released this
14 Nov 14:19
Added support for multi-dimensional quantile queries.
Added support for multi-objective model checking under pure (deterministic) schedulers with bounded memory using --purescheds
Allow to quickly check a benchmark from the Quantitative Verification Benchmark Set using the --qvbs
Added script resources/examples/
to download the QVBS.
If an option is unknown, Storm now suggests similar option names.
Flagged several options as 'advanced' to clean up the --help
-message. Use --help all
to display a complete list of options.
Support for parsing of exact time bounds for properties, e.g., P=? [F=27 "goal"]
Export of optimal schedulers when checking MDPs with the sparse engine (experimental). Use --exportscheduler <filename>
PRISM language: Support for the new round
PRISM language: Improved error messages of the parser.
JANI: Allow bounded types for constants.
JANI: Support for non-trivial reward accumulations.
JANI: Fixed support for reward expressions over non-transient variables.
DRN: Added support for exact parsing and action-based rewards.
DRN: Support for placeholder variables which allows to parse recurring rational functions only once.
Fixed sparse bisimulation of MDPs (which failed if all non-absorbing states in the quotient are initial).
Support for export of MTBDDs from Storm.
Support for k-shortest path counterexamples (arguments -cex --cextype shortestpath
New settings module transformation
for Markov chain transformations. Use --help transformation
to get a list of available transformations.
Support for eliminating chains of Non-Markovian states in MAs via --eliminate-chains
Export to dot format allows for maximal line width in states (argument --dot-maxwidth <width>
can now apply transformations on a prism file.
: Enabled building, bisimulation and analysis of symbolic models.
: Support partial-order for state space generation.
: Compute lower and upper bounds for number of BE failures via SMT.
: Allow to set relevant events which are not set to Don't Care.
: Support for constant failed BEs. Use flag --uniquefailedbe
to create a unique constant failed BE.
: Support for probabilistic BEs via PDEPs.
Fixed linking with Mathsat on macOS.
Fixed linking with IntelTBB for GCC.
Fixed compilation for macOS Mojave and higher.
Several bug fixes.
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