fearless 2017 - www.LetTheLight.in
This is a consolidation and conversion of the original x64dbg plugin SDK files: _plugins.h
, _plugin_types.h
, bridgemain.h
& _exports.h
to a format that will work with JWasm64 / HJWasm and other assemblers. Currently this package only supports 64bit x64dbg (x64dbg).
For 32bit support use the x64dbg Plugin SDK For x86 Assembler found here
v1.0.0.12 - Last updated: 18/01/2017 - Feature synced with x64dbg commit: 8b4c784457f520626643d29c24d331051a850ab3
Whats included in the x64dbg Plugin SDK (x64) package
How to use the x64dbg Plugin SDK (x64)
x64dbg plugin manual build instructions
The x64dbg Plugin SDK for x86 Assembler can be found here