BrickFEM automatically generates, runs, and evaluates models of small Lego sets in the finite element software Abaqus. The model can contain Lego bricks, plates, tiles, and base plates. The model first establishes the clamping of the bricks and then loads them using either a static (implicit) or dynamic (explicit) step.
Figure 1: Some
- Simulia Abaqus 2017 or later
- imagmagick (optional, to create animated gifs of the results)
The files
must be in your working directory. Then you can run BrickFEM with the command abaqus cae
in a command window or shell (if your Abaqus installation is set up so that you can open an Abaqus CAE window with abaqus cae
). This runs the first test case of BrickFEM. You can customize the assembly
and explicit_par
dictionaries in the Python file
to create your first own BrickFEM Lego model.
The syntax in the input dictionaries and the details of the model are described in the following.
This section first defines the format of the input dictionaries for BrickFEM that define the brick arrangement (assembly
), the loads of a dynamic, explicit step (explicit_par
), and the basic Lego dimensions (lego_geom
), see Figure 2. It then explains how to run BrickFEM using the input dictionaries.
Instead of running a dynamic, explicit load for Lego sets that disassemble, the load can also be applied in a static, implicit step. The static analysis does not converge any more once the bricks disassemble. Therefore, the implicit load is only relevant for Lego sets that slightly deform and do not disassemble.
Figure 2: Structure of the model function make_model
that creates, runs, and evaluates the Lego model from the input dictionaries assembly
, explicit_par
, and lego_geom
. Note that lego_geom
is optional. By default, it contains basic Lego dimensions and the Lego material properties.
The assembly of a Lego set in BrickFEM is defined in the dictionary assembly
. The subdictionary bricks
lists the bricks used in the model. The subdictionary parts
places these bricks, referenced by their brick_id
, at the locations loc
, see Figure 3. Optionally, the color of each part for the output video can be defined as c
, specifying either one of the solid Lego brick colors from Bricklink or a 6-digit hex code as a string. Note that any brick defined in the bricks
subdictionary can be used multiple times in the model by referring to it multiple times in the parts
subdictionary. The assembly dictionary also defines the boundary conditions bc
, the loads on the brick sets loads_rp
, the mesh size mesh_size
, and the friction coefficient mu
assembly = {
'bricks':{1:{'type':'base-plate', 'nx':1, 'nz':1},
2:{'type':'regular', 'nx':1, 'nz':1}},
'bc':{1:{'part_id':1, 'set_name':'BOTTOM'}},
'loads_rp':{1:{'part_id':2, 'set_name':'STUD-11', 'uy':2}},
'mesh_size':0.75, 'mu':0.2}
The assembly dictionary is sufficient to define the Lego set, including all loads for the static, implicit analysis. For a dynamic, explicit analysis, additional parameters must be defined and loads by rigid bodies can be applied, see the next section.
The bricks in the assembly
are defined by their brick type type
, which can be regular
, plate
, tile
, or base-plate
. The size of the brick is defined by the number of studs in the x-direction and in the z-direction by the parameters nx
and nz
, respectively. So a
Figure 3: Definition of the bricks used in the model (a loc
of the bricks. The load in the model is applied using a rigid cylinder with a displacement u
in x-direction (which can be defined in the explicit_par
Figure 4 shows the shape and coordinate system origin (green x) of the four possible brick types regular
, plate
, tile
, and base-plate
. The height without stud regular
brick. The y-origin of the bricks lies in the bottom plane for all brick types except for the base-plate
, where it lies at the bottom of the stud. The x- and z-coordinates of the origin of the brick lie in the center of the upper left stud. When referring to studs of a brick, this is done in terms of their indices
Figure 4: Brick options in the model with their corresponding geometry and the origin of the coordinate system (marked as a green x
). Note that the upper left midpoint of the stud is defined as the origin. The position where bricks with type 'regular'
or 'plate'
are divided into two parts and then connected using tie-constraints is also shown.
The boundary conditions are defined in the bc
subdictionary of assembly
. It needs the part id and the name of the set to be fixed. Possible sets are 'BOTTOM'
, and 'STUD-ij'
for the bottom face, all top faces, or the top face of the stud with index
Loads that should be applied to sets via reference points work like boundary conditions: The part number and the set_name
must be specified. Then a reference point is automatically created in the center of the set, and all nodes of the set are rigidly coupled to this reference point. The displacements and rotation angles of the RP can be specified with the parameters ux
, uy
, uz
, rotx
, roty
, or rotz
. If one or more of these displacements are not specified, the displacement is free in the model.
