This is a project just for fun - not a real game!
- I want my own Elden Ring map for strategy planning - with all the publicly available info about items.
- I want a little funny character editor
- I want a platform to develop my puns, crazy ideas, and art.
- Parody game data in bongData structure for customisation
- for merging a number of seemingly unrelated projects with a common app framework that is hopefully pleasing - see MINI-GAMES below for detail
use three.js
scene controls - ambient light, fog for testing
background colour and sky box
YOU DIED overlay transparent div -
basic character and animations
load and change scenes
upon any gui change force a render
basic dialog boxes - get hyped about them
- try a few then drop back to jBox because it works well
map mode, world-building mode, character-game mode
the terrain lib three.terrain.js is a bit hard to get working so I will use something else
- SimonDev's 3D World Generation tutorial playlist
create an actual mesh and use it like
importing external data for scenes e.g. from Google Maps:
the loadTokyo method for map load/edit
create a map with a unique name
import GLTF and give a location in the universe for connectivity
create and edit a navmesh - auto create with rolling ball or raycaster?
character "sticks" to navmesh unless no-clip & no-gravity
Persistent user settings: -
- js-yaml - since easily accessed from the renderer process via LocalStorage
- map configurations to live here
load a model - have some to choose from
- mage, dork, warrior
- stats manager
- weapons/items to hold
gradients -
look at toon materials
When a game controller is plugged in (and a button pressed - as per Web API for controllers)...
- the controller is added to the list of controllers and configured if a config has been saved for it
- many controllers required including duplicates of the same model
- find some unique identifier for a controller
- save the settings for a controller
- controller button and axis mappings format in JSON (and therefore YAML)
- TODO game controller input translation is a bit broken - why are the game controls not just perfect?
- on-screen display of the controller - SVG controller diagram with buttons is working nicely - need to animate joysticks too
- deal with noise and the dead zone
- controls on different platforms -
- character-based controls versus free-world controls (like quake no-clip) vs map-based controls
Action | PC Defaults | Change to |
Movement Speed Control | ALT | Z |
Move Forwards | W | |
Move Backwards | S | |
Move Left | A | |
Move Right | D | |
Backstep / Dodge Roll / Dash | SPACE | ALT |
Jump | F | SPACE |
Crouch / Stand Up | X | C |
Move Camera / Change Target (Up) | SHIFT+↑ | |
Move Camera / Change Target (Down) | SHIFT+↓ | |
Move Camera / Change Target (Left) | SHIFT+← | |
Move Camera / Change Target (Right) | SHIIFT+→ | |
Reset Camera / Lock-On / Remove Target | Q / MMB | |
Switch Sorcery / Incantation | ↑ | 1 |
Switch Item | ↓ | 2 |
Switch Right-Hand Armament | → / SHIFT+SCROLL↑ | 3 |
Switch Left-Hand Armament | ← / SHIFT+SCROLL↓ | 4 |
Attack (RH & 2H Armament) | LMB | |
Strong Attack (LH Armament) | SHIFT+LMB | |
Guard | RMB | |
Skill | SHIFT+RMB | |
Use Item | R | |
Event Action (Talk, Examine, Open etc) | E | |
Map | G | |
Switch RH 1H & 2H | E+LMB | |
Switch LH 1H & 2H | E+RMB | |
Sprint | Hold SPACE |
Map mode and game mode - change scene to be drawn and camera - controls will be different too!
mapScene, mapCamera
keyboard "G"
Nice 2D maps with icons to at least compliment and perhaps rival the existing web-based offerings
- The wiki:
Map imports - technical
- the map tiles are from big images from the Ultimate Elden Ring Map Resource Pack
- There are two maps named "overworld" and "underground"
- these are huge PNG bitmaps: 9728 x 9216 pixels each
- we can slice them up into manageable tiles using image magick crop:-
SET PATH=C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.1.1-Q16-HDRI;%PATH%
REM ~ magick identify *.png
REM ~ m0-overworld.png PNG 9728x9216 9728x9216+0+0 8-bit sRGB 172.44MiB 0.000u 0:00.000
REM ~ m1-underground.png PNG 9728x9216 9728x9216+0+0 8-bit sRGB 32.4026MiB 0.000u 0:00.000
REM 256 pixel tiles
magick m0-overworld.png -crop 256x256 map-0-overworld-tile256-%%04d.png
magick m1-underground.png -crop 256x256 map-1-underground-tile256-%%04d.png
REM ~ 9728 / 256 = 38
REM ~ 9216 / 256 = 36
REM so we have 38 tiles wide and 36 tiles high
- this creates 256 pixel square tiles with names sequentially numbered from top left to bottom right
- I would prefer these named with the X-Y coordinates - this can be done in a background process
- scale and position three-js textured cube mesh objects as map tiles
- the tiles can be used as textures in three-js in the electron renderer process
with full security as long as we jump through a number of hoops...
