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Updating pdf.js on Mozilla Central

Tim van der Meij edited this page Mar 4, 2016 · 8 revisions

Initial Setup (hopefully one time)

username = YOUR NAME <>

qnew = -Ue

[extensions] =

git = 1
showfunc = 1
unified = 8

try = ssh://
  • Edit ~.ssh/config
        IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  • Setup Git
    • Make sure your account's default identity is set.
git config --global ""
git config --global "Your Name"
+ On Windows, make sure automatic line endings conversion is turned off.
git config --global core.autocrlf false

Updating Steps

  • make sure all patches are popped off your queue
hg qpop -a
  • update moz central
hg pull -u
  • update pdf.js and build extension
gulp mozcentral
  • (or, if you know previous commit sha for built pdf.js you can generate build/mozcentral.diff file)
BASELINE=<baseLineCommit> gulp mozcentralbaseline; gulp mozcentraldiff
  • Open new bugzilla bug

    • Copy release notes there
    • Set depends bug ????
  • Create Patch (replace bug number)

hg qnew bug-743264-fix -m "Bug 743264 - Update pdf.js to Version 0.2.537."
  • Update Files
# copy files build ./build/mozcenral/* into mozilla-central/ root
hg qrefresh
  • Add Try Stuff
hg qnew try --message "try: -b do -p macosx,macosx64,win32,linux,linux32 -u all -t none"
  • Double Check What Your Sending
hg outgoing
  • Push to Try Server
hg push -f try
hg qpop
  • Generate Patch (after successful try run, replace bug number)
hg export qtip > ~/projects/mine/pdf.js/patches~/bug-743264-fix.patch

If Uplift is Needed

  • Find what version of pdf.js is in the branch by looking at the pdf.js file and variable e.g. = 'f8e70dc';

  • Check out that version

git checkout -b tt-aurora-fix <baseLineCommit>
  • Cherry Pick the commit you need to uplift
git cherry-pick <someCommit>
  • Build the patch
BASELINE=<baseLineCommit> gulp mozcentralbaseline; gulp mozcentraldiff
  • Apply that to the branch
qimport -n cherry-pick <pdf.js build folder>/mozcentral.diff; qpush;