This GitHub Action determines the current major Beta version.
To do this the GITHUB_REPOSITORY this is applied to has to:
have a release following the following naming scheme
have a file named
in the project root containing the latest beta version name (following the same naming scheme as above).
It publishes the last major version of a beta release (like 88
) in the beta_version
output, which can then be used in other GitHub Actions.
Example usage:
- name: "Discover the last beta release major version"
id: extract-major-beta-version
uses: mozilla-mobile/extract-major-beta-version@3.0.0
- name "Print the version number"
run: "The current _major beta_ number is $${{steps.extract-major-beta-version.outputs.beta_version}}"
This GitHub Action is used in in
- the workflow
- the workflow.
Just run the following command line. You may need to change the python version to follow what is in Dockerfile
docker run -t -v "$PWD:/src" -w /src python:3.10 bash -cx "pip install pip-tools && cd /src/ && pip-compile --upgrade --generate-hashes --output-file requirements.txt"