Easily process big data in ruby
Kraps allows to process and perform calculations on very large datasets in parallel using a map/reduce framework similar to spark, but runs on a background job framework you already have. You just need some space on your filesystem, S3 as a storage layer with temporary lifecycle policy enabled, the already mentioned background job framework (like sidekiq, shoryuken, etc) and redis to keep track of the progress. Most things you most likely already have in place anyways.
Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:
$ bundle add kraps
If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:
$ gem install kraps
The first thing you need to do is to tell Kraps about your desired configuration in an initializer for example:
driver: Kraps::Drivers::S3Driver.new(s3_client: Aws::S3::Client.new("..."), bucket: "some-bucket", prefix: "temp/kraps/"),
redis: Redis.new,
namespace: "my-application", # An optional namespace to be used for redis keys, default: nil
job_ttl: 7.days, # Job information in redis will automatically be removed after this amount of time, default: 4 days
show_progress: true # Whether or not to show the progress in the terminal when executing jobs, default: true
enqueuer: ->(worker, json) { worker.perform_async(json) } # Allows to customize the enqueueing of worker jobs
Afterwards, create a job class, which tells Kraps what your job should do.
Therefore, you create some class with a call
method, and optionally some
arguments passed to its initializer. Let's create a simple job, which reads
search log files to analyze how often search queries have been searched:
class SearchLogCounter
def initialize(start_date:, end_date:)
@start_date = start_date
@end_date = end_date
def call
job = Kraps::Job.new(worker: MyKrapsWorker)
job = job.parallelize(partitions: 128) do |collector|
(Date.parse(@start_date)..Date.parse(@end_date)).each do |date|
job = job.map do |date, _, collector|
# fetch log file for the date from e.g. s3
File.open(logfile).each_line do |line|
data = JSON.parse(line)
collector.call(data["q"], 1)
job = job.reduce do |_, count1, count2|
count1 + count2
job = job.each_partition do |partition, pairs|
tempfile = Tempfile.new
pairs.each do |q, count|
tempfile.puts(JSON.generate(q: q, count: count))
# store tempfile on e.g. s3
Please note that this represents a specification of your job. It should be as free as possible from side effects, because your background jobs must also be able to take this specification to be told what to do as Kraps will run the job with maximum concurrency.
Next thing you need to do: create the background worker which runs arbitrary Kraps job steps. Assuming you have sidekiq in place:
class MyKrapsWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
def perform(json)
Kraps::Worker.new(json, memory_limit: 16.megabytes, chunk_limit: 64, concurrency: 8).call(retries: 3)
The json
argument is automatically enqueued by Kraps and contains everything
it needs to know about the job and step to execute. The memory_limit
Kraps how much memory it is allowed to allocate for temporary chunks. More
concretely, it tells Kraps how big the file size of a temporary chunk can grow
in memory up until Kraps must write it to disk. However, ruby of course
allocates much more memory for a chunk than the raw file size of the chunk. As
a rule of thumb, it allocates 10 times more memory. Still, choosing a value for
depends on the memory size of your container/server, how much
worker threads your background queue spawns and how much memory your workers
need besides of Kraps. Let's say your container/server has 2 gigabytes of
memory and your background framework spawns 5 threads. Theoretically, you might
be able to give 300-400 megabytes to Kraps then, but now divide this by 10 and
specify a memory_limit
of around 30.megabytes
, better less. The
affects how much chunks will be written to disk depending on the
data size you are processing and how big these chunks are. The smaller the
value, the more chunks. The more chunks, the more runs Kraps need to merge
the chunks. The chunk_limit
ensures that only the specified amount of chunks
are processed in a single run. A run basically means: it takes up to
chunks, reduces them and pushes the result as a new chunk to the
list of chunks to process. Thus, if your number of file descriptors is
unlimited, you want to set it to a higher number to avoid the overhead of
multiple runs. concurrency
tells Kraps how much threads to use to
concurrently upload/download files from the storage layer. Finally, retries
specifies how often Kraps should retry the job step in case of errors. Kraps
will sleep for 5 seconds between those retries. Please note that it's not yet
possible to use the retry mechanism of your background job framework with
Kraps. Please note, however, that parallelize
is not covered by retries
yet, as the block passed to parallelize
is executed by the runner, not the
Now, executing your job is super easy:
Kraps::Runner.new(SearchLogCounter).call(start_date: '2018-01-01', end_date: '2022-01-01')
This will execute all steps of your job, where the parts of a step are executed in parallel, depending on the number of background job workers you have.
