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Releases: mrven/Blender-Texel-Density-Checker

Texel Density Checker 2023.2

29 Dec 18:54
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[New] Added Link to Documentation


[Fix] Show Gradient doesn't work on Blender 4.0

[Fix] "Auto Min/Max Value" for VC baking doesn't working

[Fix] Many Small Fixes

Texel Density Checker 2023.1

26 Aug 19:27
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[New] Select anchor for scaling UV when using "Set TD"

Select Origin for Rescale UV: Average of Selection, Corner of UV, Center of UV or 2D Cursor. Before that Rescale origin was from average of selection of UV.

[New] Vizualization of Distortion UV

Shows the ratio between the percentage of UV occupied area and the percentage of the object's geometry area.

[New] Ability to remove panel from 3D Viewport or UV Editor

Added options to Preferences for hiding Texel Density Panel from View 3D or UV Editor.

[New] Added Debug Mode for tracking function execution time

Print function execution time to console. For enabling this function enter to console = True

[Improvement] Changed Version Numbering

This and next version will have contains current year and number of release in this year. For example, current release is 2023.1. I switched to a new version numbering so as not to confuse the add-on version and the Blender version.

[Improvement] 25% speed increase

[Improvement] Update "Report a Bug" link

A button "Report Bug" in add-on preferences now open GitHub issues page. This is best way to report bug or suggest your enhancement. Welcome!

[Fix] Clean Up orphan mesh data

No more orphan mesh data after using Texel Density Checker.

[Fix] Fix Automatic calculation option in Preferences

[Fix] TD is wrong if parent has scale not 1 (in some cases)

Texel Density Checker 3.4

31 Dec 11:41
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Texel Density Checker 3.4 (Blender 3.4.1 and Higher) (31 Dec, 2022):
[Fix] Blender 3.4 Support
[Improvement] Added commentaries for all code

Texel Density Checker 3.3.1

03 Dec 21:39
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Texel Density Checker 3.3.1 (Blender 2.91 ang Higher) (04 Dec, 2021):
[Fix] Blender 3.0 Support
[Improvement] Closest Interpolation for TD Material's Grid Texture

Texel Density Checker 3.3

05 Nov 17:35
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Texel Density Checker 3.3 (Blender 2.91 ang Higher) (05 Nov, 2021):
[Fix] Incorrect TD if selected Non-Mesh Objects
[Fix] Face Maps are Empty after using "Assign Checker Material"
[New][Bake TD to VC] Automatic Min/Max TD Values from Selected Objects
[New][Set TD] Presets "Half" and "Double" (works better with Average Set Method)

[Fix] Некорректный TD, если выбраны объекты, которые не являются мешами
[Fix] Face Maps пустые после использования "Assign Checker Material"
[New][Bake TD to VC] Автоматические значения Min/Max TD, вычисляемые из выбранных объектов
[New][Set TD] Пресеты "Half" и "Double" (наиболее корректная работа с Average Set Method)

Texel Density Checker 3.2.2

13 Dec 20:17
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Texel Density Checker 3.2.2 (Blender 2.91 ang Higher) (13 Dec, 2020):

[Fix] Incorrect Calculation of average TD when islands have different TD

[Fix] Некорректное вычисление TD если острова имеют разное значение TD

Texel Density Checker 3.2.1

16 Oct 15:29
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Texel Density Checker 3.2.1 (Blender 2.83 ang Higher) (16 Oct, 2020):

[Fix] Operators don't work if enable edit mode from outliner
[Improvement] Small Improvements

[Fix] Операторы не работают, если перейти в edit mode из outliner
[Improvement] Мелкие улучшения

Texel Density Checker 3.2

29 Jun 12:23
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Texel Density Checker 3.2 (Blender 2.81 ang Higher) (29 Jun, 2020):

[New] [Checker Material] New Option "UV Scale" for changing Tiling of Checker Texture (Very Useful with "UV Grid" Checker Texture Type)
[Fix] [Logic] Error for some operators if Object has no polygons
[Fix] [Set TD] Default TD value is 0
[Fix] [UI/UX] Image Editor Window switched to Console if opened several Image Editor Windows

[New] [Checker Material] Новая опция "UV Scale" для изменения тайлинга Checker Texture (Весьма полезно при использовании "UV Grid" Checker Texture Type)
[Fix] [Logic] Ошибка при использовании некоторых операторов, если у меша нет полигонов
[Fix] [Set TD] Значение по умолчанию для Set TD 0, что приводило к некоторым проблемам
[Fix] [UI/UX] Image Editor переключается на Console при использовании некоторых операторов, если открыто несколько окон Image Editor

