The simple messaging service
currently powering
Built in Rust
for Docker,
using PostgreSQL
& Redis.
This is the backend for staticpi_vue front-end, and is an on-going work in progress.
The backend is a CRUD api, token server, and websocket message forwarder, with the following features;
- axum based with tokio async mutlithreading
- Websocket connection & message forwarding
- Time sensitive, IP locked, token generation
- Password hashing with argon2
- Weak password resolution & rejection, powered by hibp
- Time based Two-Factor Authentication
- Two-Factor Authentication backup codes
- User sessions using private cookie with a redis backend
- Redis based multitudinous rate limiting
- Automated email templating & sending, using mjml
- User & Admin user accounts
- Restricted User area
- Restricted Admin user area
- strict CORS settings for API, but open CORS for websocket & token server
- Customised incoming serde serialization & extraction
- Error tracing
- Internal "Contact Us" messaging
- Redis based cache
- Postgres main data store
- Scheduled automated database backup & encryption
- (attempted complete) test coverage
- Automated github build step
- Fully Dockerised production environment
- Development remote container (using vscode)
See releases
download (x86_64_linux one liner)
wget &&
tar xzvf staticpi_linux_x86_64.tar.gz staticpi
Operate docker compose containers via
cargo build --release
cross build --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --release
Requires postgres & redis to both be operational and built with valid structure - init_db.sql.
# Watch
cargo watch -q -c -w src/ -x 'test -- --test-threads=1 --nocapture'
# Run all
cargo test -- --test-threads=1 --nocapture
# cargo taupalin -- --test-threads=1
# Test coverage, requires cargo-llvm-cov to be installed globally
# then: `rustup component add llvm-tools-preview --toolchain 1.61.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
cargo llvm-cov -- --test-threads=1