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Migration Guide

Michael Herzog edited this page Sep 27, 2024 · 689 revisions

⚠️ When updating old projects, it's recommended to update the library in increments of 10 ⚠️
Updating in steps helps manage API changes, as deprecation warnings last for 10 releases

169 → 170

168 → 169

  • TransformControls is now derived from Controls. Instead of scene.add( controls ), the visual representation of the controls have to be added to the scene via scene.add( controls.getHelper() ) now.
  • EXRExporter.parse() is now async.
  • KTX2Exporter.parse() is now async.
  • LightProbeGenerator.fromCubeRenderTarget() is now async.
  • PackedPhongMaterial has been removed.
  • SDFGeometryGenerator has been removed.
  • TiltLoader has been removed.
  • GPUStatsPanel has been removed. Please use the package stats-gl if you need more detailed performance monitoring.
  • The functions of GeometryCompressionUtils accept geometries instead of meshes now.

167 → r168

  • In order to improve tree-shaking of WebGPURenderer and TSL, certain chaining features of TSL have been removed. For example instead of doing outputPass.fxaa() it is now fxaa( outputPass ). Please have a look at #29187 for more information.
  • The TSL object viewportTopLeft has been renamed to viewportUV.
  • The TSL object viewportBottomLeft has been removed. Use viewportUV.flipY() instead.
  • The TSL function uniforms() has been renamed to uniformArray().
  • DragControls.activate() and DragControls.deactivate() have been renamed to connect() and disconnect().
  • DragControls.getObjects() and DragControls.setObjects() have been removed. Use controls.objects instead.
  • DragControls.getRaycaster() has been removed. Use controls.raycaster instead.
  • PointerLockControls.getObject() has been removed. Use controls.object instead.
  • LogLuvLoader has been removed. Consider to switch to UltraHDRLoader.

166 → r167

  • The imports of WebGPURenderer and TSL have changed. Please read for all details.
  • HDRJPGLoader has been removed. Use UltraHDRLoader to load Ultra HDR .jpg files.
  • The script utils/packLDrawModel.js has been renamed to utils/packLDrawModel.mjs.

165 → r166

  • When adding a new geometry to BatchedMesh you must now call addInstance to enable the object to render.

164 → r165

  • The signature of WebGLRenderer.copyTextureToTexture() and WebGLRenderer.copyTextureToTexture3D() has changed. It is now copyTextureToTexture( srcTexture, dstTexture, srcRegion = null, dstPosition = null, level = 0 ). For more information, check out the examples webgl_materials_texture_partialupdate and webgl2_materials_texture3d_partialupdate.
  • The signature of WebGLRenderer.copyFramebufferToTexture() has changed. It is now copyFramebufferToTexture( texture, position = null, level = 0 ). For more information, check out the example webgl_framebuffer_texture.

163 → r164

  • LWOLoader uses a new conversion from left to right-handed coordinate system now. That means imported LWO assets will be oriented differently than before. Check out #28029 to see how the official example was updated to restore the previous look.
  • The async parse method of USDZLoader has been renamed to parseAsync(). The new parse() method can be used with classic callbacks.
  • The shader chunk lightmap_fragment has been removed. If your custom material relies on it, you have to inline the GLSL code into your shader.
  • The legacy WebGLNodeBuilder class has been removed which enabled a limited node material usage with WebGLRenderer. The node material can only be used with WebGPURenderer now.

162 → r163

  • WebGLRenderer no longer supports WebGL 1.
  • The stencil context attribute of WebGLRenderer is now false by default for performance reasons. If you use stencil related logic in your app, you have to enable stencil explicitly now. The corresponding stencil property of WebGPURenderer is now false by default as well.
  • The height parameter of TextGeometry has been renamed to depth.
  • To attenuate Scene.environment, use the new property Scene.environmentIntensity. The envMapIntensity property of MeshStandardMaterial and MeshPhysicalMaterial now attenuate only the material's envMap.

r161 → r162

  • WebGLMultipleRenderTargets has been removed. Use the new count property of the render target classes for MRT usage.
  • Hand-Tracking is not requested as an optional feature by default anymore. You have to do this manually on app level now like demonstrated in the related examples.
  • The API of InteractiveGroup has been changed. You have to use the new methods listenToXRControllerEvents() and listenToPointerEvents() to register the internal event listeners.
  • When using an instance of HTMLImageElement for a texture, the renderer uses now naturalWidth and naturalHeight instead of width and height for computing the image dimensions. This enables simplifications on app level if the images are part of the DOM and resized with CSS.

r160 → r161

  • The build files build/three.js and build/three.min.js have been removed. Please use ES Modules or alternatives:
  • WebGLRenderer now specifies precision qualifiers for all GLSL sampler types.
  • GroundProjectedSkybox has been replaced with GroundedSkybox.
  • When using equirectangular environment maps, WebGLRenderer automatically converts to the cube map format with a larger texture size now. This avoids undersampling resulting in blurry output but it requires more memory. If you encounter performance issues, decrease the resolution of your equirectangular environment map.

r159 → r160

  • HBAOPass has been replaced with GTAOPass.
  • Triangle.getBarycoord() and Triangle.getInterpolation() now return null if the triangle is degenerate. (For degenerate triangles, the target parameter is set to the zero-vector).

r158 → r159

  • BatchedMesh.applyGeometry() has been replaced with addGeometry().
  • BufferAttribute.updateRange and InterleavedBuffer.updateRange have been replaced with updateRanges. You can manage multiple update ranges with the new methods addUpdateRange() and clearUpdateRanges().
  • SkinnedMesh is not supported with WebGL 1 anymore.

157 → 158

  • Quaternions are now expected to be normalized.
  • The material property bumpScale is now invariant to the scale of texture coordinates. That means bump maps look now the same regardless of the texture UV scale in world space. If you are using bump mapping, you likely have to update the bumpScale value to achieve a similar look like before. More details in

156 → 157

  • AmbientLightProbe and HemisphereLightProbe have been removed. Use AmbientLight or HemisphereLight, instead.
  • The GLSL struct GeometricContext has been removed from the GLSL code base to make materials more compatible with Adreno mobile GPUs. When you patch shaders via onBeforeCompile() or reuse shader chunks with custom materials, you potentially have to remove references to GeometricContext similar to
  • AnimationUtils.arraySlice() has been removed. Internal code uses the native TypedArray.slice() method instead.

155 → 156

  • The constructor of FilmPass has been changed. The parameters scanlinesIntensity and scanlinesCount have been removed.
  • The constructor of SAOPass has been changed. The parameters useDepthTexture and useNormals have been removed.
  • SSAOPass requires now the usage of a prior RenderPass.

154 → 155

  • WebGLRenderer.useLegacyLights is now set to false by default and deprecated. Please read the following topic at the three.js forum for more information: Updates to lighting in three.js r155
  • The inline tone mapping controlled via WebGLRenderer.toneMapping only works when rendering to screen now (similar to WebGLRenderer.outputColorSpace). In context of post processing, use OutputPass to apply tone mapping and color space conversion.
  • The constructor of OutputPass has no parameters anymore. Color space and tone mapping settings are now extracted from the renderer.

153 → 154

  • The shader chunk encodings_fragment has been renamed to colorspace_fragment.
  • The shader chunk output_fragment has been renamed to opaque_fragment.

152 → 153

  • WebGL 1 support in WebGLRenderer is now deprecated and will be removed in r163.
  • The default render target texture type in context of post-processing (EffectComposer) is now THREE.HalfFloatType.
  • AdaptiveToneMappingPass has been removed. Consider to use the new OutputPass for tone mapping and color space conversion.
  • ColladaExporter has been removed.
  • PRWMLoader has been removed.
  • LightningStrike and LightningStorm have been removed.
  • CubeTextureLoader loads cube textures in sRGB color space by default now.

