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Releases: mrworf/photoframe

2019 edition

06 Jan 19:00
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Major overhaul of the way photoframe deals with retrieve photos.

  • Support for the new Google Photos API (aka Photos Library API)
  • Uses a service API to allow custom photo providers
  • Improved background handling, you can choose between blur, zoom or both
  • Better HTML UX for settings
  • Allows multiple instances of a photo provider with different credentials (yours and your spouse for example)
  • Better error messages
  • Travis support for generating RPi images
  • Migration support for previous installation to the new service structure

As always, if you have installed any version of photoframe, it will update every 24hrs and you won't need to reinstall the frame.

Note 1
You will need enable the Photos Library API for your credentials on the Google Developer Console or you cannot use the new Google Photos.

Note 2
Picasa Web provider (the one used in the older Photo Frame releases) is being deprecated starting January 1st, 2019. This is a decision that Google has made and not something I control. The new Google Photos API does not support the same selection method, so for now you can only choose albums. BUT! You can create albums which dynamically add new photos whenever a picture of a specific person is added to you library.

Working OAuth with new scope

24 Jul 18:38
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  • Fixes the issue with Google OAuth failing. The new API released earlier from google broke the use of the older API.
  • Better handling of loss of wifi (tries to reconnect).
  • Added better debugging for when things go wrong, avoiding (hopefully) the use of ssh for end-users.
  • Improved random generation (uses hw generator so we don't run out)

Internal display support

20 Jun 20:00
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Adds support for using non-HDMI displays (for example 3.5" SPI based ones)

RPi Zero Wireless and more

13 Jun 21:45
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Adds support for

  • Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless
  • Raspberry Pi 3+ (the latest coolest version of RPi3)

Corrects a number of issues both with the update script and with photoframe itself.

Key highlights

  • Easy selection of resolution
  • Support for non-native resolutions
  • Timezone support (for auto on/off)
  • Big improvements for handling corrupt data files

Note that while the update system had issues, it only manifested itself in that it required two days to successfully apply the update as opposed to one day. Anyone with the old system will automatically by migrated to the new version after 2-3 days.

First official release

24 Feb 01:45
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The first official release which adds RPi3 system image to simplify getting photoframe up and running.