The mesh_size
defines the global mesh size in the Lego bricks. Linear hexahedral elements with reduced integration are used for implicit load steps and linear tetrahedral elements for explicit load steps. For hexahedral elements, the regular
bricks and plates
are split into two parts at
BrickFEM models the contact using the penalty contact algorithm of Abaqus with the friction coefficient mu
. For the implicit steps (including the clamping steps), the Surface to Surface contact option of Abaqus is used and for the explicit loading step, BrickFEM uses General Contact.
Parameters of the explicit load step and loads by rigid bodies are defined in the explicit_par
dictionary. If make_model
is parsed an empty dictionary for explicit_par
, the model will be run implicitly using only the parameters from the assembly
dictionary. By default, explicit_par
is an empty dictionary.
The explicit_par
dictionary may look like this:
explicit_par = {
't_step': 0.0005, 'is_acc': 0, 'mass_scale_t': 0,
'load_str': '',
'loads_rigid': {1:{'shape':'sphere','u':(20,0,0),
The explicit_par
dictionary contains the following parameters:
: The time of the explicit step (float) or the times of the explicit steps (list), which are computed independently.is_acc
: Whether the load should be applied with constant acceleration (1) or constant velocity (0) to reach the total displacement at the end of the step.mass_scale_t
: If 0, no mass scaling will be used. If not 0, this is the target time step to use for mass scaling.load_str
: String to add to the model name. If the same Lego set is loaded in different ways defined in separateexplicit_par
dictionaries, it may be convenient to identify these load cases in the model name.
The subdictionary loads_rigid
defines rigid parts for loading, which can be either spheres (sphere
) or cylinders (cyl
). Both need a location of their center and a radius, which are specified as loc
and radius
in the dictionary. The cylinder also needs the direction (stated as dir
) of the cylinder axis and its length len
. Note that the reference point of the cylinder lies at half of its length for the cylinder and at the center of the sphere, and the location indicates where this center should be located.
The displacement of the rigid part is given in u
as a list ( m
and v0
in loads_rigid
to indicate the mass and the initial velocity of the rigid part, respectively. The moments of inertia
To calculate multiple explicit load cases with different rigid body loads, it is not necessary to run the initial clamping steps each time. The parameter is_new
(default value 1) can be set to zero as soon as the result files of the clamping steps are available:
Note that this is only relevant for explicit loads because for implicit loads, there are no separate result files for the clamping and the loading steps.
BrickFEM uses the geometry of the 1961 Lego patent, see Figure 5. It further introduces the additional ribs between the inner tubes at every second inner tube or cylinder, see Figure 1.
The lego_geom
dictionary, which is an optional input to the make_model
function, contains all the general geometry parameters as well as the elastic properties of the brick material. If not passed to the make_model
function, this dictionary will be used instead:
lego_geom = {
'b, b_gap, b_wall': (8., 0.1, 1.6),
'h, h_stud, h_top': (9.6, 1.7, 1.5),
'inside small': {'r': 1.6, 't_rib':1.1, 'h_rib':8.1},
'inside big': {'r': 3.3, 't': 0.9, 't_rib':0.9, 'h_rib': 6.8},
'delta_r': 0.05,
'E, nu, dens': (2200., 0.35, 1e-9)}
Figure 5, which shows a lego_geom
. For bricks with a size of at least inside big
. For bricks with of size inside small
Figure 5: General dimensions parameters of Lego bricks in BrickFEM, shown for a
For regular
bricks with either inside cyl
dictionary as t_rib
and h_rib
, respectively. If inside big
dictionary. See Figure 5 for the rib geometry. To not use these sidewalls, simply set t_rib
to 0.
The stud radius follows from the space in the cavities plus the radius difference
The elastic properties lego_geom
dictionary and are assumed to be the same for all parts of the model.
BrickFEM uses the dictionaries assembly
, explicit_par
, and, optionally, lego_geom
defined in the previous sections to build, run, and evaluate the model. It further has the boolean parameter is_new
(default value of 1) as an input, which states if the initial computation for establishing contact should be performed (1) or if it already exists (0).
