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Releases: mr152here/hexegg


16 Jun 14:48
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New features (please read the manual for more details):

  • findstring, findunicodestring, findallstrings, findallunicodestrings commands now uses regex instead of substring
  • filter now use regex instead of list of substrings
  • command aliases can by defined in configuration config.toml file
  • command/user input history can be predefined in config.toml file
  • more dynamic helper/tips command/user input dialog

Fixed bugs

  • fixed screen flickering in byte and word screens
  • FileBuffer doesn't use hashes anymore to detect buffer changes


18 Oct 17:29
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fixed 'double keyboard events' bug.


17 Oct 19:16
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New features (please read the manual for more details):

  • configuration file can be located in the local config directory. For Linux/unix $HOME/.config/hexegg/config.toml and for windows %APPDATA%\hexegg\config.toml
  • read data from STDIN during startup. This can be modified in config.toml file
  • new keyboard shortcut '\' to repeat last command
  • reacts (at least somehow) to SIGTSTP, SIGCONT, SIGINT signals

new command:

  • pipeblock <program_name> [arg1] [arg2] ... - to spawn program_name which will receive selected block via STDIN
  • replaceall [pattern] - replace all items in the location bar with pattern or selected block
  • suspend - suspend self into the terminal background. Same as CTRL+z


02 Aug 21:39
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New features (please read the manual for more details):

  • ability to open only part of the file with additional "-t <size_limit>" parameter. You can now finally open (and mess up :-)) disks and other devices.
  • ESC now quit program if there is nothing else to cancel and it is enabled in config.toml in "esc_to_quit" variable.
  • parsers (highlighters) for: JPEG

modified command:

  • openfile <file_name> [size_limit] - now also accepts size limit for the file.


  • on windows platform path to config.toml was not good defined.


20 Jun 21:48
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New features (please read the manual for more details):

  • user input box is now more user friendly. Better string modification and TAB key now autocomplete/suggest aviable commands.
  • better scrolling in location bar
  • mouse right click in location bar now goes to the item end offset
  • double click in location bar item will select it (if size is known)
  • 'S' key now select only ascii string under the cursor
  • 'H' now select highlighted block under the cursor
  • 'U' now select "ascii-unicode" string under the cursor
  • yank can now yank to the external application via its STDIN. Must be specified in config.toml.
  • signatures for: PCAP, PCAPNG
  • parsers (highlighters) for: PCAP, PCAPNG

New commands:

  • exportblock - exports selected block to the text file.
  • findunicodestring <min_size or substring> [substring] | fu ...- find next "ascii-unicode" string from the current position with minimum size that contains substring
  • findallunicodestrings <min_size or substring> [substring] | *fau ... *- find all "ascii-unicode" strings with minimum size that contains substring


  • sometime crash with multiple opened files
  • infinite loop when sometime searching for string
  • bug when displaying result with multi byte characters

... and this time with correct version number :)


18 May 22:14
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New features (please read the manual for more details):

  • 'n' - switch to the "normal mode". Is same as safe "view mode" but with active cursor. Now all shortcuts are aviable only in normal or view mode.
  • binary and text are now used only to directly modify file buffers.
  • some basic parser (or highlighter) for binary structures: BMP, ELF, GIF, ICO, MZPE, PNG

New commands:

  • filter [substring] [substring] .. - filter results from location bar to that contains at least one of substrings
  • parseheader [header_name] - try to parse header (by name or find by signature) at the current file / cursor position


  • signature for DIB header


11 Mar 22:49
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New features (please read the manual for more details):

  • 'm' to create highlighted block from selected block
  • 'M' to remove highlighted block or its selected part
  • '{', '}' to page up/down in the location bar
  • '=' move to the current result from the location bar was replaced with '<' key
  • '>' to find highlighted block in the location bar. Reverse action to '<'
  • 'r' were replaced with 'R' to remove item from location bar. And to be more consistent with 'm', 'M'
  • 'r' is now used to rename item in location bar

New commands:

  • findallhighlights | fah - find all highlighted blocks and show them in the location bar
  • histogram - calculate histogram of the file


  • crash with 'S' key when multiple files are opened
  • cursor movement with find','findpatch','finddiff' commands
  • 'R' now remove item from location bar and also its highlighted block


17 Feb 22:35
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New features (please read the manual for more details):

  • new screen 'word_screen' that displays data as a pairs of bytes
  • individual settings for each screen in config.toml file
  • 'l','o','i' keys now works for each screen individualy


  • program sometimes crash on double click


11 Feb 21:54
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New features (please read the manual for more details):

  • mouse is now supported for scrolling, clicking, in data areas and location bar.
  • bytes can be selected by pressing left button just like in any text editor.
  • double click to select entire highlighted block or ASCII string. Same as 'S" key.
  • new variables in config.toml file related to mouse.
  • findallsignatures now accept optional list of signatures names that you are interested in.
  • 'r' key remove selected result from location bar.

New command:

  • findallsignatures! - returns all known signatures, except specified ones


  • 'y' (yank) key now works as it should
  • more specific signature for XAR archive


30 Jan 23:01
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New features (please see manual for more details):

  • additionaly to the highlighted block, 'S' key will select entire ascii string from the cursor (if is not highlighted).
  • now you can yank and insert blocks (system clipboard is not implemented yet). And also open them directly in the new file buffer.
  • bookmarks. And quickly jump among them with '0','1','2' ... '9' keys.
  • added syntax for goto command. To go to the given bookmark e.g. "g b4".
  • added new highlighting mod random ansi color in config.toml.
  • default diff highlighing is now turned of in config.toml. Set "highlight_diff = true" if you want it, or press 'h' to turn it on demand.

New commands:

  • yankblock - copy selected block to the yank buffer.
  • insertblock - put selected or yanked block into the file at cursor position.
  • appendblock - put selected or yanked block after the cursor position.
  • openblock - open selected or yanked block in a new file buffer.
  • bookmark - store current file or cursor position as a bookmarks.
  • findallbookmarks - return list of all bookmarks.


  • selections are now limited to the file size.