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srly is a native interface to serial devices for Erlang, known to work on Mac OS X, FreeBSD and Linux.

The C component of srly simply provides a wrapper to the system serial interface. Data structures used as arguments to the native C functions (such as struct termios) are provided as Erlang binaries, allowing low level control of the serial device.


rebar3 compile


serctl is the interface to the native system C libraries and follows the system C interface.

serctl:open(Path) -> {ok, FD} | {error, posix()}

    Types   Path = iodata() | {fd, FD}
            FD = resource()

    Open a serial device.

    A serial device is a character device such as /dev/ttyUSB0.

    A previously opened file descriptor can also be used. The fd
    should be opened with the O_NONBLOCK|O_NOCTTY flags.

serctl:close(FD) -> ok | {error, posix()}

    Types   FD = resource()

    Explicitly close a serial device.

    The device is automatically closed if the process holding open
    the serial device exits.

serctl:read(FD, Size) -> {ok, Data} | {error, posix()}

    Types   FD = resource()
            Size = integer()
            Data = binary()

    Read from a serial device.

    Size is an unsigned long.

serctl:readx(FD, Size) -> {ok, Data} | {error, posix()}
serctl:readx(FD, Size, Timeout) -> {ok, Data} | {error, posix()}

    Types   FD = resource()
            Size = integer()
            Data = binary()
            Timeout = infinity | integer()

    Read the specified number of bytes from a serial device. readx/2
    will block forever.

    readx/3 accepts a timeout value. The behaviour of readx/3 when
    the timeout is reached is to throw away any buffered data and
    return {error, eintr} to the caller, e.g., the caller will not
    be returned the contents of a partial read. (The justification
    for this behaviour: the caller has stated they require a fixed
    number of bytes so the contents of a partial read represents
    unspecified behaviour.)

serctl:write(FD, Data) -> ok | {ok, NBytes} | {error, posix()}

    Types   FD = resource()
            Data = binary()
            NBytes = long()

    Write data to a serial device.

    Partial writes return the number of bytes written.

serctl:ioctl(FD, Request, In) -> {ok, Out} | {error, posix()}

    Types   FD = resource()
            Request = ulong()
            In = binary()
            Out = binary()

    Perform operations controlling a serial device.

    The In argument is a binary holding the input parameter to the
    device request. The Out parameter will hold the result of the
    request if the ioctl is in/out.

The low level interface follows the C library (see tcgetattr(3), tcsetattr(3), cfsetispeed(3) and cfsetospeed(3) for details). For convenience, atoms may be used in places where C has defined macros for integers and Erlang records can be used as arguments instead of binaries.

To use Erlang records to represent the C struct termios (e.g., when converting binaries using serctl:termios/1) include their definition:


serctl:tcgetattr(FD) -> {ok, Termios} | {error, posix()}

    Types   FD = resource()
            Termios = binary()

    Get the terminal attributes of a serial device.

    Returns the contents of the system struct termios as a binary.

serctl:tcsetattr(FD, Action, Termios) -> ok | {error, posix() | unsupported}

    Types   FD = resource()
            Action = integer() | Option | Options
            Options = [Option]
            Option = tcsanow | tcsadrain | tcsaflush | tcsasoft
            Termios = binary() | #termios{}

    Sets the terminal attributes of a serial device.

    'tcsasoft' is a non-portable, BSD action. tcsetattr/3 will return
    {error,unsupported} on other platforms.

    Warning: the contents of Termios are passed directly to
    tcsettr(3). If the system tcsettr(3) does not perform any
    validation of the structure, it is possible the Erlang VM may

serctl:cfsetispeed(Termios, Speed) -> Termios1

    Types   Termios = binary() | #termios{}
            Speed = integer() | atom()
            Termios1 = binary()

    Set the input speed of a serial device.

    See the warning for tcsetattr/2.

    Failure: badarg if Speed is an invalid atom.

serctl:cfsetospeed(Termios, Speed) -> Termios1

    Types   Termios = binary() | #termios{}
            Speed = integer() | atom()
            Termios1 = binary()

    Set the input speed of the serial device.

    See the warning for tcsetattr/2.

    Failure: badarg if Speed is an invalid atom.

serctl:getfd(FD) -> integer()

    Types   FD = resource()

    Returns the file descriptor associated with the NIF resource.

    The file descriptor can be used with erlang:open_port/2.

serctl:constant() -> Constants
serctl:constant(Attr) -> integer() | undefined

    Types   Constants = [{Attr, integer()}]
            Attr = tiocm_rts | tiocm_dtr | tiocmset | tiocmget | tiocmbis
            | tiocmbic | tcsaflush | tcsadrain | tcsanow | tcioflush
            | tcoflush | tciflush | tcion | tcioff | tcoon | tcooff
            | iexten | tostop | noflsh | echonl | echoke | echok | echoe
            | echo | icanon | isig | crtscts | b1152000 | b1000000
            | b921600 | b576000 | b500000 | b460800 | b230400 | b115200
            | b57600 | clocal | hupcl | parodd | parenb | cread | cstopb
            | cs8 | cs7 | cs6 | cs5 | csize | b38400 | b19200 | b9600
            | b4800 | b2400 | b1800 | b1200 | b600 | b300 | b200 | b150
            | b134 | b110 | b75 | b50 | b0 | ofdel | ofill | onlret
            | onocr | ocrnl | onlcr | olcuc | opost | iutf8 | imaxbel
            | ixoff | ixany | ixon | iuclc | icrnl | igncr | inlcr
            | istrip | inpck | parmrk | ignpar | brkint | ignbrk | veol2
            | vlnext | vwerase | vdiscard | vreprint | veol | vsusp | vstop
            | vstart | vswtc | vmin | vtime | veof | vkill | verase | vquit
            | vintr | nccs