BrickFEM can be run in a new Abaqus Python script that loads the function make_model
from the Python script
from brickfem import make_model
# define assembly and explicit_par
# ...
Such Python files for the three test cases (such as
) are provided with the software. If different general brick dimensions or brick material should be used, the lego_geom
default value can be changed in the
file or can be passed to the make_model
Abaqus lets the user run Python scripts either interactively (in an open Abaqus CAE window or by executing the command abaqus cae
in the command window) or in the background executing the command abaqus cae
in the command window. Calling abaqus like this from the command window works, provided the Abaqus path has been added to the system variables.
It is recommended to run the Python script that calls the make_model
function with the second (nogui
) option, because the command in the Abaqus Python files that waits for jobs to be finished before evaluation usually crashes when the script is run interactively. This is a bug of Abaqus.
On Windows machines, one or more than one such commands can be written into a batch file that then runs the Lego models. Such a file is also provided for the case 1 model (_run_nogui_case_1.bat
Calling the function make_model
creates, executes, and evaluates the Abaqus model. in a subfolder defined in assembly['name']
. The parameters of the model are written to the following files:
- '_dict-assembly.json': Parameters of
and theassembly
- model_name + '-par.json': Parameters of the
Since the assembly and the basic geometry must be the same in each folder, they are written into one file. The explicit_par
dictionary can change for different explicit loads, so it is written along with each model file.
The complete output is written by Abaqus to the .odb
file. Some output is automatically extracted from the odb file: History output of the whole model (energies) and the reference points (displacements and reaction forces) and an animated gif (if imagemagick
is available) containing a video of the deforming Lego set in the load step. This output is written to the following files:
- model_name + '-ho-ass.dat': History output of the assembly (energies)
- model_name + '-ho-node{i}.dat': History output of reference point
- model_name + '-anim.gif': Animated gif of the moving and deforming Lego set
This section explains how the clamping between the bricks is established in three implicit steps that precede the load application step. Note that BrickFEM automatically generates these clamping steps using the arrangement of the Lego bricks specified by the user in the assembly
The main challenge in modeling a Lego set is to establish the clamping of the bricks in an accurate and efficient way. In a finite element model, the contact faces cannot initially overlap. Therefore, the model cannot start with the bricks in their positions in the set, but has to stick them together in some way.
This could be done by simulating how all the bricks are stuck together, one brick at a time. The computation time for this would be enormous. BrickFEM uses a trick to realize the clamping of all bricks at the same time, thus saving computation time. This is done in three static, implicit clamping steps, see Figure 6:
: The initial overlap of surfaces is removed by moving nodes of the lower cavities. This means that nodes at the surface that would lie inside the stud of another brick are moved so that there is no overlap. The top faces of the studs are fixed in this step to prevent relative movement between the bricks,contact
: In the second step, the contact between the studs and the lower cavities of the bricks starts and the applied displacements of thewiden
step are freed. This creates a first clamp between the bricks. However, since the top faces of the studs are still fixed, however, this clamping is
: Thefree
step frees the top faces of the studs, creating a realistic clamp connection between the bricks is obtained. This is the starting point for applying the loads in another step.
The load
step can be either a static (implicit) or dynamic (explicit) step. For the explicit step, the results of the implicit clamping steps are automatically loaded into the explicit model by BrickFEM. For an implicit load step, the load
step can be created in the same model as the clamping steps.
Figure 6: Steps in the Lego model: The initial penetration of the contact surfaces is resolved in the widen
step. Then, contact is defined between the bricks while fixing the top surfaces of the studs. In the next step, the fixed faces are released, and equilibrium is found. Then, the clamped Lego bricks can be loaded in the load
step, which can be either static (implicit) or dynamic (explicit).
To illustrate the usage of BrickFEM, three simple examples of Lego sets are defined, see Figure 7. Note that for models that contain more bricks, the computation time strongly increases. Therefore, BrickFEM is suited to accurately model the interaction of a few bricks. The lego_geom
dictionary of the examples is stated in Section 1.3.
Figure 7: The three illustrative examples of BrickFEM.
