -- in the template @MYPLACEHOLDER1@ will be replaced with "MY USER VALUE"
supports per project configration overrides and per project templates if needed
let's say we have a basic template file cpp.skel
// filename: @FILENAME@
// author: @NAME@
@PLACEHOLDER1@ // some usage of placeholder1
@PLACEHOLDER2@ // some usage of placeholder2
and we want to have different values of PLACEHOLDER1/2 depending on the project we're in
-- `skel-nvim` default callbacks
local skel_defaults = require("skel-nvim.defaults")
-- user defined callback
local function my_filename_callback(config)
return vim.fs.basename(config.filename)
-- user defined callback to provide a value for @PLACEHOLDER1@
local function default_placeholder1_callback(config)
-- user defined callback to provide a value for @PLACEHOLDER1@ for project1
local function project1_placeholder1_callback(config)
-- user defined callback to provide a value for @PLACEHOLDER2@
local function placeholder2_callback(config)
-- the value of user defined custom_key will be different in global/project1
return config.custom_key
require("skel-nvim").setup {
mappings = {
['main.cpp'] = "main.cpp.skel",
['*.cpp'] = "cpp.skel",
['*.h'] = "h.skel",
substitutions = {
['FILENAME'] = skel_defaults.get_filename,
['NAME'] = "My Name",
['PLACEHOLDER1'] = default_placeholder1_callback, -- user defined
['PLACEHOLDER2'] = placeholder2_callback, -- user defined
custom_key = "default value", -- this what we want output in @PLACEHOLDER2@
projects = {
-- By default templates are to be placesd under ~/.config/nvim/skeleton/
-- but with projects, an addtional folder ~/.config/nvim/nvim/skeleton/project1/
-- is also searched, if the required template is found under project template folder
-- it will use that. If no project template file is found it will
-- attempt find one under the root template folder.
project1 = {
-- `path` to project is a required for each project
path = "absolute/path/to/my/project1/"
-- we can override all configuration in here, i.e.
-- different mappings
mappings = {
['*.cpp'] = "alternate_cpp.skel" -- can also provide per project root level template files
-- override placeholder substitutions
substitutions = {
['FILENAME'] = my_filename_callback, -- user callback
['NAME'] = "My Name", -- can use hard-coded string
['PLACEHOLDER1'] = project1_placeholder1_callback, -- user defined and overridden from global config
-- override custom_key for project1
custom_key = "my project1 value",
As you can see from this example the configuration very flexible to support per project customisation.
- we can have different per project template files under root ../skeleton/ folder by overriding per project mappings or
- we can use the default mappings across all but handle any custom per project templates by placing them under
subfolders with named after the project, i.e.
- ~/.config/nvim/skeleton/ // default
- ~/.config/nvim/skeleton/project1/ // project 1 templates
- ~/.config/nvim/skeleton/project2/ // project 2 templates
- project identification is based on path of new buffer being created and thus must provide key/val
for each per project configuration.