contains 5 main components-
specifies the size of GPT3. See examples below. All DDP/Pipeline/FSDP GPT models should take aGPTConfig
instance as an example.class GPTSmallConfig(GPTConfig): """ GPT3-small like network roughly 125M params """ n_layer = 12 n_head = 12 n_embd = 768 class GPTLargeConfig(GPTConfig): """ GPT3-large like network roughly 760M params """ n_layer = 24 n_head = 16 n_embd = 1536 class GPTXLConfig(GPTConfig): """ GPT3-XL like network roughly 1.3B params """ n_layer = 24 n_head = 24 n_embd = 2048
class GPT
. This is used by DDP. -
returns a GPT model as ann.Sequential
which is already balanced across given devices. This is used by pipeline parallelism -
TODO: GPT recursively wrapped by FSDP
TODO: import ResNet models from torchvision
entry point fortorchrun
Launch DDP on two GPUs in the same machine:
torchrun --nnodes=1 --nproc_per_node=2 --rdzv_id=100 --rdzv_endpoint="localhost:5678"
Launch Pipeline + DDP on two GPUs in the same machine, where pipeline spans two devices and DDP world size is 1:
torchrun --nnodes=1 --nproc_per_node=1 --rdzv_id=100 --rdzv_endpoint="localhost:5678" --ndevice_per_proc=2 --mode=pdp
First, ssh to the SLURM login node.
export CLUSTER_ZONE="us-central1-b"
export CLUSTER_LOGIN_NODE=$(gcloud compute instances list \
--zones ${CLUSTER_ZONE} \
--filter="name ~ shen*.*login." \
--format="value(name)" | head -n1)
gcloud compute ssh ${CLUSTER_LOGIN_NODE} \
Run sinfo
to check there are at least 4 nodes idle.
Launc DDP on 4 nodes (i.e., 32 GPUs).
srun -p train -t 5:00:00 --gpus-per-node=8 --cpus-per-task=96 --nodes=4 --pty /home/shenli_fb_com/project/ptd_benchmark/
Launch Pipeline + DDP on 4 nodes, where each pipeline spans two GPUs. So, there are 16 pipeline in total.
srun -p train -t 5:00:00 --gpus-per-node=8 --cpus-per-task=96 --nodes=4 --pty /home/shenli_fb_com/project/ptd_benchmark/