PixShot is an image annotation software. It helps you in capturing a Screen Shot of your desktop or a part of the desktop and lets you annotate these images using various geometric shapes, highlighter and text insertion.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
You would need to install the following list of software in your system
Qt 5.5
gcc or minwgcc
- Step 1 - Checkout the project
Checkout the project directory into your system. The src folder contains all the source code.
- Step 2 - Build and Run in Qt Creator
Open the PixShot.pro file in Qt Creator and Hit the Run button for the project to build and run.
- Step 3 - Build and Run in command line
Navigate to the src folder and run the following commands
- Qt 5.5
- Sai Kumar Manakan - MSKOnline