- Sofware
- Files
- etc.
- No spaces in filenames
- Use dash (-)
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- Dates will be named yyyymmdd eg. 20180131
- 60 Seconds Wire Malicious Traffic
- Machine Learning based Traffic Classification
- A Detailed Analysis of the KDD CUP 99 Data Set
- Anomaly based Network Intrusion Detection Methods
- Malware Detection in Android by Network Traffic Analysis
- Network Traffic Analysis and Intrusion Detection using Packet Sniffer
- Malware Detection in Executables Using Neural Networks (Great Article by NVIDIA)
- AI & ML in Cyber Security-Why Algorithms Are Dangerous(Slide)
- AI Based Cyber Security System
- Training a big machine to defend (Article)
- Evading Machine Learning Malware Detection Black Hat
- Conference on Detecting Network Intrusions With Machine Learning Based Anomaly Detection Techniques (Video)
- Real-Time Anomaly Detection with Spark ML and Akka
- Notes can be reachable from this address: Troubleshooting Your Network With Wireshark