is a Python library and CLI tool for inspecting and copying container image data
from and between registries.
This library primarily focuses on being a useful tool for dealing with container image registries. It has very limited support for interpretation of the objects stored within.
async with AsyncRegistryClient() as client:
manifest_ref = parse_image_name("alpine")
manifest = await client.manifest_download(manifest_ref)
if isinstance(manifest, ManifestListV2S2):
for sub_manifest in manifest.manifests:
if sub_manifest.platform.architecture == "amd64":
manifest_ref.ref = sub_manifest.digest
manifest = await client.manifest_download(manifest_ref)
raise Exception("Found no matching platform")
print("Not a manifest list")
for layer in manifest.layers:
assert layer.media_type == "application/vnd.docker.image.rootfs.diff.tar.gzip"
blob_ref = RegistryBlobRef(manifest_ref.registry, manifest_ref.repo, layer.digest)
# For example we just download into memory. In practice don't do this.
blob_data = io.BytesIO(
b"".join([chunk async for chunk in client.ref_content_stream(blob_ref)])
with"r|*", fileobj=blob_data) as tar:
for tarinfo in tar.getmembers():
# By default it will pull credentials based on ~/.docker/config.json
python -m aioregistry ubuntu:18.04 my.private.registry/my-repo:my-tag
# Copy all tags matching regex
python -m aioregistry ubuntu my.private.registry/my-repo --tag-pattern '18\..*'