Door and Window sensor sends open and close code to home automation system
This is a little device with a reed switch one one side of the door/window and a magnet on the other side. When the door/window opens a code will be sent through the 433MHz transciever (I use a Wireless Transmitter Module H34B). When the door/window closes another code will be sent. There is also an optional tampering switch possible. Additionally every 10 minutes a third code is sent. Hence you know when the battery is dead when no more such codes are received. The sensors work together with in order to relay the door/window status to MQTT and eventually to Domoticz.
I used an ATTINY13A and attached a reed switch as well as a 433MHz transciever. All runs off a 3V CR2032 battery. Of course the ATTINY is asleep most of the time. I attach an Eagle Cad file FYI. The protocol used is understandable by most receivers, see also and
/* Format for protocol definitions:
* {pulselength, Sync bit, "0" bit, "1" bit}
* pulselength: pulse length in microseconds, e.g. 350
* Sync bit: {1, 31} means 1 high pulse and 31 low pulses
* (perceived as a 31*pulselength long pulse, total length of sync bit is
* 32*pulselength microseconds), i.e:
* _
* | |_______________________________ (don't count the vertical bars)
* "0" bit: waveform for a data bit of value "0", {1, 3} means 1 high pulse
* and 3 low pulses, total length (1+3)*pulselength, i.e:
* _
* | |___
* "1" bit: waveform for a data bit of value "1", e.g. {3,1}:
* ___
* | |_
* These are combined to form Tri-State bits when sending or receiving codes.
You will need this library:
- PCB board
- ATTINY13A microcontroller SOP-8
- Reed Switch
- 10K Ohm resistor SMD 0805
- Battery holder SMD for CR2032
- Battery CR2032 3V
- 433Mhz transmitter module H34B
- Little housing
- Magnet (I use a furniture door closing magnet)