151 → 152

  • The naming convention of uv buffer attributes has been changed. uv, uv2, uv3 and uv4 are now uv, uv1, uv2 and uv3.
  • WebGLRenderer.outputEncoding has been replaced with WebGLRenderer.outputColorSpace with THREE.SRGBColorSpace as the default value.
  • Texture.encoding has been replaced with Texture.colorSpace with THREE.NoColorSpace as the default value.
  • THREE.sRGBEncoding is now THREE.SRGBColorSpace.
  • THREE.LinearEncoding is now THREE.LinearSRGBColorSpace.
  • THREE.ColorManagement.enabled is now true by default.
  • It's now necessary to define the renderOrder property for loaded shapes via SVGLoader.

For more information, please see the Updates to Color Management in three.js r152 guide.

150 → 151

  • Float16BufferAttribute now automatically converts values to and from half float in its setters/getters.
  • SkinnedMesh.boneTransform() has been renamed to applyBoneTransform().
  • InstancedMesh.frustumCulled is now true by default since InstancedMesh now supports bounding volume computations. If you update the transformation of your instances, make sure to call computeBoundingSphere() to recompute the bounding sphere which is required for correct view frustum culling and ray casting.
  • MapControls is now located in its own module file three/addons/controls/MapControls.js.
  • Tween.js is now imported via import TWEEN from 'three/addons/libs/tween.module.js';.
  • Triangle.getUV() has been renamed to Triangle.getInterpolation().
  • GroundProjectedEnv has been renamed to GroundProjectedSkybox.
  • BufferGeometryUtils.mergeBufferAttributes() has been renamed to BufferGeometryUtils.mergeAttributes().
  • BufferGeometryUtils.mergeBufferGeometries() has been renamed to BufferGeometryUtils.mergeGeometries().
  • The editor now uses the physically correct lighting mode (WebGLRenderer.useLegacyLights = false).
  • Points now supports texture coordinates. When a uv attribute is present in the geometry, the shader will use it to sample the color or alpha value from map or alphaMap for a single point. Without a uv attribute, point clouds are rendered as before.
  • ShaderMaterial.forceSinglePass is now true by default.
  • aoMap and lightMap no longer use uv2. Set to 0 for uv and 1 for uv2. Consequently, the uv2_* shader chunks have been removed.

149 → 150

  • The build files build/three.js and build/three.min.js are deprecated with r150+, and will be removed with r160. Please use ES Modules or alternatives:
  • BasisTextureLoader has been removed. Use Basis Universal compression in KTX2 (.ktx2) files with KTX2Loader instead.
  • ColorManagement.legacyMode=false is now ColorManagement.enabled=true.
  • WebGLRenderer.physicallyCorrectLights = true is now WebGLRenderer.useLegacyLights = false.

148 → 149

  • Euler.DefaultOrder has been renamed to Euler.DEFAULT_ORDER.
  • Euler.RotationOrders has been removed.
  • Object3D.DefaultUp has been renamed to Object3D.DEFAULT_UP.
  • Object3D.DefaultMatrixAutoUpdate has been renamed to Object3D.DEFAULT_MATRIX_AUTO_UPDATE.
  • Object3D.DefaultMatrixWorldAutoUpdate has been renamed to Object3D.DEFAULT_MATRIX_WORLD_AUTO_UPDATE.
  • ViewHelper.controls has been removed. Use the new center property to define the helper's center.
  • THREE.TwoPassDoubleSide has been removed. Double-sided, transparent materials are now rendered with two draw calls by default. This behavior can be disabled by setting Material.forceSinglePass to true.

147 → 148

  • The examples/js directory has been removed. Addons like GLTFLoader or OrbitControls are now only available as ES6 modules in the examples/jsm directory. Certain library files from examples/js/libs are moved to examples/jsm/libs. Users of ammo.js, Draco and Basis have to update their import paths (e.g. from /examples/js/libs/draco/ to /examples/jsm/libs/draco/). Also check out the Installation guide in the documentation if you are using ES6 modules for the first time.
  • The default radial values of CircleGeometry, RingGeometry, CylinderGeometry, ConeGeometry and TorusGeometry have been increased.
  • GLTFLoader now ensures the node order in loaded scenes matches the node order in the glTF asset.
  • Material.side = DoubleSide no longer renders a transparent object in separate front and back passes. Use TwoPassDoubleSide for two-pass transparent rendering.

146 → 147

  • The decay property of PointLight and SpotLight has now a physically correct default value (2). This change will affect all scenes using point and spot lights with no defined decay. Set the property back to 1 if you want to restore the previous behavior.
  • BufferAttribute.onUploadCallback() is now executed every time buffer data are transferred to the GPU.
  • Support for the KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness extensions has been removed from GLTFLoader and GLTFExporter. Older glTF assets should be losslessly converted from spec/gloss to metal/rough.
  • PixelShader has been removed. Use postprocessing/RenderPixelatedPass instead.
  • numConstructionSteps and constructionStep of LDrawLoader have been renamed to numBuildingSteps and buildingStep.

145 → 146

  • The resolution constructor parameter of BloomPass has been removed.
  • The width and height settings of the params constructor parameter of BokehPass have been removed.
  • BufferGeometryUtils.mergeBufferGeometries() does not honor BufferGeometry.userData anymore.
  • The cube shader in ShaderLib has different uniforms now. envMap is now tCube, flipEnvMap is now tFlip and all other uniforms except of opacity have been removed.

144 → 145

  • The truncateDrawRange option has been removed from GLTFExporter.parse().
  • FlyControls and FirstPersonControls have been moved to Pointer Events API.
  • The BufferGeometry alias for geometry generators has been deprecated. Use e.g. BoxGeometry instead of BoxBufferGeometry.

143 → 144

  • BufferGeometry.merge() has been removed. Use BufferGeometryUtils.mergeBufferGeometries() instead.
  • copyColorsArray(), copyVector2sArray(), copyVector3sArray() and copyVector4sArray() have been removed from BufferAttribute.
  • MeshLambertMaterial now uses per-fragment shading. Use the new MeshGouraudMaterial in examples/jsm/materials if you need per-vertex shading.
  • BufferAttribute getters and setters (getX, setX, etc) now respect the normalized flag and transform values to and from normalized values when reading and writing to the underlying array.
  • Scene.autoUpdate has been replaced with Object3D.matrixWorldAutoUpdate.
  • The noHoles parameter of ShapePath.toShapes() has been removed.

142 → 143

  • When importing AnimationUtils from src/animation/AnimationUtils.js (instead of three.module.js), the import is now import * as AnimationUtils from '/src/animation/AnimationUtils.js';.
  • PCDLoader now always uses white as the default material color.

141 → 142

  • When importing DataUtils from src/extras/DataUtils.js (instead of three.module.js), the import is now import * as DataUtils from '/src/extras/DataUtils.js';.

140 → 141

  • The embedImages option of GLTFExporter.parse() has been removed.
  • Legacy code is going to be removed from the core after ten releases now. If you plan to upgrade three.js in an existing project, try to avoid too large upgrade steps. For example don't upgrade from r70 to r140 but do it in a more incremental fashion instead (r70 -> r80 -> r90 etc.).
  • The parameter selectionBox has been removed from SelectionHelper's constructor.
  • The default type of DepthTexture is now UnsignedIntType.
  • The url parameter of PCDLoader.parse() has been removed. The loader does not extract the file name from the URL anymore.
  • The deprecated Geometry class has been removed.

139 → 140

  • SkinnedMesh requires floating point vertex textures now.
  • The fog property has been moved from the abstract Material class to materials which actually support it.

138 → 139

  • CubeUVRefractionMapping and MeshStandardMaterial.refractionRatio have been removed. Use the transmission related properties of MeshPhysicalMaterial if you want to model refraction with a PBR material.

