Team 3926's code for Recycle Rush <<<<<<< HEAD Versial 1.3 (Final)
This project contains the code for team 3926's iterative-based robot. Features on this robot are as follows.
- Tank drive base driven by 4 motors connected to Talon SRXs (2 for each side)
Basic Mode: Driven by two joysticks, as tank drive normally is
Safe Mode: Press the left stick trigger to divide the input to the joysticks by 2
Straight Mode: Press the right stick trigger to set the left sticks input equal to that of the right's, making the robot drive perfectly straight (can be used alongside Safe Mode)
- A lift system with connected arms for lifting totes
Controlled by a boolean and counter system press the button once to start an action press it again to stop it
- A pneumatic syllander attached to the arms for gripping totes
Controlled by a boolean and counter system press the button once to start an action press it again to stop it
So I (Wilke) Don't go insane with comments in code
- %%% Vocabulary and definitions. If you don't know a word it will most likley be here
- NCIU (Not currently in use (will be taken out in optimized code, however for ease of reading and understanding structure they are in))
- Pointers: The little asterisk, don't concern yourself about this to much unless you are a coder in which case just use google.
- Autonomus: the start of the game, where the robot runs pre-determined commands and there is no user control
- Teleoperation: the time of the game where drivers step forward and take control of the robot
- Deadzone: A space where there may be input, but nothing will be activated to make sure it wasn't by accident
XBox Controller Buttons A = 1 B = 2 X = 3 Y = 4 LB = 5 RB = 6 Back = 7 Start = 8 LeftTrigger Click = 9 RightTrigger Click = 10 XBox Controller Axis Leftstick X = 0 Leftstick Y = 1 Left Trigger = 2 Right Trigger = 3 Right X = 4 Right Y = 5
///////////////////////////////////////////////TANK BASE////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
LeftStick, RightStick = Drive Sticks xStick1 = Arm CIM. (UP and DOWN)
parent of fdd269a... Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'