The runner by default also shows the progress of the execution:
SearchLogCounter: job 1/1, step 1/4, token 2407e38eb58233ae3cecaec86fa6a6ec, Time: 00:00:05, 356/356 (100%) => parallelize
SearchLogCounter: job 1/1, step 2/4, token 7f11a04c754389359f67c1e7627468c6, Time: 00:08:00, 128/128 (100%) => map
SearchLogCounter: job 1/1, step 3/4, token b602198bfeab20ff205a00af36e43402, Time: 00:03:00, 128/128 (100%) => reduce
SearchLogCounter: job 1/1, step 4/4, token d18acbb22bbd30faff7265c179d4ec5a, Time: 00:02:00, 128/128 (100%) => each_partition
How many "parts" a step has mostly boils down to the number of partitions you
specify in the job respectively steps. More concretely, As your data consists
of (key, value)
pairs, the number of partitions specifies how your data gets
split. Kraps assigns every key
to a partition, either using a custom
or the default built in hash partitioner. The hash partitioner
simply calculates a hash of your key modulo the number of partitions and the
resulting partition number is the partition where the respective key is
assigned to. A partitioner is a callable which gets the key and the number of
partitions as argument and returns a partition number. The built in hash
partitioner looks similar to this one:
partitioner = proc { |key, num_partitions| Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(key.inspect)[0..4].to_i(16) % num_partitions }
Please note, it's important that the partitioner and the specified number of
partitions stays in sync. When you use a custom partitioner, please make sure
that the partitioner correctly returns a partition number in the range of
Be aware that Kraps converts everything you pass to it to JSON sooner or later, i.e. symbols will be converted to strings, etc. Therefore, it is recommended to only use the json compatible datatypes right from the start. However, the keys that you pass to Kraps additionally must be properly sortable, such that it is recommended to only use strings, numbers and arrays or a combination of those for the keys. For more information, please check out https://github.com/mrkamel/map-reduce-ruby/#limitations-for-keys
Kraps stores temporary results of steps in a storage layer. Currently, only S3
is supported besides a in-memory driver used for testing purposes. Please be
aware that Kraps does not clean up any files from the storage layer, as it
would not be a safe thing to do in case of errors anyways. Instead, Kraps
relies on lifecycle features of modern object storage systems. Therefore, it is
required to configure a lifecycle policy to delete any files after e.g. 7 days
either for a whole bucket or for a certain prefix like e.g. temp/
and tell
Kraps about the prefix to use (e.g. temp/kraps/
Kraps::Drivers::S3Driver.new(s3_client: Aws::S3::Client.new("..."), bucket: "some-bucket", prefix: "temp/kraps/"),
If you set up the lifecycle policy for the whole bucket instead and Kraps is the only user of the bucket, then no prefix needs to be specified.
Your jobs can use the following list of methods. Please note that you don't
always need to specify all the parameters listed here. Especially partitions
and worker
are used from the previous step unless changed in
the next one.
: Used to seed the job with initial data
job.parallelize(partitions: 128, partitioner: partitioner, worker: MyKrapsWorker) do |collector|
["item1", "item2", "item3"].each do |item|
Please note, that parallelize
itself is not parallelized but rather
parallelizes the data you feed into Kraps within parallelize
by splitting it
into the number of partitions
The block must use the collector to feed Kraps with individual items. The
items are used as keys and the values are set to nil
: Maps the key value pairs to other key value pairs
job.map(partitions: 128, partitioner: partitioner, worker: MyKrapsWorker, jobs: 8) do |key, value, collector|
collector.call("changed #{key}", "changed #{value}")
The block gets each key-value pair passed and the collector
block can be
called as often as neccessary. This is also the reason why map
can not simply
return the new key-value pair, but the collector
must be used instead.
The jobs
argument can be useful when you need to access an external data
source, like a relational database and you want to limit the number of workers
accessing the store concurrently to avoid overloading it. If you don't specify
it, it will be identical to the number of partitions of the previous step. It
is recommended to only use it for steps where you need to throttle the
concurrency, because it will of course slow down the processing. The jobs
argument only applies to the current step. The following steps don't inherit
the argument, but reset it.
: Maps the key value pairs to other key value pairs, but the block receives all data of each partition as an enumerable and sorted by key. Please be aware that you should not callto_a
or similar on the enumerable. Prefermap
when possible.
job.map_partitions(partitions: 128, partitioner: partitioner, worker: MyKrapsWorker, jobs: 8) do |pairs, collector|
pairs.each do |key, value|
collector.call("changed #{key}", "changed #{value}")
: Reduces the values of pairs having the same key
job.reduce(worker: MyKrapsWorker, jobs: 8) do |key, value1, value2|
value1 + value2
When the same key exists multiple times in the data, kraps feeds the values into your reduce block and expects to get one value returned. This happens until every key exists only once.