137 → 138

  • WebGLMultisampleRenderTarget has been removed. To use multisampling as before, use WebGLRenderTarget and set the new samples property to a value greater 0.
  • The node material in examples/jsm/nodes has been replaced with a new implementation.
  • ColladaLoader, KMZLoader and PLYLoader require a sRGB workflow now.
  • OBJExporter, ColladaExporter and PLYExporter produce assets with sRGB encoded colors now.
  • VRMLoader has been removed. Use three-vrm instead.
  • The second argument of GLTFLoader's parser.loadTextureImage() has been changed from image source definition to image source index.
  • Euler.toVector3() has been removed. Use Vector3.setFromEuler() instead.
  • DataTexture3D has been renamed to Data3DTexture.
  • DataTexture2DArray has been renamed to DataArrayTexture.
  • WebGLRenderTarget.setTexture() has been removed.
  • The import of CurveExtras has been changed. It is now import * as Curves from ... instead of import { Curves } from ....

136 → 137

  • WebGLRenderer now creates the WebGL context with an alpha channel regardless of the value of alpha passed in the constructor. However, the value of alpha is still used by the renderer when clearing the context first thing every frame.
  • RGBFormat has been removed. Please use RGBAFormat instead.
  • RGBIntegerFormat has been removed. Please use RGBAIntegerFormat instead.
  • UnsignedShort565Type has been removed. Please use UnsignedShort5551Type instead.
  • BasisTextureLoader has been deprecated. Please use KTX2Loader instead.
  • The SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC* texture formats have been removed. If you want to use sRGB ASTC formats, use the regular RGBA_ASTC_* formats and set the encoding texture property to sRGBEncoding.
  • With WebGL 2 uncompressed sRGB encoded textures have to use the RGBAFormat with UnsignedByteType now.
  • RoughnessMipmapper has been removed.
  • Material.format has been removed.
  • GLTFExporter does not support RGBFormat anymore. Please use RGBAFormat instead.
  • The default texture format of VideoTexture is now RGBAFormat (instead of RGBFormat).
  • sRGB decode in GLSL has been removed. sRGB texture always have to use RGBAFormat + UnsignedByteType format now.
  • The ES6 import of three.js and examples/jsm modules in web sites now requires the usage of an import map to resolve the three bare import specifier.
  • The ES6 import of examples/jsm and examples/fonts in certain bundlers like esbuild now requires an extension on filenames.
  • OBJ/MTLLoader requires a sRGB workflow now.
  • Changing Material.transparent after its initial use requires setting needsUpdate to true.

135 → 136

  • HDR workflows with WebGL 1 now require half float texture extension support (OES_texture_half_float/OES_texture_half_float_linear).
  • If you create an instance of DataTexture, DataTexture2DArray or DataTexture3D, you have to set needsUpdate to true as soon as the texture data are ready.
  • WebGLRenderer.copyFramebufferToTexture() has to be used with the new class FramebufferTexture now.
  • ETC1 texture compression can now only be used with a WebGL 1 rendering context.
  • The keydown event listener of ArcballControls has been removed. You have to implement it on app level if necessary.
  • ArcballControls.setTarget() has been removed. Update the target property instead.
  • When changing WebGLRenderer.toneMapping, it is no longer necessary to set Material.needsUpdate to true.
  • EXRLoader no longer supports the data type UnsignedByteType. Use the default data type HalfFloatType instead.
  • PMREMGenerator now uses half float render targets internally, and no longer uses RGBEEncoding.
  • RGBM7Encoding and RGBM16Encoding have been removed. It is still possible to load RGBM texture as FP16 or FP32 textures. The default type is HalfFloatType.
  • RGBEEncoding and RGBEFormat have been removed. RGBELoader and HDRCubeTextureLoader no longer support the data type UnsignedByteType. It is still possible to load RGBE texture as FP16 or FP32 textures. The default type is HalfFloatType.
  • RGBDEncoding has been removed.
  • WebGLRenderer.gammaFactor and THREE.GammaEncoding have been removed. Please use post processing (a gamma correction pass) if you need a special gamma color space.

134 → 135

  • dat.gui has been replaced with lil-gui.
  • The dimensions, format and type of a texture cannot be changed after the initial use now.
  • GLTFExporter.parse() has a new signature. The third parameter is now an error callback. The exporter options are now passed in as the fourth argument.
  • LogLuvEncoding has been removed. Please use the new LogLuvLoader for loading Logluv TIFF HDR images as (half precision) floating point textures.

133 → 134

  • DeviceOrientationControls has been removed.
  • ImmediateRenderObject has been removed.
  • OrbitControls no longer supports zooming (via mouse wheel) while rotating.
  • FileLoader now uses fetch instead of XMLHttpRequest.

132 → 133

  • The recursive parameter of Raycaster.intersectObject() and Raycaster.intersectObjects() is now true by default.
  • Some default values of ExtrudeGeometry's parameters have changed. depth is now 1, bevelThickness is now 0.2 and bevelSize is now bevelThickness - 0.1.
  • ParametricGeometry has been removed from core. It is now located in examples/jsm/geometries/ParametricGeometry.js.
  • TextGeometry has been removed from core. It is now located in examples/jsm/geometries/TextGeometry.js.
  • FontLoader and Font have been removed from core. Both classes are now located in examples/jsm/loaders/FontLoader.js.

131 → 132

  • BufferGeometryUtils is now imported using this pattern: import * as BufferGeometryUtils from './jsm/utils/BufferGeometryUtils.js';
  • KTX2Loader requires an updated version of the Basis Universal transcoder from examples/js/libs/basis
  • MeshPhysicalMaterial.sheen has been renamed to sheenTint.
  • BufferGeometry.computeFaceNormals() has been removed. The method was not implemented and just a stub. Calling it did not affect the geometry.
  • MeshStandardMaterial and MeshPhysicalMaterial shaders are now more correct and may result in less shiny renders for models using rough materials.

130 → 131

  • The morphTargets and morphNormals property of materials has been removed.
  • MeshStandardMaterial.vertexTangents has been removed.
  • The default widthSegments and heightSegment properties of SphereGeometry have been increased to 32 and 16.
  • The default type of textures loaded with RGBELoader, HDRCubeTextureLoader and EXRLoader is now THREE.HalfFloatType.
  • The envMap property of MeshStandardMaterial and MeshPhysicalMaterial is now internally converted to a PMREM. It might be necessary to update the scene's lighting if no PMREM was previously used.

129 → 130

  • Controls no longer call preventDefault() on pointer and mouse events.
  • DragControls, OrbitControls and TrackballControls now use pointer events for touch interaction.

128 → 129

  • The backward compatibility for the deprecated third and forth arguments renderTarget and forceClear of WebGLRenderer.render() has been removed.
    • Use WebGLRenderer.setRenderTarget() and WebGLRenderer.clear() instead.
  • The skinning property of materials has been removed.
    • The same material can now be reused between Mesh and SkinnedMesh.
  • Matrix4.makeShear() has a new signature. Please make a note of it.

127 → 128

  • All central engine components like Object3D, BufferGeometry or ShaderMaterial are now ES6 classes.
    • This might impact your application if you derive custom classes from three.js classes via ES5 syntax. In this case, you have to upgrade your code to ES6 or transpile three.js to ES5.
  • The JavaScript code in examples/js generated from modules in examples/jsm is now based on ES6.
    • If you need ES5 code in your project, update the configuration in .babelrc.json and regenerate examples/js by using npm run build-examples. However, the better solution is to upgrade your code to ES6.
  • NPM: ES6 modules in examples/jsm now import using the bare specifier three.
  • XLoader has been removed.

r126 → r127

  • Controls no longer use stopPropagation() in their event listeners. In certain use cases event listeners on application level are now able to process events (which was not possible before).
  • Scene.background no longer supports instances of WebGLCubeRenderTarget. Please assign the texture property of render targets.
  • WebGLRenderer.setFramebuffer() has been removed.
  • AssimpLoader has been removed.
  • Plane.intersectLine() now returns null when no intersection was found.
  • WebGLRenderer.maxMorphTargets and WebGLRenderer.maxMorphNormals have been removed.
  • When using EventDispatcher, is only valid for the duration of the listener callback now.