    Map of atoms representing terminal attribute constants to
    integers. Varies across platforms.

serctl has a higher level interface for manipulating the C data structures that takes care of portability. The structures are represented as Erlang records. These functions only retrieve or modify values within the termios structure and do not have side effects when used with the record format (when binaries are used as arguments, they are first converted to record format based on a runtime platform check).

To modify the serial device, the attributes must be written out using serctl:tcsetattr/3.

serctl:flow(Termios) -> true | false
serctl:flow(Termios, Bool) -> #termios{}

    Types   Termios = binary() | #termios{}
            Bool = true | false

    Get/set serial device flow control.

    flow/1 indicates whether flow control is enabled in a serial
    device's terminal attributes. flow/2 returns a termios structure
    that can be used for setting a serial device's flow control.

serctl:mode(Mode) -> #termios{}

    Types   Mode = raw

    Returns an Erlang termios record with attributes that can be
    used to put the serial device into raw mode.

serctl:getflag(Termios, Flag, Opt) -> true | false

    Types   Termios = binary() | #termios{}
            Flag = cflag | lflag | iflag | oflag
            Opt = atom()

    Returns whether a flag is enabled. Opt is one of the atoms
    returned using serctl:constant/0.

serctl:setflag(Termios, Opt) -> #termios{}

    Types   Termios = #termios{}
            Opt = [Param]
            Param = {Flag, [Val]}
            Flag = cflag | lflag | iflag | oflag
            Val = {atom(), Bool}
            Bool = true | false

    Returns an Erlang termios record which can be used for setting
    the attributes of a serial device. For example, to create
    attributes that can be used to enable hardware flow control on
    a serial device:

        {ok, FD} = serctl:open("/dev/ttyUSB0"),
        {ok, Termios} = serctl:tcgetattr(FD),
        Termios1 = serctl:setflag(Termios, [{cflag, [{crtscts, true}]}]),
        ok = serctl:tcsetattr(FD, tcsanow, Termios1).

serctl:ispeed(Termios) -> integer()
serctl:ispeed(Termios, Speed) -> #termios{} | binary()
serctl:ospeed(Termios) -> integer()
serctl:ospeed(Termios, Speed) -> #termios{} | binary()

    Types   Termios = #termios{}
            Speed = integer() | atom()

    ispeed/1 and ospeed/1 return the input and output speed of the
    serial device. Note the speed returned is the constant defined
    for the system and may differ between platforms.

    ispeed/2 and ospeed/2 return an Erlang termios record that can be
    used for setting the input and output speed of the serial device.

    Failure: badarg if Speed is an invalid atom.

serctl:baud(Speed) -> integer()

    Types   Speed = 115200 | 19200 | 9600 | ...

    Return the constant defined for the baud rate for the platform.

serctl:termios(Termios) -> #termios{} | binary()

    Types   Termios = #termios{} | binary()

    Convert between a C struct termios and an Erlang record.


  • Connect to an Arduino at 9600

      % Open the serial device
      {ok, FD} = serctl:open("/dev/ttyUSB0"),
      % Set the terminal attributes to:
      %   raw, no hardware flow control, 9600
      Termios = lists:foldl(
          fun(Fun, Acc) -> Fun(Acc) end,
              fun(N) -> serctl:flow(N, false) end,
              fun(N) -> serctl:ispeed(N, b9600) end,
              fun(N) -> serctl:ospeed(N, b9600) end
      ok = serctl:tcsetattr(FD, tcsanow, Termios),
      % Write 1 byte to the arduino
      ok = serctl:write(FD, <<1:8>>),
      % Read 2 bytes from the arduino (little-endian integer)
      {ok, <<Data:2/little-integer-unit:8>>} = serctl:read(FD, 2).
  • Resetting DTR/RTS

      TIOCMGET = serctl:constant(tiocmget),
      TIOCMSET = serctl:constant(tiocmset),
      TIOCM_DTR = serctl:constant(tiocm_dtr),
      TIOCM_RTS = serctl:constant(tiocm_rts),
      % Get the current device settings
      {ok, <<Ctl:4/native-unsigned-integer-unit:8>>} = serctl:ioctl(
      Off = Ctl band bnot ( TIOCM_DTR bor TIOCM_RTS ),
      {ok, <<Ctl1:4/native-unsigned-integer-unit:8>>} = serctl:ioctl(
      On = Ctl1 bor ( TIOCM_DTR bor TIOCM_RTS ),
  • See the examples directory. The code here is adapted from:

    • examples/strobe

      Serially turn on/off a row of LEDs.

    • examples/ldr

      Read values from an LDR.


  • document srly

  • test if the system C interface can actually be crashed!

  • srly should be a well behaved OTP application that can deal with the addition and removal of USB serial ports