Texel Density Checker 3.1

03 May 15:03
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Texel Density Checker 3.1 (Blender 2.81 ang Higher) (3 May, 2020):

[New] [UI/UX] Changing Category for Panels from Preferences
[Improvement] [UI/UX] Default Checker Mode is "Store and Replace"
[Improvement] [UI/UX] "Restore Materials" and "Clear Stored Face Maps" Buttons is hidden if current mode is "Replace"
[Impovement] [UI/UX] Improvements of UI/UX. Reorganizing UI Panels
[Impovement] [UI/UX] Hide "Texel Density Checker" Panel in UV Editor if current mode is not Edit Mesh

[New] [UI/UX] Возможность изменять категорию для панелей через настройки аддона
[Improvement] [UI/UX] По-умолчанию "Checker Mode" установлен на "Store and Replace"
[Improvement] [UI/UX] Кнопки "Restore Materials" и "Clear Stored Face Maps" скрыты, если текущие режим "Replace"
[Impovement] [UI/UX] Улучшения UI/UX. Реорганизация UI панелей
[Impovement] [UI/UX] Панель "Texel Density Checker" в UV Editor скрывается, если текущий режим не Edit Mode

Texel Density Checker 3.0

09 Apr 20:23
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[New] [Baking to VC] Baking UV Space for Each Islands to VC
[New] [Baking to VC] Baking TD by Island to VC
[New] [Baking to VC] Two Modes for Baking UV Islands to VC - By Island and By Overlap
[New] [Select] New Selection Modes - Faces By TD, Islands By TD, Islands By UV Space
[New] [Select] Reworked "Select by TD/UV Space". Added some Selection Types: Equal To (with Treshold), Less To and Greater To
[New] [Select] Copy Calculated TD/UV Space value to "Select Value" field
[New] [Preferences] Optional Enable/Disable "Calling Select/Bake VC operator after changing Mode/Value". By Default is Disabled

[Improvement] [Logic] Optimization Calculation TD and UV Space to List
[Improvement] [Logic] More Accurate Calculation of Average TD
[Improvement] [Logic] Refactoring of Code - Unified Variables Names, Multi File Structure of Addon
[Improvement] [UI/UX] Improvements of UI/UX. Reorganizing UI Panels. Now UI is more compact and more readable
[Improvement] [UI/UX] Filtering "Density Set" value
[Improvement] [UI/UX] Filtering "Custom Texture Size" value
[Improvement] [UI/UX] Precision of showing Gradient Values for Baking to VC now depends from range
[Improvement] [Other] Many small improvements

[Fix] [Logic] Incorrect Calculation TD for Complicated N-Gons
[Fix] [Logic] Infinite recurcive call when updating values in the fields
[Fix] [Other] Many small fixes

[New] [Baking to VC] Запекание UV пространства(%), занимаемого UV островом в Vertex Color
[New] [Baking to VC] Запекание среднего значения Texel Density на остров в Vertex Color
[New] [Baking to VC] Два режима для запекания UV островов в Vertex Color - каждый остров отдельным цветом и оверлапы одним цветом
[New] [Select] Новые режимы для выделения - полигоны по Texel Density, острова по Texel Density, острова по UV пространству
[New] [Select] Переработан "Select by TD/UV Space". Добавлены разные типы выделения: равно (в пределах порогового значения), меньше или больше
[New] [Select] Копирование значения TD/UV Space в поле "Select Value"
[New] [Preferences] Опциональное включение/отключение автоматического вызова оператора "Select/Bake VC" после изменения режима/значения. По умолчанию отключено

[Improvement] [Logic] Оптимизация расчёта Texel Density и UV Area в список
[Improvement] [Logic] Более точный расчёт среднего значения Texel Density
[Improvement] [Logic] Рефакторинг кода - унифицированные имена переменных, многофайловая структура аддона
[Improvement] [UI/UX] Улучшения UI/UX. Реорганизация UI панелей. Теперь UI более компактный и читабельный
[Improvement] [UI/UX] Фильтрация введённого значения "Density Set"
[Improvement] [UI/UX] Фильтрация введённого значения "Custom Texture Size"
[Improvement] [UI/UX] Точность показываемых значений возле градиента при запекании в Vertex Color зависит от диапазона значений
[Improvement] [Other] Множество мелких улучшений

[Fix] [Logic] Неправильный расчёт Texel Density для сложных N-гонов
[Fix] [Logic] Бесконечный рекурсивный вызов фильтрации при изменении значения в поле ввода
[Fix] [Other] Множество мелких исправлений