r125 → r126

  • TypeScript type declaration files have been moved to three-types/three-ts-types.
  • Face3 has been removed from core. It is now located in examples/jsm/deprecated/Geometry.js.
  • Ocean and OceanShaders have been removed.
  • polyfills.js has been removed. The polyfills for Array.from(),, Number.EPSILON, Number.isInteger, Math.log2, Math.sign and Object.assign() need to be added at application level for IE11 support: misc_legacy.
  • CSS3DRenderer no longer supports IE11.
  • WebGLRenderer now sets gl.UNPACK_COLORSPACE_CONVERSION_WEBGL to gl.NONE. Embedded color space data (ICC-profiles) in texture images will now be ignored.

r124 → r125

  • Geometry has been removed from the core. It is now located in examples/jsm/deprecated/Geometry.js.
  • Geometry generators like BoxGeometry now produce a BufferGeometry.
  • Mesh, Line and Points no longer support raycasting with Geometry.
  • Line.computeLineDistances() no longer supports Geometry.
  • Exporters no longer support Geometry.
  • DecalGeometry, EdgesGeometry, WireframeGeometry, Projector, LineGeometry, LineSegmentsGeometry, ConvexHull, EdgeSplitModifier and TessellateModifier no longer support Geometry.
  • ConvexBufferGeometry has been removed. Similar to DecalGeometry, ConvexGeometry is now derived from BufferGeometry.
  • TeapotBufferGeometry has been renamed to TeapotGeometry.
  • RoundedBoxBufferGeometry has been renamed to RoundedBoxGeometry.
  • 3MFLoader, AMFLoader, EXRLoader, FBXLoader, KMZLoader, NRRDLoader, TiltLoader and VTKLoader now depend on fflate. Other decompression libs (JSZip and ZLib) are no longer used.
  • SubdivisionModifier has been removed.
  • SimplifyModifier no longer supports Geometry and now relies on BufferGeometryUtils.
  • OBJLoader2 has been removed. If you still need it, use this repository.
  • OrbitControls no longer listens to key events by default. You have to call OrbitControls.listenToKeyEvents() if your app requires key controls.
  • BufferGeometryUtils.computeTangents() has been moved into the core. You can now use BufferGeometry.computeTangents().
  • RectAreaLightHelper.update() has been removed.

r123 → r124

  • ColladaLoader stores animation clips in collada.scene.animations now.
  • WebGLRenderer.getClearColor() now expects a target argument.
  • TypedArrayUtils and webgl_nearestneighbour demo have been removed.
  • The converter scripts fbx2three and obj2three have been removed.

r122 → r123

  • Matrix3/4.getInverse() has been deprecated. Please use the new method .invert() with this pattern: matrixInv.copy( matrix ).invert();.
  • Quaternion.inverse() has been renamed to Quaternion.invert().
  • The option forcePowerOfTwoTextures has been removed from GLTFExporter.
  • The first parameter of DRACOExporter.parse() is now of type Mesh or Points.
  • DragControls now use Pointer Events. This change might require that you move your custom event listeners to Pointer Events, too.

r121 → r122

  • ExplodeModifier has been removed.
  • Fire and the respective webgl_fire example have been removed.

r120 → r121

  • The detail parameter of PolyhedronGeometry is now more fine-grained. Meaning it can produce now more different subdivisions.
  • LightShadow has been removed from the public API. If you need to configure a custom shadow frustum for spot lights, use the new SpotLightShadow.focus property.
  • Geometry generator classes are now located in their own files. For example BoxGeometry and BoxBufferGeometry no longer share a single file and are now located in src/geometries/BoxGeometry.js and src/geometries/BoxBufferGeometry.js.
  • WebGLCubeRenderTarget.texture is now of type CubeTexture.
  • TimelinerController and the respective example misc_animation_authoring have been removed.
  • TypedGeometryExporter has been removed.
  • A performance improvement for DRACOLoader required an update of the DRACO library.

r119 → r120

  • Scene.dispose() has been removed.
  • WebGLRenderTarget.stencilBuffer and WebGLCubeRenderTarget.stencilBuffer are now false by default. Enable the buffer by setting stencilBuffer: true in the constructor options.
  • When using ShaderMaterial and RawShaderMaterial, it's now necessary to set the new glslVersion property to THREE.GLSL3 if you want to write GLSL 3.0 shader code. The GLSL version directive is not allowed in custom shader code anymore. It's always added automatically by the engine.
  • SpotLightShadow and DirectionalLightShadow have been removed from the public API.
  • CannonPhysics has been removed.
  • OrbitControls, TrackballControls and TransformControls now use Pointer Events. This change might require that you move your custom event listeners to Pointer Events, too.

r118 → r119

  • MeshPhysicalMaterial.transparency has been renamed to MeshPhysicalMaterial.transmission.

r117 → r118

  • SphericalReflectionMapping is no longer supported. Consider using a Matcap texture with MeshMatcapMaterial instead.
  • WebGLRenderer.toneMappingWhitePoint has been removed.
  • Uncharted2ToneMapping has been removed. However, it's now possible to define your own custom tone mapping function by using CustomToneMapping. Check out the tone mapping example for more information.
  • WebGLRenderer automatically creates a WebGL 2 rendering context now (and fallbacks to WebGL 1 if necessary). If your project can only use WebGL 1, you can use WebGL1Renderer.
  • The default value of OrbitControls.screenSpacePanning is now true.
  • Water can only be used when setting WebGLRenderer.outputEncoding to THREE.LinearEncoding.
  • shininess, specular and specularMap have been removed from MeshToonMaterial.

r116 → r117

  • The TypeScript declaration for Texture.mipmaps is now any[] instead of ImageData[].
  • InstancedBufferGeometry.maxInstancedCount has been renamed to InstancedBufferGeometry.instanceCount.
  • The constructor of CubeCamera has changed. It now expects an instance of WebGLCubeRenderTarget as third parameter. The fourth parameter options has been removed.

r115 → r116

  • The default value of WebGLRenderer.toneMapping is now NoToneMapping.
  • Sphere.empty() has been renamed to Sphere.isEmpty().
  • TranslucentShader has been renamed to SubsurfaceScatteringShader.
  • PDBLoader no longer returns raw bonds data in the JSON result.
  • The options parameter of VRButton.createButton() has been removed. Please set the reference space type via WebGLRenderer.xr.setReferenceSpaceType() instead.

r114 → r115

  • The throwOnDegenerate parameter of Matrix3.getInverse() and Matrix4.getInverse() has been removed. In addition, the methods now return the zero matrix if one tries to invert a matrix having a determinant of zero.
  • The TypeScript declaration for Geometry.boundingBox and Geometry.boundingSphere is now nullable, as it actually be.
  • The shader syntax #pragma unroll_loop is now deprecated. Use #pragma unroll_loop_start / end instead.

r113 → r114

  • Material.vertexColors is now a boolean. The default value is false.
  • Raycaster honors now invisible 3D objects in intersection tests. Use the new property Raycaster.layers for selectively ignoring 3D objects during raycasting.
  • GLTFLoader now returns an instance of Group instead of Scene.
  • GLTFLoader now sets depthWrite to false for transparent materials.
  • The OBJ and FBX converters now require the esm npm package.

r112 → r113

  • Math has been renamed to MathUtils, and /examples/js/utils/MathUtils.js has been promoted to the core.
  • WebGLRenderTargetCube has been renamed to WebGLCubeRenderTarget, and the constructor signature is now WebGLCubeRenderTarget( size, options ).
  • Geometry.applyMatrix() has been renamed to Geometry.applyMatrix4().
  • BufferGeometry.applyMatrix() has been renamed to BufferGeometry.applyMatrix4().
  • Object3D.applyMatrix() has been renamed to Object3D.applyMatrix4().
  • LineSegmentsGeometry.applyMatrix() has been renamed to LineSegmentsGeometry.applyMatrix4().
  • Frustum.setFromMatrix() has been renamed to Frustum.setFromProjectionMatrix().
  • RaytracingRenderer has been removed.
  • WebGLDeferredRenderer has been removed.
  • GammaCorrectionShader converts to sRGB now.
  • The color of the default material for Mesh, Points, Line, and all derived classes, is now white.

