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PROGrammatic conFIGURATION. I'm tired of writing YAML when what I want to write is Python.


Make and activate a venv, and install as editable.

python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install --editable '.[development]'

From there:

  • progfiguration --help to run the program
  • invoke -l to list tasks for building documentation, running tests, and making releases

Building and releasing

We only actually need to build a source version of the package, because progfiguration expects that your progfigsite package will pull in the source code. We avoid building the binary version because it takes longer.


Run tests with invoke tests. Run with --slow to run slow tests too. Special environment variables:

  • PROGFIGURATION_TEST_VERBOSE=1: Show verbose output, including stdout/stderr of commands run inside of tests
  • PROGFIGURATION_TEST_DEBUG=1: Launch a debugger on any test failure or exception
  • PROGFIGURATION_TEST_SLOW_ALL=1: Run all slow tests (same as invoke tests --slow)
  • PROGFIGURATION_TEST_SLOW_PACKAGING=1: Run just slow tests related to packaging (progfiguration build, etc)

Building the example sites

In the same venv as above:

# Install the example progfigsite
python3 -m pip install --editable 'tests/data/simple[development]'
# Run the progfigsite itself
progfigsite --help

Making a release

  1. Check out the master branch. Make sure your checkout is clean, with all changes committed to git and pushed to Github
  2. Set the version in pyproject.toml and update docs/appendix/changelog.rst. Don't commit the change yet. We'll read this file to determine the version to tag in git and push to PyPI.
    • This will require Python 3.11 because we parse the TOML file directly with tomllib.
    • We can't use progfiguration version for this because it will return the version as it was at install time.
  3. Run invoke make-release

The documentation will be updated with the lastest version number and content as well via Github Actions.


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