Codestache is a revised specification of Mustache template syntax to fit source code generation needs.
There are a couple of motivations behind creating this specification;
- In Mustache it is hard to focus on code, all you see is mustache
- A code template should be a valid code in the target language.
- Code generation uses meta-data, while a Mustache template uses data, and this makes a huge difference.
To give an example of how a Codestache template is readable and easy to maintain, below is a comparison between Mustache and Codestache.
SCHEMA: schema.json
"functions": [
"name": "sayHello",
"arguments": [
"name": "name",
"type": "String"
"name": "surname",
"type": "String",
"_last": true
"name": "sayGoodbye",
"arguments": [
"name": "name",
"type": "String",
"_last": true
TEMPLATE: template.mustache
function {{name}}(
) {
console.log("{{name}} called"
+ " ({{name}}: " + {{name}} + ")"
OUTPUT: code.js
function sayHello(
) {
console.log("sayHello called"
+ " (name: " + name + ")"
+ " (surname: " + surname + ")"
function sayGoodbye(
) {
console.log("sayGoodbye called"
+ " (name: " + name + ")"
SCHEMA: schema.json
"$concepts": {
"$function+": {
"$argument*": "$type"
"sayHello": {
"name": "string",
"surname": "string"
"sayGoodbye": {
"name": "string"
Schema written in JSON Concepts
TEMPLATE: template.js
/* #function */
function $function$(/* # */$argument$) {
console.log("$function$ called"
+ " ($argument$: " + $argument$ + ")" // #argument
/* / */
Template is a valid javascript file.
OUTPUT: code.js
function sayHello(name, surname) {
console.log("sayHello called"
+ " (name: " + name + ")"
+ " (surname: " + surname + ")"
function sayGoodbye(name) {
console.log("sayGoodbye called"
+ " (name: " + name + ")"
Don't get me wrong. Mustache is a great template syntax for other stuff, but to generate code Codestache is better.