r111 → r112

  • PMREMGenerator has a new implementation and is now part of the core library. Check out the webgl_loader_gltf example to understand the new workflow.
  • WebGLRenderer.gammaInput has been removed. Set the encoding for textures via Texture.encoding instead.
  • WebGLRenderer.gammaOutput has been removed. Please use WebGLRenderer.outputEncoding instead.
  • MeshToonMaterial does not support environment maps anymore.
  • Mesh.drawMode and Mesh.setDrawMode() have been removed. WebGLRenderer does render meshes always with THREE.TrianglesDrawMode now. Please use BufferGeometryUtils.toTrianglesDrawMode() to transform THREE.TriangleStripDrawMode and THREE.TriangleFanDrawMode of existing geometries to THREE.TrianglesDrawMode.
  • TerrainShader, SkinShader and CarControls have been removed.
  • WebVR support has been removed. Please use WebXR instead.
  • The default value of MeshStandardMaterial.roughness has changed from 0.5 to 1.
  • The default value of MeshStandardMaterial.metalness has changed from 0.5 to 0.
  • FaceNormalsHelper, LightProbeHelper, PositionalAudioHelper, RectAreaLightHelper, VertexNormalsHelper and VertexTangentsHelper are now part of the examples.
  • Instances of BufferGeometry require at least a position attribute or index now.

r110 → r111

  • The semantics of Material.needsUpdate has changed. Setting it to true now increases the internal version counter (similar to Texture or BufferAttribute). It's not possible anymore to use Material.needsUpdate in conditional statements.
  • LegacyGLTFLoader and LegacyJSONLoader have been removed.
  • WebVRManager.setPoseTarget() has been removed.
  • WebVRManager and WebXRManager do no longer modify the camera when not presenting.
  • The default value of Ray.direction is now ( 0, 0, - 1).
  • Instances of BufferGeometry require at least a position attribute now.

r109 → r110

  • BufferAttribute.dynamic and BufferAttribute.setDynamic() have been deprecated. Please use BufferAttribute.usage and BufferAttribute.setUsage() instead.
  • BufferGeometry.addAttribute() has been renamed to BufferGeometry.setAttribute().
  • BufferGeometry.removeAttribute() has been renamed to BufferGeometry.deleteAttribute().
  • CubemapGenerator has been removed. Please use WebGLRenderTargetCube.fromEquirectangularTexture() instead.
  • EquirectangularToCubeGenerator has been removed. Please use WebGLRenderTargetCube.fromEquirectangularTexture() instead.
  • The second constructor parameter domElement of OrbitControls, TrackballControls, TransformControls, FlyControls, PointerLockControls and FirstPersonControls is now mandatory.
  • OrbitControls and TrackballControls do not support document as an argument for domElement anymore. Please use the canvas element of the renderer (renderer.domElement) instead.
  • Audio.startTime has been removed. Please use delay ) instead.
  • When loading a DataTexture via DataTextureLoader, it's default minFilter value is now LinearFilter.
  • AssimpJSONLoader has been removed. Please use AssimpLoader instead.
  • SoftwareRenderer has been removed.

r108 → r109

  • Loader.Handler has been removed. Use LoadingManager's .addHandler(), .removeHandler() and .getHandler() instead.
  • BabylonLoader has been removed.
  • PlayCanvasLoader has been removed.
  • AWDLoader has been removed.
  • SEA3DLoader has been removed.
  • EditorControls is now located in editor/js.
  • OrthographicTrackballControls has been removed. TrackballControls now supports orthographic cameras.
  • BufferAttribute.setArray() has been removed.
  • Displacement maps do not ignore the transformation of texture coordinates anymore.
  • It's not necessary anymore to set .needsUpdate to true when creating a DataTexture (assuming the data are provided at construction time as a constructor parameter).
  • BoxGeometry and BoxBufferGeometry are now ES6 classes (except in three.js and three.min.js).

r107 → r108

  • CTMLoader has been removed.
  • In MeshPhysicalMaterial, renamed .clearCoat to .clearcoat and .clearCoatRoughness to .clearcoatRoughness.
  • Removed .initMaterials() and .createMaterial() from Loader.
  • The obsolete callbacks onLoadStart(), onLoadProgress() and onLoadComplete() have been removed from Loader.
  • DRACOLoader.setDecoderPath() and DRACOLoader.setDecoderConfig() are now instance methods.

r106 → r107

  • In the Texture Filter Constants, MipMap is now Mipmap. For example, THREE.LinearMipMapLinearFilter is now THREE.LinearMipmapLinearFilter.
  • Renamed WebGLRenderer.getActiveMipMapLevel() to WebGLRenderer.getActiveMipmapLevel().
  • WEBGL (the namespace from examples/js/WebGL.js) is now in the THREE namespace.
  • WEBVR (the namespace from examples/js/vr/WebVR.js) is now in the THREE namespace.
  • The module MapControls is now part of OrbitControls. Check out the official example for more information.
  • OrbitControls and MapControls now have a new default value for dampingFactor.
  • WebGLRenderer.context has been removed. Please use WebGLRenderer.getContext() instead.
  • FBXLoader now correctly sets the texture encoding. When using FBX assets in your scene, you have to set renderer.gammaOutput = true; (unless you need post-processing in linear colorspace).
  • When loading an FBX asset with TGA textures, FBXLoader requires now the following setup: THREE.Loader.Handlers.add( /\.tga$/i, new TGALoader() );.

r105 → r106

  • All examples now use ES6 modules.
  • VRMLLoader has a new implementation. It's necessary now to include chevrotain.min.js into your code. Check out the official example for more details.
  • The optional update arg has been removed from the public API of the following methods: Euler.setFromRotationMatrix( m, order ), Euler.setFromQuaternion( q, order ), and Quaternion.setFromEuler( e ).
  • GPUParticleSystem has been removed.
  • DracoExporter has been renamed to DRACOExporter.
  • Objects of type LOD are now updated automatically by WebGLRenderer. Set LOD.autoUpdate to false if you want to perform the update by yourself.
  • MTL related functions like .loadMtl() have been removed from OBJLoader2. Please use MTLLoader and MtlObjBridge as shown in basic obj2 example.
  • OBJLoader2 has been removed from examples/js/loaders. Please use the module version in examples/jsm/loaders.

r104 → r105

  • WebGLRenderer.debug.checkShaderErrors is now true by default.
  • EffectComposer.setSize() now respects the pixel ratio. An instance of EffectComposer can now be resized with the same width and height values like WebGLRenderer.
  • Renamed QuickHull to ConvexHull. The file is now located in examples/js/math.
  • SimplexNoise and ImprovedNoise are now in the THREE namespace and located in examples/js/math.
  • AnimationClipCreator and TimelinerController are now located in examples/js/animation.
  • ParametricGeometries is now located in examples/js/geometries.
  • hilbert2d and hilbert3D were removed. Please use GeometryUtils.hilbert2D() and GeometryUtils.hilbert3D() instead.

r103 → r104

  • For performance reasons, WebGLRenderer does no longer perform error checking and reporting when shader programs are being compiled. You have to set renderer.debug.checkShaderErrors to true to restore the previous behavior.
  • Object3D.applyMatrix() now updates the local matrix if Object3D.matrixAutoUpdate is set to true.

r102 → r103

  • The npm script npm run editor was removed. The editor is now a Progressive Web App (PWA).
  • The callback parameter of SVGLoader.onLoad() is now an object (data) containing the root node of the SVG document and an array of ShapePath objects. Also, all paths are returned now (not only the ones with fill color)
  • Removed .allocTextureUnit(), .setTexture2D(), .setTexture() and .setTextureCube() from WebGLRenderer. These methods were never intended to be part of WebGLRenderer's public API and are now private (as a part of WebGLTexture).

