Cemasys is a Cemetery Management System that is made using Python and PyQt 5 Designer and also it utilizes the latest PostgreSQL 15 Relational Database Management System.
- Login : Ability to login on account credentials and check if it's user or admin account.
- Sign up : Ability to create account for users to access user dashboard system.
- Plot Locator : Ability to locate burial plots using a search function.
- Search Record : Access to personal information of the deceased, including their name, date of birth, date of death, location of burial, and date of interment.
- Plot Booking & Reservation : Ability of the visitors to book for the preferred plot given their prices and ability to reserve a plot for their deceased loved ones.
- View Map : Ability to view map to the chosen location of the cemetery.
- View Transaction : Ability to view all transactions including bookings and reservation on the user.
- About Us : Information of the chosen cemetery management.
- Record Management : Ability to show decease’s information, including adding, updating decease’s information and date of exhumation.
- Plot Management : Ability to show and update burial plot records availability.
- Reservation Management : Ability to show and manage the reservation including reserved or cancelled reservations, personal information of the deceased, location of the plot and date of interment.
- Booking Management : Ability to show and manage the booking including booked or cancelled bookings, personal information of the deceased, location of the plot and date of interment.
- View Transaction : Ability to update the pending reservations and view all transactions including bookings and reservation both users and admins.
Cemasys Software Developer
Cemasys Database Administrator
System Published June 20, 2023.