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Lisa Steinmann edited this page Nov 20, 2023 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the csvGeom wiki!

Why does csvGeom exist?

csvGeom is a tiny python application that converts csv-files containing coordinates into a GeoJSON-FeatureCollection formatted to be compatible with Field Desktop. This is helpful for archaeologists who record features in the field with a total station and want to import this geographical data into the Field Desktop database app. While modern total stations offer various import and export options which could be configured to bind into Field Desktop more directly, this is not the case for older moldels. This application helps bridge the gap between equipment with limited export options and the modern approach of Field Desktop.

The scope of csvGeom is very limited. We strive to keep the application and its interface simple to facilitate a fast workflow. This wiki will showcase an example of working with csvGeom, starting at the measurements taken in the field.

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