r101 → r102

  • Removed renderTarget and forceClear parameters from WebGLRenderer.render(). Please use .setRenderTarget() and .clear() instead before you perform the rendering. Be aware that it's now necessary to execute renderer.setRenderTarget( null ) in order to unset an active render target.
  • Removed .activeCubeFace and .activeMipMapLevel from WebGLRenderTargetCube. They are now parameters of WebGLRenderer.setRenderTarget().
  • In WebGLRenderer.setViewport() and WebGLRenderer.setScissor(), (x, y) is the coordinate of the lower left corner of the rectangular region.
  • WebGLRenderer.getSize() now requires a Vector2 argument.
  • WebGLRenderer.getCurrentViewport() now requires a Vector4 argument.

r100 → r101

  • Added FirstPersonControls.lookAt(). lat, lon, phi, theta and target were removed from the public API. FirstPersonControls also respects the initial camera orientation now.
  • MeshStandardMaterial and MeshPhysicalMaterial now preserve energy for IBL lighting, resulting in brighter, more accurate colors for metallic materials with high roughness values when lit via a map generated by PMREMGenerator.

r99 → r100

  • Octree has been removed.
  • Removed Geometry support from Mesh.updateMorphTargets(). Use BufferGeometry instead.
  • The default orientation of RectAreaLight has changed. It now looks along the negative z-axis.

r98 → r99

  • WebGLRenderTarget.texture.generateMipmaps is now set to false by default.
  • There is a new (not backwards compatible) implementation for SSAOShader and SSAOPass.
  • JSONLoader has been removed from core. It is now located in examples/js/loaders/deprecated/LegacyJSONLoader.js.
  • Removed Geometry support from ObjectLoader. You have to include LegacyJSONLoader if you still want to load geometry data of type Geometry.
  • Removed Geometry support from SkinnedMesh. Use BufferGeometry instead.
  • Removed SkinnedMesh.initBones(). The SkinnedMesh constructor does not build the bone hierarchy anymore. You have to do this by yourself and then call SkinnedMesh.bind() in order to bind the prepared skeleton.

r97 → r98

  • Renamed ObjectLoader.setTexturePath() to ObjectLoader.setResourcePath(). Added ObjectLoader.setPath().
  • CanvasRenderer has been removed.
  • The order of LoadingManager's callbacks has changed. onError() is now called before onLoad().

r96 → r97

  • Removed BinaryLoader.
  • WebGLRenderer.clearTarget() is now deprecated. Use WebGLRenderer.setRenderTarget() in combination with WebGLRenderer.clear() instead.
  • Renamed JSONLoader.setTexturePath() to JSONLoader.setResourcePath().
  • Renamed MTLLoader.setTexturePath() to MTLLoader.setResourcePath().
  • GLTFLoader.setPath() is now used for the original glTF file. Use GLTFLoader.setResourcePath() if you want to change the path for resources like textures.
  • TDSLoader.setPath() is now used for the original 3DS file. Use TDSLoader.setResourcePath() if you want to change the path for resources like textures.
  • Refactored PointerLockControls. Please have a look at the official example to see the new API.
  • Detector.js was refactored to WebGL.js.

r95 → r96

  • Object3D.lookAt() now supports rotated parents.
  • EquirectangularToCubeGenerator constructor args have changed.

r94 → r95

  • OrbitControls.mouseButtons key-value pairs have been renamed. Please make a note of it if you wish to change the mouse button bindings.
  • BufferSubdivisionModifier has been removed. Use SubdivisionModifier instead.
  • Sprites are now rendered concurrently with opaque and transparent objects.
  • Keyframe tracks are no longer automatically validated and optimized. Users need to explicitly call .validate/optimize().
  • Renamed shader chunk lights_pars_maps to envmap_physical_pars_fragment.

r93 → r94

  • TDSLoader now produces BufferGeometry.
  • MD2Loader now produces BufferGeometry.
  • XLoader now produces BufferGeometry.
  • Removed deprecated CTM, FBX, msgpack and UTF8 converters.
  • Removed deprecated UTF8Loader.
  • Renamed EquiangularToCubeGenerator to EquirectangularToCubeGenerator.
  • Removed deprecated VRControls and VREffect.
  • DaydreamController and GearVRController are now deprecated. The new directory of these file is examples/js/vr/deprecated/.

r92 → r93

  • Renamed option amount to depth in ExtrudeBufferGeometry.
  • The Blender exporter has been removed. See #12903 and #14117 for more information. Also have a look at the new guide Loading 3D models.
  • STLBinaryExporter has been removed. It's now part of STLExporter.
  • Renamed WebGLRenderer.animate() to WebGLRenderer.setAnimationLoop().

r91 → r92

  • Removed option frames from ExtrudeBufferGeometry.
  • Removed .getArrays() from ExtrudeBufferGeometry.
  • Removed .addShapeList() from ExtrudeBufferGeometry.
  • Removed .addShape() from ExtrudeBufferGeometry.
  • ExtrudeGeometry.WorldUVGenerator is now private.
  • SVGLoader now parses SVG input and returns an array of ShapePath objects.

r90 → r91

  • and now return this instead of offset.
  • optionalTargets are now mandatory method parameters (with exception of curve classes).
  • Split ShaderChunk.lights_pars into ShaderChunks.lights_pars_begin and ShaderChunks.lights_pars_maps.
  • Split ShaderChunk.lights_template into ShaderChunks.lights_fragment_begin, ShaderChunnks.lights_fragment_maps and ShaderChunks.lights_fragment_end.
  • Split ShaderChunk.normal_fragment into ShaderChunks.normal_fragment_begin and ShaderChunks.normal_fragment_maps.
  • The semantics of AnimationAction.repetition has changed. The first run of the animation is now taken into account.
  • Removed copyIndicesArray() from BufferAttribute.
  • Removed getWorldRotation() from Object3D.
  • Renamed Triangle.area() to Triangle.getArea().
  • Renamed Triangle.barycoordFromPoint() to Triangle.getBarycoord().
  • Renamed Triangle.midpoint() to Triangle.getMidpoint().
  • Renamed Triangle.normal() to Triangle.getNormal().
  • Renamed Triangle.plane() to Triangle.getPlane().
  • Removed options material and extrudeMaterial from ExtrudeGeometry.
  • Removed vertices from
  • BasicDepthPacking: Depth values at the near plane are now encoded as white. Depth values at the far plane as black.

r89 → r90

  • Lensflare has been moved out of the core. Please use examples/js/objects/Lensflare.js if you need lens flares in your scene. Also have a look at the official example to see the new usage of Lensflare.
  • SceneUtils has been moved out of the core. It is now located at examples/js/utils/SceneUtils.js.
  • Removed .shadowMap.renderReverseSided from WebGLRenderer. Set Material.shadowSide instead.
  • Removed .shadowMap.renderSingleSided from WebGLRenderer. Set Material.shadowSide instead.
  • Removed .setFaceCulling() from WebGLRenderer.
  • Removed the JSON exporters for Maya and 3ds Max.
  • Removed .computeLineDistances() from Geometry. Use Line.computeLineDistances() instead.

r88 → r89

  • ImageUtils has been removed.
  • Removed extractUrlBase() from Loader. Use LoaderUtils.extractUrlBase() instead.
  • ShapeUtils.triangulateShape() uses a new and more robust polygon triangulation algorithm now.
  • ShapeUtils.triangulate() has been removed.
  • Reflector, Refractor, Water and Water2 accept now any planar geometry and not only rectangular ones. The respective constructors have a new signature.

