An minimalistic Logging framework for Arduino-compatible embedded systems.
ArduinoLog is a minimalistic framework to help the programmer output log statements to an output of choice, fashioned after extensive logging libraries such as log4cpp ,log4j and log4net. In case of problems with an application, it is helpful to enable logging so that the problem can be located. ArduinoLog is designed so that log statements can remain in the code with minimal performance cost. In order to facilitate this the loglevel can be adjusted, and (if your code is completely tested) all logging code can be compiled out.
- Different log levels (Error, Info, Warn, Debug, Verbose )
- Supports multiple variables
- Supports formatted strings
- Supports formatted strings from flash memory
- Fixed memory allocation (zero malloc)
- MIT License
- All Arduino boards (Uno, Due, Mini, Micro, Yun...)
- ESP8266
- ESP32
This package has been published to the Arduino & PlatformIO package managers, but you can also download it from GitHub.
- By directly loading fetching the Archive from GitHub:
- Go to
- Click the DOWNLOAD ZIP button in the panel on the
- Rename the uncompressed folder Arduino-Log-master to Arduino-Log.
- You may need to create the libraries subfolder if its your first library.
- Place the Arduino-Log library folder in your /libraries/ folder.
- Restart the IDE.
- For more information, read this extended manual
// Initialize with log level and log output.
Log.begin (LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, &Serial);
// Start logging text and formatted values
Log.errorln ( "Log as Error with binary values : %b, %B" , 23 , 345808);
Log.warning (F("Log as Warning with integer values from Flash : %d, %d"CR) , 34 , 799870);
See Log-basic.ino example
The log library needs to be initialized with the log level of messages to show and the log output. The latter will often be the Serial interface. Optionally, you can indicate whether to show the log type (error, debug, etc) for each line.
begin(int level, Print* logOutput, bool showLevel)
begin(int level, Print* logOutput)
The loglevels available are
* 0 - LOG_LEVEL_SILENT no output
* 1 - LOG_LEVEL_FATAL fatal errors
* 2 - LOG_LEVEL_ERROR all errors
* 3 - LOG_LEVEL_WARNING errors, and warnings
* 4 - LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE errors, warnings and notices
* 5 - LOG_LEVEL_TRACE errors, warnings, notices & traces
Log.begin(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, &Serial, true);
if you want to fully remove all logging code, uncomment #define DISABLE_LOGGING
in ArduinoLog.h
, this may significantly reduce your sketch/library size.
The library allows you to log on different levels by the following functions
void fatal (const char *format, va_list logVariables);
void error (const char *format, va_list logVariables);
void warning (const char *format, va_list logVariables);
void notice (const char *format, va_list logVariables);
void trace (const char *format, va_list logVariables);
void verbose (const char *format, va_list logVariables);
where the format string can be used to format the log variables
* %s display as string (char*)
* %S display as string from flash memory (__FlashStringHelper* or char[] PROGMEM)
* %c display as single character
* %C display as single character or as hexadecimal value (prefixed by `0x`) if not a printable character
* %d display as integer value
* %l display as long value
* %u display as unsigned long value
* %x display as hexadecimal value
* %X display as hexadecimal value prefixed by `0x` and leading zeros
* %b display as binary number
* %B display as binary number, prefixed by `0b`
* %t display as boolean value "t" or "f"
* %T display as boolean value "true" or "false"
* %D,%F display as double value
* %p display a printable object
Newlines can be added using the CR
keyword or by using the ...ln
version of each of the log functions. The difference when using the ...ln
is that the newline is placed after suffix, and only a single newline can be added. Some terminals prefer NL
(New line).
Log.fatal (F("Log as Fatal with string value from Flash : %s"CR ) , "value" );
Log.errorln ( "Log as Error with binary values : %b, %B" , 23 , 345808);
Log.warning (F("Log as Warning with integer values from Flash : %d, %d"CR) , 34 , 799870);
Log.notice ( "Log as Notice with hexadecimal values : %x, %X"CR , 21 , 348972);
Log.trace ( "Log as Trace with Flash string : %S"CR ) , F("value") );
Log.verboseln (F("Log as Verbose with bool value from Flash : %t, %T" ) , true, false );
(if your code is completely tested) all logging code can be compiled out. Do this by uncommenting
in Logging.h
. This may significantly reduce your project size.
Advanced features are demonstrated in Log-advanced example.
Some Arduino objects are printable. That is, they implement the Printable
interface and are able for format their own representation
As an example, the IPadress object is printable:
IPAddress ipAddress(192, 168, 0, 1);
Log.verboseln ("ip address : %p", ipAddress);
this example shows how to make your own classes printable
Flash strings log variables can be stored and reused at several places to reduce final hex size.
const __FlashStringHelper * logAs = F("Log as");
Log.fatal (F("%S Fatal with string value from Flash : %s"CR ) , logAs, "value" );
Log.error ( "%S Error with binary values : %b, %B"CR , logAs, 23 , 345808);
If you want to declare that string globally (outside of a function), you will need to use the PROGMEM macro instead.
const char LOG_AS[] PROGMEM = "Log as ";
void logError() {
Log.error ( "%S Error with binary values : %b, %B"CR , PSTRPTR(LOG_AS), 23 , 345808);
You can modify your logging format by defining a custom prefix & suffix for each log line. For example:
void printPrefix(Print* _logOutput, int logLevel) {
printLogLevel (_logOutput, logLevel);
will result in log timestamps very similar to e.g. NLOG:
00:47:51.432 VERBOSE Message to be logged
Based on library by
Bugfixes & features by
- rahuldeo2047
- NOX73
- Dave Hylands
- Jos Hanon
- Bertrand Lemasle
- Mikael Falkvidd
- Rowan Goemans
- Nils Bokermann
- Florian
- wrong-kendall
- bitli
- ChristianBauerAMDC
ArduinoLog (Copyright © 2017,2018, 2019, 2021) is provided under MIT License.