The key
itself is also passed to the block for the case that you need to
customize the reduce calculation according to the value of the key. However,
most of the time, this is not neccessary and the key can simply be ignored.
: Appends the results of 2 jobs, such that all key-value pairs of both jobs will be in the result.append
does not accept any block.
job.append(other_job, worker: MyKrapsWorker, jobs: 8)
Please note that the partitioners and the number of partitions must match for the jobs to be appended.
: Combines the results of 2 jobs by combining every key available in the current job result with the corresponding key from the passed job result. When the passed job result does not have the corresponding key,nil
will be passed to the block. Keys which are only available in the passed job result are completely omitted.
job.combine(other_job, worker: MyKrapsWorker, jobs: 8) do |key, value1, value2, collector|
collector.call(key, (value1 || {}).merge(value2 || {}))
Please note that the keys, partitioners and the number of partitions must match
for the jobs to be combined. Further note that the results of other_job
be reduced, meaning that every key must be unique. Finally, other_job
not neccessarily be listed in the array of jobs returned by the call
since Kraps detects the dependency on its own.
: Used to change the partitioning
job.repartition(partitions: 128, partitioner: partitioner, worker: MyKrapsWorker, jobs: 8)
Repartitions all data into the specified number of partitions and using the specified partitioner.
: Passes the partition number and all data of each partition as an enumerable and sorted by key. Please be aware that you should not callto_a
or similar on the enumerable.
job.each_partition(jobs: 8) do |partition, pairs|
pairs.each do |key, value|
# ...
: Store all current data per partition under the specified prefix
job.dump(prefix: "path/to/dump", worker: MyKrapsWorker)
It creates a folder for every partition and stores one or more chunks in there.
: Loads the previously dumped data
job.load(prefix: "path/to/dump", partitions: 32, concurrency: 8, partitioner: Kraps::HashPartitioner.new, worker: MyKrapsWorker)
The number of partitions, the partitioner and concurrency must be specified. The concurrency specifies the number of threads used for downloading chunks in parallel.
Please note that every API method accepts a before
before_block = proc do
# runs once before the map action in every worker, which can be useful to
# e.g. populate caches etc.
job.map(before: before_block) do |key, value, collector|
# ...
Please note that a job class can return multiple jobs and jobs can build up on each other. Let's assume that we additionally want to calculate a total number of searches made:
class SearchLogCounter
def initialize(start_date:, end_date:)
@start_date = start_date
@end_date = end_date
def call
count_job = Kraps::Job.new(worker: SomeBackgroundWorker)
count_job = count_job.parallelize(partitions: 128) do |collector|
(Date.parse(@start_date)..Date.parse(@end_date)).each do |date|
count_job = count_job.map do |date, _, collector|
# ...
collector.call(data["q"], 1)
# ...
count_job = count_job.reduce do |_, count1, count2|
count1 + count2
sum_job = count_job.map do |q, count, collector|
collector.call('sum', count)
sum_job = sum_job.reduce do |_, count1, count2|
count1 + count2
# ...
[count_job, sum_job]
When you execute the job, Kraps will execute the jobs one after another and as the jobs build up on each other, Kraps will execute the steps shared by both jobs only once.
Kraps ships with an in-memory fake driver for storage, which you can use for testing purposes instead of the s3 driver:
driver: Kraps::Drivers::FakeDriver.new(bucket: "kraps"),
# ...
) ```
This is of course much faster than using s3 or some s3 compatible service.
Moreover, when testing large Kraps jobs you maybe want to test intermediate
steps. You can use `#dump` for this purpose and test that the data dumped is
job = job.dump("path/to/dump")
and in your tests do
Kraps.driver.value("path/to/dump/0/chunk.json") # => data of partition 0
Kraps.driver.value("path/to/dump/1/chunk.json") # => data of partition 1
# ...
The data is stored in lines, each line is a json encoded array of key and value.
data = Kraps.driver.value("path/to/dump/0/chunk.json).lines.map do |line|
JSON.parse(line) # => [key, value]
The API of the driver is:
store(name, data_or_ui, options = {})
: Storesdata_or_io
list(prefix: nil)
: Lists all objects or all objects matching theprefix
: Returns the object content ofname
download(name, path)
: Downloads the objectname
in your filesystemexists?(name)
: Returnstrue
: Removes all objects from the fake storage
Kraps is built on top of map-reduce-ruby for the map/reduce framework, attachie to interact with the storage layer (s3), ruby-progressbar to report the progress in the terminal.
It is highly recommended to check out map-reduce-ruby
to dig into internals
and performance details.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/mrkamel/kraps. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Everyone interacting in the Kraps project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.