r87 → r88

  • CombinedCamera has been removed.
  • ColladaLoader2 has replaced ColladaLoader.
  • VRMLLoader now produces BufferGeometry.
  • OBJLoader2 has a new dependency LoaderSupport (see example).
  • WebVR.js was rewritten. Check out the corresponding examples to see the new API.
  • Renamed CatmullRomCurve3's type to curveType.
  • Removed createPointsGeometry() from CurvePath. Check out this example to see how to create a geometry from a series of points.
  • Removed createSpacedPointsGeometry() from CurvePath.
  • Removed createGeometry() from CurvePath.
  • Renamed Path's fromPoints() to setFromPoints().
  • Removed extractAllPoints() from Shape.
  • Renamed Mirror to Reflector.
  • Renamed lengthManhattan() of Vector2, Vector3 and Vector4 to manhattanLength().
  • Renamed distanceToManhattan() of Vector2 and Vector3 to manhattanDistanceTo().
  • Renamed AxisHelper to AxesHelper.

r86 → r87

  • GLTF2Loader has replaced GLTFLoader.
  • The result of the onLoad callback of PDBLoader has changed. Please have a look at the corresponding example.
  • AssimpLoader now uses LoadingManager.
  • Removed setPreferredShading() from ColladaLoader.

r85 → r86

  • Removed deprecated Animation, AnimationHandler and KeyFrameAnimation
  • Swapped y in setViewport() and setScissor()

r84 → r85

  • MultiMaterial has been removed. Use an Array instead.
  • Removed multiplyToArray() from Matrix4.
  • Removed deprecated SceneLoader.
  • BoxHelper update() no longer has arguments. Use .setFromObject() to assign a different object to the helper.
  • BoxHelper no longer supports objects of type Box3.
  • DecalGeometry now produces a BufferGeometry.

r83 → r84

  • Removed applyToVector3Array() from Matrix3.
  • Removed applyToVector3Array() from Matrix4.
  • Removed Spline. Use CatmullRomCurve3 instead.
  • Removed SplineCurve3 . Use CatmullRomCurve3 instead.
  • Removed applyProjection() from Vector3. Use applyMatrix4() instead.
  • Renamed Vector2's fromAttribute() to fromBufferAttribute().
  • Renamed Vector3's fromAttribute() to fromBufferAttribute().
  • Renamed Vector4's fromAttribute() to fromBufferAttribute().
  • Renamed BinaryTextureLoader to DataTextureLoader.
  • Changed Matrix4 's makeFrustum() to makePerspective().

r82 → r83

  • STLLoader now produces a BufferGeometry.
  • PDBLoader now produces a BufferGeometry.
  • AssimpJSONLoader now produces a BufferGeometry.
  • Renamed Matrix3's applyToBuffer() to applyToBufferAttribute().
  • Renamed Matrix4's applyToBuffer() to applyToBufferAttribute().
  • BoundingBoxHelper has been removed. Use BoxHelper instead.
  • Renamed XHRLoader to FileLoader.

r81 → r82

  • PLYLoader now produces a BufferGeometry.
  • The taper parameter in TubeGeometry has been removed.

r80 → r81

  • Renamed Box2's center() to getCenter().
  • Renamed Box2's size() to getSize().
  • Renamed Box3's center() to getCenter().
  • Renamed Box3's size() to getSize().
  • Renamed Line3's center() to getCenter().

r76 → r77

  • THREE.GridHelper: setColors() removed, pass them in the constructor instead: new THREE.GridHelper( size, step, color1, color2 ).

r75 → r76

  • THREE.Audio .load deprecated, use new THREE.AudioLoader instead.
  • Uniforms no longer need a .type property.
  • The uniform boneGlobalMatrices has been renamed to boneMatrices.

r74 → r75

  • Changed Vector3's setFromMatrixColumn(index, m) to setFromMatrixColumn(m, index).
  • Removed WebGLRenderTarget's shareDepthFrom.

r73 → r74

  • Renamed enableScissorTest to setScissorTest.
  • Renamed shadowBias to shadow.bias.
  • Renamed shadowMapWidth to shadow.mapSize.width.
  • Renamed shadowMapHeight to shadow.mapSize.height.
  • Renamed shadowCameraNear to
  • Renamed shadowCameraFar to
  • Renamed shadowCameraFov to
  • Removed shadowDarkness. Add a THREE.AmbientLight to your scene instead.
  • Removed ClosedSplineCurve3. Use CatmullRomCurve3 with closed set to true.
  • Removed MeshPhongMaterial's metal.
  • Renamed Box2's empty() to isEmpty().
  • Renamed Box3's empty() to isEmpty().

r72 → r73

  • Removed morphColors from Geometry.
  • Removed clampBottom from Math.
  • FontUtils and TextGeometry moved out of core.
  • shadowDarkness default value is now 1.

r71 → r72

  • Renamed PointCloud to Points.
  • Renamed PointCloudMaterial to PointsMaterial.
  • Removed computeTangents() from Geometry and BufferGeometry.
  • Moved all shadowMap* properties in WebGLRenderer to shadowMap.*.
  • Removed BufferGeometry's drawcall.index.
  • LineSegments( geometry, material ) should now be used instead of Line( geometry, material, THREE.LinePieces ).

r70 → r71

  • Removed ambient from Material.
  • Removed recursive parameter from getObjectBy*().

r69 → r70

  • Removed sortParticles from PointCloud.
  • Removed renderDepth from Object3D.
  • UVMapping, CubeReflectionMapping, CubeRefractionMapping, SphericalReflectionMapping and SphericalRefractionMapping are no longer functions.

r68 → r69

  • WebGLRenderer's initMaterial was made private.
  • ColladaLoader now returns a Scene instead of an Object3D.

r67 → r68

  • Object3D's position, rotation, quaternion and scale properties are now immutable.
  • BufferGeometry's addAttribute method now takes a BufferAttribute instead of the various attribute types (e.g., Int16Attribute, Float32Attribute).

r66 → r67

  • Removed Face3's centroid.
  • Removed Geometry's computeCentroids().
  • Moved GeometryUtils's merge to Geometry.

r65 → r66

  • Renamed CubeGeometry to BoxGeometry.
  • Removed dynamic property from BufferGeometry.

r64 → r65

  • Removed physicallyBasedShading property from WebGLRenderer.

r62 → r63

  • WebGLRenderer background to opaque (black) by default. Pass {alpha=true} when creating WebGLRenderer for previous default behaviour.

r61 → r62

  • Particle removed. Use Sprite instead.
  • ParticleMaterial removed. Use ParticleSystemMaterial or SpriteMaterial.

r59 → r60

  • Face4 removed. Use 2 Face3 to emulate it.
  • OrbitControls's zoomIn() and zoomOut() renamed to dollyIn() and dollyOut().

r58 → r59

  • Object3D.rotation is now of type THREE.Euler.
  • Removed Object3D.useQuaternion. The library now uses quaternions by default. However, there is some magic in place to keep Object3D's rotation (Euler) working.
  • Moved Object3D.eulerOrder to Object3D.rotation.order.
  • Moved Object3D.defaultEulerOrder to Euler.DefaultOrder.
  • Removed setGeometry() and setMaterial() from Mesh.
  • Removed Vector3.setEulerFromRotationMatrix(), use Euler.setFromRotationMatrix() instead.
  • Removed Vector3.setEulerFromQuaternion(), use Euler.setFromQuaternion() instead.

r57 → r58

  • Removed Matrix4's translate(), rotateX(), rotateY(), rotateZ(), rotateByAxis() and crossVector().
  • Removed setClearColorHex() from CanvasRenderer and WebGLRenderer. Use setClearColor() instead.
  • Renamed Matrix4's extractPosition() to copyPosition().
  • Renamed Matrix4's setRotationFrom*() to makeRotationFrom*().
  • Renamed Matrix4's compose() to makeFromPositionQuaternionScale().
  • Renamed Object3D's getChildByName() to getObjectByName().
  • Removed Object3D's matrixRotationWorld property.