- Content Protection Policy (CSP)
- trust the local file protocol
- the "atom:" protocol style thing is what I've gone with and called the protocol "mine:"
Map texture (and other) local file URLs need to go through the electron net module custom URL protocol
- mine://maps/(full file path? maybe munge the drive name?)
The maps when imported need some metadata which can be used for reloading: -
- simple JSON file - can go in LocalStorage or YAML settings
- user can dereference the maps, clean up the tiles, slice the big maps etc.
Load a JSON map metadata file: -
eventually from settings, automatically at startup - or maybe on first use
coordinate system
import items with tags, add remove tags, etc.
local storage for project
draw routes, leave notes, etc.
levels of detail? scaling? tiling? 3D? maybe!
load a map
import a map
if no loaded map be in character editor fake location - room that is a wardrobe when you get outside it!
TODO: back and sides of map tiles need to be another texture or could use a plane
placing items on the map! getting all the resources! icons and info map overlays and strategy planning stuff - routes, times, stopwatch, etc.
- downloading the resource pack
- unpacking the resource pack
- resource pack dir
my own map definition files
save map to a GLTF or similar
great game assets that are CC0 for including
map-based controls could do with switching when in map mode camera controls
resources for item id decoding
db creator methods
Elden Ring - Master Spreadsheet
Looks useful - maybe some standard here? Want IDs to be a close to the game dev as possible
importing methods describe in docs resource files and directories drag in a file or dir and add to a feature
For my maps I'd like the data that the wiki has. I've scraped some data from Chrome dev tools and it has positions in some coordinate system. I assume these coordinates are linear and should map to my map images with a simple transform of scale and offset. I can define the transform from wiki map coord to pixel coord by positioning some sites of grace.
load the items list scrape into an array of strings
From scratch (Friday November 04 2022)...
yarn create electron-app elden-bong --template=webpack
cd elden-bong
yarn add -D webpack copy-webpack-plugin
# add eslint - I want a configurable lint based on Standard JS (as recommended by eslint-config-standard)
yarn add -D eslint eslint-config-standard eslint-plugin-promise eslint-plugin-import eslint-plugin-n
yarn add three camera-controls jquery js-yaml jbox fs-extra path-browserify debug
The above can also be used to upgrade the app platform: create a new empty app and compare the results with the current app.
- upgraded electron-forge and electron, started using preload, context isolation, sandboxing, etc. properly.
- worked out how to load files with a custom URL protocol (what a drag that was!) Still not worked out how to get the data into three-js loaders - for now reading file data into buffers in the main thread and passing through the preload API
What it gives: -
- Native executables for supported platforms distributable as installers. The challenges it introduces: -
- comply with all the latest electron security restrictions
- no node in renderer
- context isolation
- CSP - clues:
- preload creates a context bridge for main-renderer thread comms
- custom protocol for local file access
- sub process error stderr in main thread needs to get back to renderer thread - DONE in
- settings, menus, dialog boxes
- lit-gui for rough test-mode menu
- not going down the React route for now though I am enjoying Van-JS!
- jBox for dialog boxes
- YAML for settings
As a container for little game and app ideas!
Why maintain multiple repos for projects that nobody else cares about? Hmmm, my goal is to evolve a convenient and enjoyable platform for mostly 3D desktop applications. I can just bundle all my other throwaway junk apps in here and use this app as a vehicle.
- pitrain-node
- Kanjifun
- cards-dude
- moan-swooper
- 2048
- Suica Game
- Tetris
2D game mode with "mostly" fixed camera - allow user to choose a nice camera position (relative to gameplay board) and save it in a list of favourites. Pause and resume of sub-games. Maybe tie into the Elden Bong narrative and use them as side-quests!
Mini-game chooser or games room "Let's Play Moan-Swooper!" ...back to main game
Card design database
Type of Playing Card | Size (width x Height) | Required Bleed | Recommended Margin | Rounded Corner Size |
Standard (Poker) | 2.5in x 3.5in | 2mm | 5mm | 3.5mm |
Bridge (Slim) | 2.25in x 3.5in | 2mm | 5mm | 3.5mm |
Tarot | 2.75in x 4.75in | 2mm | 5mm | 6mm |
Large | 3.5in x 5.75in | 2mm | 5mm | 6mm |
MTG (Magic Gathering) | 2.5in x 3.5in | 2mm | 5mm | 3.5mm |
"Playing card thickness varies widely across types. For simplicity, let’s focus on standard playing cards, typically printed on 14pt silk with laminate on both sides. The thickness of a standard playing card is 0.2mm."
Layout based on game (from card game data) and user spacing preferences
- scripting LUA with Fengari -
- Web Assembly background tasks in worker threads
- Potree data in the three-js scenes
- pnext/three-loaded has apparently caught up with Sheng's fork and has potree 2 support!
- yarn add
- TODO: add a cloud for testing in user-specified dir
Many thanks to the many contributors to the many open source libraries and artworks used in this software. Quite especially...
Sky/Cloud boxes created by Zachery "skiingpenguins" Slocum ( Content released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike? 3.0 Unported License.
Grass Texture