Dustmaker is a Python library for reading, manipulation, and writing binary files used by Dustforce, primarily level files.
Documentation can be found at https://dustmaker.readthedocs.io/en/latest/.
Install with pip through PyPi using
python -m pip install dustmaker
or clone this repository and install using
./setup.py install
Dustmaker comes with a few command line tools that can be accessed through running the dustmaker module.
$ python -m dustmaker --help
... listing of available utilities
$ python -m dustmaker transform --upscale 2 downhill big_downhill
... creates upscaled version of downhill and saves to "big_downhill"
from dustmaker.level import Level
from dustmaker.tile import Tile, TileShape
from dustmaker.dfwriter import DFWriter
# Create a new empty level and add some tiles.
level = Level()
level.name = b"my level!"
level.virtual_character = True
for i, shape in enumerate(TileShape):
level.tiles[(19, 2 * i, i)] = Tile(shape)
# Automatically figure out edge solidity and connectivity flags
# Write level to a file
with DFWriter(open("mylevel.dflevel", "wb")) as writer:
from dustmaker.dfreader import DFReader
from dustmaker.entity import Apple
with DFReader(open("mylevel.dflevel", "rb")) as reader:
level = reader.read_level()
apples = 0
for x, y, entity in level.entities.values():
if isinstance(entity, Apple):
apples += 1
print(f"Level has {apples} apples")