r56 → r57

  • For BufferGeometry
    • geometry.verticesNeedUpdate to geometry.attributes.position.needsUpdate
    • geometry.elementsNeedUpdate to geometry.attributes.index.needsUpdate
    • geometry.normalsNeedUpdate to geometry.attributes.normal.needsUpdate
    • geometry.uvsNeedUpdate to geometry.attributes.uv.needsUpdate
    • geometry.colorsNeedUpdate to geometry.attributes.color.needsUpdate
    • geometry.tangentsNeedUpdate to geometry.attributes.tangent.needsUpdate
    • * -> geometry.attributes.custom.needsUpdate
  • Removed Matrix4's rotateAxis. Use Vector3.transformDirection( matrix ) instead.
  • Removed AsteriskGeometry.
  • Removed Color's setHSV. Use ColorConverter.setHSV( color, h, s, v ) instead.
  • Renamed JSONLoader's createModel() to parse().

r55 → r56

  • Removed getPosition() and getColumn*() from Matrix4
  • Color.setHSV() and Color.getHSV() replaced by .setHSL() and .getHSL()
  • Replaced ColorUtils.adjustHSV() with Color's .offsetHSL()
  • Renamed Box3/Line3/Plane/Ray/Sphere's .transform() to applyMatrix4()

r54 → r55

  • Matrix3.multiplyVector3() changed to Vector3.applyMatrix3()
  • Matrix4.multiplyVector3() changed to Vector3.applyMatrix4() and Vector3.applyProjection()
  • Matrix4.multiplyVector4() changed to Vector4.applyMatrix4()
  • Quaternion.multiplyVector3() changed to Vector3.applyQuaternion()
  • Renamed Color methods:
    • .lerpSelf() to .lerp()
  • Renamed Vector2, Vector3 and Vector4 methods:
    • .add() to .addVectors()
    • .addSelf() to .add()
    • .sub() to .subVectors()
    • .subSelf() to .sub()
    • .cross() to .crossVectors()
    • .crossSelf() to .cross()
    • .minSelf() to .min()
    • .maxSelf() to .max()
    • .clampSelf() to .clamp()
    • .lerpSelf() to .lerp()
  • Renamed Matrix4 methods:
    • .multiply() to .multiplyMatrices()
    • .multiplySelf() to .multiply()
  • Renamed Quaternion methods:
    • .multiply() to .multiplyQuaternions()
    • .multiplySelf() to .multiply()
  • Renamed Frustum methods:
    • .contains() to .intersectsObject()
  • Moved GeometryUtils.explode to ExplodeModifier
  • Moved GeometryUtils.tessellate to TessellateModifier
  • Moved ShaderUtils.lib to ShaderLib
  • Matrix4.makeTranslation and Matrix4.makeScale now take three scalars instead of Vector3.

r53 → r54

  • Sprite material properties are now in SpriteMaterial, used like this new THREE.Sprite( new THREE.SpriteMaterial( { color: 0xff0000, map: texture, alphaTest: 0.5 } ) ).
  • Renamed migrated sprite material properies: Sprite.affectedByDistance => SpriteMaterial.sizeAttenuation and Sprite.mergeWith3D => SpriteMaterial.depthTest
  • Renamed renderer.shadowMapCullFrontFaces => renderer.shadowMapCullFace (default value true => THREE.CullFaceFront, other option false => THREE.CullFaceBack).
  • Renamed color.getContextStyle to color.getStyle.
  • Moved Ray casting methods to Raycaster.
  • Rectangle replaced with Box2.
  • UV replaced with Vector2. This means .u and .v are now .x and .y.
  • Matrix4.makeTranslation and Matrix4.makeScale now take Vector3 instead of three scalars.
  • Moved SubdivisionModifier out of the build to examples/js/modifiers.
  • Renamed and moved Renderer.deallocateObject() => Geometry.dispose() and BufferGeometry.dispose().
  • Renamed and moved Renderer.deallocateRenderTarget() => WebGLRenderTarget.dispose().

r52 → r53

  • Sprite's size is no longer automatically based on the image size, use sprite.scale.set( imageWidth, imageHeight, 1.0 ) to achieve the old behavior
  • SceneLoader and scene format now use widthSegments, heightSegments, depthSegments instead of segmentsWidth, segmentsHeight, segmentsDepth for definitions of plane, cube and sphere geometries
  • SceneLoaderand scene format now use material property with single material id string instead of materials array for meshes
  • MeshPhongMaterial now uses perPixel = true by default
  • WebGLRenderer constructor doesn't use anymore maxLights parameter: shaders will be generated with the exact number of lights in the scene (it's now up to the application layer to make sure shaders compile on a particular system)
  • ColorUtils.rgbToHsv() got moved into Color.getHSV()
  • Geometry no longer has a materials property. MeshFaceMaterials usage is now like this: new THREE.Mesh( geometry, new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial( [ material1, material2 ] ) ). Meaning that face.materialIndex will map the array passed to MeshFaceMaterials.
  • Loader callbacks which previously only had geometry parameter, are now also passed a second one: materials: loader.load( 'file.js', function ( geometry, materials ) {} ).
  • GeometryUtils.clone() is now a method in Geometry.

r51 → r52

  • ShaderExtras have been split in a different files. CopyShader, FXAAShader, NormalShader, etc
  • Replaced SceneUtils.traverseHierarchy with object.traverse.
  • Removed SceneUtils.showHierarchy. Use object.traverse( function ( child ) { child.visible = false } ) instead.
  • Moved *Controls to examples/js/controls.
  • Split SceneUtils.cloneObject into *.clone()

r50 → r51

  • CameraHelper API changes: helper is not anymore child of camera, instead it uses reference to camera world matrix
  • texture uniform changes: texture units are now assigned automatically, texture object goes to value property instead of texture one { type: "t", value: 0, texture: map } => { type: "t", value: map }
  • normalScale uniform in normal map shader is now Vector2 (to be able to invert separately x and y to deal with different tangent bases)
  • CTMLoader.load and CTMLoader.loadParts now use single parameter object for useWorker and useBuffers: loader.load( url, callback, useWorker, useBuffers ) => loader.load( url, callback, { useWorker: true, useBuffers: true } )
  • CTMLoader now creates BufferGeometry by default, set useBuffers parameter to false if you need Geometry
  • type for non-procedural geometries changed in the scene format: ascii_mesh => ascii, bin_mesh => binary, embedded_mesh => embedded
  • UTF8Loader (and compressor) were changed to a newer version, supporting more recent version of UTF8 format (r100+); loader doesn't create anymore geometries but instead it returns hierarchy with potentially multiple meshes created per each material (or by splitting large model)

r49 → r50

  • Vector3's .getRotationFromMatrix( matrix, scale ) to Vector3's .setEulerFromRotationMatrix( matrix, order ).
  • Vector3's .getEulerXYZFromQuaternion( quaternion ) and .getEulerYZXFromQuaternion( quaternion ) to .setEulerFromQuaternion( quaternion, order ).
  • DOMRenderer and SVGRenderer no longer included in common build.
  • texture coordinates aren't anymore flipped in the geometries, instead textures have flipY property (true by default); all models need to be re-exported / reconverted (tools have been updated as well).
    workaround: uv.v = 1 - uv.v;
  • PlaneGeometry changed back to vertical orientation (facing screen instead of laying on the ground).
    workaround: mesh.rotation.x = - Math.PI / 2; or geometry.applyMatrix( new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationX( - Math.PI / 2 ) );
  • doubleSided / flipSided properties moved from Object3D to Material's side property (THREE.FrontSide, THREE.BackSide and THREE.DoubleSide).
  • objectMatrix in shaders was renamed to modelMatrix.
  • JIT caching removed from Animation.
  • geometry.dynamic is now true by default.
  • Three.js build renamed to three.min.js.

r48 → r49

  • changed PlaneGeometry from vertical to horizontal orientation.
  • renamed __dirtyXXX attribute properties to xxxNeedUpdate.
  • removed Vertex class, use Vector3 instead.

r47 → r48

  • Removed intersectScene from Ray. Use intersectObjects( array ) instead.

r45 → r46

  • loader.load( { model: url, callback: callback } ) to loader.load( url, callback ).
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