In case 1, a
assembly_case_1 = {
'bricks':{1:{'type':'base-plate', 'nx':1, 'nz':1},
2:{'type':'regular', 'nx':1, 'nz':1}},
'parts':{1:{'brick_id':1, 'loc':(0,0,0)},
2:{'brick_id':2, 'loc':(0,0,0)}},
'bc':{1:{'part_id':1, 'set_name':'BOTTOM'}},
'loads_rp':{1:{'part_id':2, 'set_name':'STUD-11', 'uy':2}},
'mesh_size':0.5, 'mu':0.2}
The case 1 model with an explicit load step uses the following explicit_par
explicit_par_case_1b = {
't_step': 0.001, 'is_acc': 0, 'mass_scale_t': 0,
'load_str': '', 'loads_rigid': {}}
Case 2 has a
assembly_case_2 = {
'bricks':{1:{'type':'base-plate', 'nx':2, 'nz':2},
2:{'type':'regular', 'nx':4, 'nz':2}},
'parts':{1:{'brick_id':1, 'loc':(0,0,0)},
2:{'brick_id':2, 'loc':(0,0,0)}},
'bc':{1:{'part_id':1, 'set_name':'BOTTOM'}},
'loads_rp':{1:{'part_id':2, 'set_name':'STUD-41', 'uy':-2.5}},
'mesh_size':0.75, 'mu':0.2}
explicit_par_case_2 = {
't_step': 0.0005, 'is_acc': 0, 'mass_scale_t': 0,
'load_str': '', 'loads_rigid': {}}
Case 3 models a tower of u
of 20 mm, the sphere moves with a velocity of 40 m/s or 144 km/h. Note that lower loading rates would increase the computation time in the explicit model.
assembly_case_3 = {
'bricks':{1:{'type':'base-plate', 'nx':2, 'nz':2},
2:{'type':'regular', 'nx':2, 'nz':2}},
'parts':{1:{'brick_id':1, 'loc':(0,0,0)},
2:{'brick_id':2, 'loc':(0,0,0)},
3:{'brick_id':2, 'loc':(0,9.6,0)},
4:{'brick_id':2, 'loc':(0,2*9.6,0)},
5:{'brick_id':2, 'loc':(0,3*9.6,0)},
6:{'brick_id':2, 'loc':(0,4*9.6,0)},
7:{'brick_id':2, 'loc':(0,5*9.6,0)}},
'bc':{1:{'part_id':1, 'set_name':'BOTTOM'}},
'loads_rp':{}, 'mesh_size':0.5, 'mu':0.2}
explicit_par_case_3 = {
't_step': 0.0005, 'is_acc': 0, 'mass_scale_t': 0,
'load_str': '',
'loads_rigid': {1:{'shape':'sphere', 'loc':(-8.001,9.6*4.5,4),
'radius':4., 'u':(20,0,0)}}}
Figure 8: Resulting deformations in the three examples generated with BrickFEM.
The mass scaling option of Abaqus can be used to reduce the computational cost. An explicit model computes small time increments that are determined by the density and the smallest element length. If only a few elements are small, their mass can be scaled so that the time increment is larger and the computation is much faster. If done correctly, the overall mass and phenomena in the model will change only negligibly. This can be done with the target time increment specified in explicit_par['mass_scale_t']
. A suitable target time increment can be estimated from a first run of the model without mass scaling, where the used time increments used are written to the .sta
file of the model. Then, this time increment can be increased by 50% or 100%, and the mass change in the model can be seen in the .sta
file of the new model. If this mass change is less than 1%, the results are probably ok.
Due to the limitations of the FEM theory, the Abaqus software, and the fact that only a selection of features have been implemented in this code, there are some limitations in using this scripted FEM model:
- Once the bricks disassemble in an implicit load step, they may be free to move. In this case, the solver will not converge at that point and will evaluate results up to that load. The maximum force at this point can be used as an estimate of the force required to disassemble.
- A small contact overclosure of many nodes is reported at the beginning of the explicit step. However, Abaqus seems to be able to correct this.
- Abaqus/Python scripts can be called either interactively (
abaqus cae
in the command line, or in an open Abaqus CAE window) or in the background (abaqus cae
in the command line). BrickFEM uses the commandwaitForCompletion
to wait with the evaluation of a model until the solver is finished. This usually crashes when Abaqus is called interactively, which is a bug of Abaqus. Therefore, when started interactively, BrickFEM will open a window when a job is submitted, asking the user to wait until the job has finished and then press ok.
Figure 9: Results of larger (seasonal) BrickFEM models.