Python Module for biological sequence handling developed in the course: Algorithms for Bionformatics
- The 1st delivery report can be found here.
- The 2nd delivery report can be found here.
- The 3rd delivery report can be found here.
pip install git+
To use it simply do import bioseq
or from bioseq import DNASeq
(for instance).
You can run any of the demos in demo with python
to see some examples of what this tool does and you also have a Jupyter Notebook demonstrating the 3rd part.
There are tests that guarantee 100% coverage (see html version of coverage report here) and there is human friendly documentation here.
- Run tests:
python -m unittest discover
- Run with coverage:
coverage run -m unittest discover
- Generate (HTML) report:
coverage report
|coverage html
To generate the docs again, cd ./docs
- Windows:
make.bat html
- Linux:
make html