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Pages Buttons and Graphics

Max Paperno edited this page Sep 2, 2023 · 16 revisions

A collection of assets to get you started.

All the tp* file types are for direct import into Touch Portal (pages, buttons, icons).

Also they are all standard ZIP archive formats. Changing the file extensions to .zip will allow you to open the archive directly in your file manager, if you wish (this can be especially useful for "icon packs"). Or for example rename a .zip archive of images to .tpi to create an importable "icon pack." (or you can also place folders/images directly into the TP Data folder).

You may need to right-click (context menu) on the links and "Save As.." for the downloads to work properly.
Also .tpz extension is often registered to open with Kindle, don't try to run (dbl-click) them directly.

If you use Discord, check out the Touch Portal server's #msfs2020/The Sharing Thread for other assets and usage tips.

Please Help Expand This Collection! We need more examples and useful pages.

Table of Contents


The Connect Button


Starter/Example Page 1; 13 x 8 Layout

Radio Stack v2; 4 x 7 Layout (phone size)

Also see below for the optional but complimentary Frequency Keypad Popup page, or a version which includes both together.

Frequency Keypad

This page comes in 2 versions, "Full" and "Popup." DO NOT IMPORT BOTH
IMPORTANT: See the Radio-Frequency-Keypad-Instructions for download, installation, and usage details.
Video showing an earlier (unpublished) version in action:


Page Template for Editing Custom States and Simulator Variables

NOTE: There have been a couple reports of this page crashing iOS devices. The fix/workaround is to delete the large "Log messages" button/display area in the lower right corner. This seems to be a Touch Portal issue, but since I do not have an iOS device, I cannot diagnose further.


Icon Pack - Toggle Switch Collection

This is a collection from various sources online. Some authors are known and some not. Known credits are listed in the included info.txt file.

Icon Pack - Toggle Rocker Collection

This is a collection from various sources online. Some authors are known and some not. Known credits are listed in the included info.txt file.

LCD Images (and PSD source)

These are used in the Radio Stack pages, above. Includes PSD source file with all the elements separated, to create new variations if needed. There are sub-folders in the zip archive with various versions, including un-marked plain LCDs in different sizes and parts.
Original LCD image by Arbi Barbarossa (from the Flight Sim icon pack).

Replacement for HiDTH's FltSim-msfs2020-Control page backgrounds.

These are known to cause issues, especially on iOS, and especially the landscape one.
The pages being referred-to are from:

bg_diamond_plate_dark_h.jpg bg_diamond_plate_dark_v.jpg