What's new:
- Since this version, Paddle starts and stops the node truly automatically! Just create test accounts and send transactions, and Paddle will take care of the rest:
import im.mak.paddle.Account;
import static im.mak.paddle.Node.node;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Account alice = new Account(10_00000000);
alice.setsScript(s -> s.script("sigVerify(tx.bodyBytes, tx.proofs[0], tx.senderPublicKey)"));
System.out.println( node().isSmart(alice) ); // => true
- Paddle now supports configuration file!
you can specify, must Paddle run docker container or connect to existing node, what a seed to use and etc.
Also you can override these settings with system properties:
mvn test -Dpaddle.profile=testnet "-Dpaddle.testnet.faucet-seed=some text here"