SDC - Secure DNS Client v3.2.0
Change Log of v3.2.0
New supported protocols:
Anonymized DNSCrypt (DNSCrypt DNS Server + DNSCrypt Relay)
<DNSCrypt Server in Stamp format>
<DNSCrypt Relay>
Relay can be in Stamp and IP:Port format.
Example:sdns://AQcAAAAAAAAAETg5LjM4LjEzMS4zODo0MzQzIKWHS9r0FoKY--wcnJl1Ar5aOUb91xsufvPUjid3rNRaHzIuZG5zY3J5cHQtY2VydC5hbXMtZG5zY3J5cHQtbmw sdns://gQ4xNzcuNTQuMTQ1LjEzMQ
Note: Not all DNSCrypt Servers are compatible with relays. e.g. Adguard
You can find Relays Here -
H3 (DoH Over HTTP Version 3)
e.g. h3://
Note 1: DoH Server must support HTTP3
Note 2: HTTP3 is only supported on Windows 11 above
Auto Port conflict resolver improved.
Support for servers with TTL 0 improved.
Proxy Fragment performance improved.
App Startup issue fixed for Turkish language.
DNS Server output is now full Async.
App gets built-in servers from Github (I can update them remotely).
Add support for importing servers from any static HTML web page
Added to:
- Custom Servers -> New Group -> Add Servers -> Add From URL
- Tools -> DNS Scanner -> DNSs From URLs
For example you can extract all public servers from below URL:
Double Click on custom servers to get info and status.
Tools -> DNS Scanner doesn't need SDC to be online.
Bug fixed in Tools -> benchmark.
No lag while Connecting and Disconnecting.
Retry option added to Settings -> Connect.
and some other changes.