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Known Issues

Mark Klara edited this page Jul 15, 2021 · 2 revisions
  1. The main character name will be reset to Tidus.

  2. After the save is ported to the new platform, the 'time played' and 'party members' that are previewed in the Load Game menu will be wrong.

    This should fix itself if you save to another slot or save overtop of this save after loading it.

    Here is an example of a save ported to Nintendo Switch from PS3.

    Example of a messed up save in slot 2

    The save file should still launch fine. The next time you save, it should correct itself.

    Here is an example where I launched that save and saved it as slot 3:

    Example of re-saving the file in slot3

    And here's an example where I launched the save and overwrite the same save to correct it:

    Example of overwriting the save file in slot2

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