This program downloads your KCL timetable calendar from KCL MyTimetable and makes the calendar events have pretty names.
Example of an unchanged calendar event name: 5CCS2PEP PRACTICAL EXPER SEM1 000001/LECTURE/01 (STRAND BLDG S-2.18)
Example of a changed calendar event name: Practical Experiences of Programming Lecture
I put the adjusted calendar on my website and import the it into my Google Calendar with a link. I also set up a cronjob to run this every day in case the calendar changes.
You can find your timetable URL by going to, logging in, clicking Subscribe
> More...
> Copy the URL from Manual subscription
docker run --rm mpoc/fix-kcl-calendar "URL_TO_CALENDAR" > calendar-adjusted.ics
python3 "URL_TO_CALENDAR" > calendar-adjusted.ics