The plant is operated by a Schneider Twido PLC, that have a MODBUS TCP/IP interface to read and set parameters.
The original design of SCADA is based on QT. But to make use of new browser technologies like event-stream, flask and many others, is now completly redesigned.
Main interface is Twitter Bootstrap based flask aplication. Data adquisition is made with a custom thread based python daemon.
Modbus comunication is provided by twisted based pymodbus library. All adquired data is stored in a MySQL Database, the selected ORM is peewee, that is lightweight and simple.
- event_log
- alarm_log
- level_log
- oxigen_log
- cloudiness_log
To aquire data from PLC, we made a MODBUS/TCP client conection, and poll for data ever half second. In this step all data is pushed in json format througth a event-stream connection to brower, updating graphs and aplication info.
Yo need to have following packages installed:
- Python 2.6 or 2.7 (preferred)
- Redis:
- Python distribute #FIXME ¿Is virtualenv there??
- Create a new virtualenv for application: virtualenv env
- Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
- Start redis (if you not started it yet)
- Configure redis connection on arakur_ww/
- Start PLC mock: python mock_planta/
- Start adquisition daemon python arakur_ww/
- Start Web server python arakur_ww/
- Enter to http://localhost:5000 using a modern browser
Target linux is Ubuntu 12.10
- Install dependencies
- Create a new user "hmi"
- Clone repository inside home directory of this user
- Add execution rights to and (chmod +x)
- Copy upstart jobs from upstart_jobs to /etc/init
- Start jobs, manually: start sbr_daemon, start sbr_web
Sorry, I only develop the HMI, but, if you write to the apropiate Modbus registers, (defined in arakur_ww/, everything have to work well
Is a design choice, Because flask is really confortable to work with, and really, web app and adquisition daemon are different services.
Because... you are reading It.