day01, calorie count
- reading in lines from standard input, Daniel provided code snippet in slack
for line in stdin.lines() {
const trimmedLine = line.strip();
- string: strip and string comparison
- control flow: for loop, if, else if, else
- writeln
day02, rock paper scissors
- map: declaring, adding elements with
operator, reading elements with[]
- tuple: used as a key into the dictionary
- string: indexing into a string
day03, rucksacks
- defining functions
- string.byte() method for getting the unicode(?) value for a character
- set
- part A: declaration
var firstHalf : set(uint(8));
, add method, contains method - part B: intersection with
operator, clear method
- part A: declaration
- range:
- array of sets:
var rucksack : [0..<3] set(uint(8));
day04, ranges
- solution1: readf, control flow
- solution2: ranges
- solution3: iterator, forall with reduce intents
- I wrote blog post
day05, crates
- iterator to create arrays
- array of lists, using lists like stacks
- zippered iteration
- readf
day06, subsets to find message marker
- domain
- sets
- forall
- separate reduction
day07, directory tree
- classes
- lists
- recursion
day01, calorie count
- started at 10pm MST
- finished both at 10:48
- got hung up on readLine to int cast bug, Jeremiah fixed it!! chapel-lang/chapel#21146
- and then did an icky first approach to the second part
day02, rock paper scissors
- started the next morning
- took about 45 minutes to do both
day03, rucksacks
- did first one in about 40 minutes
- second one took about 30 minutes
day04, ranges
- this was my fastest one at 22 minutes for the first one and then another 13 minutes for 2nd
- I wrote a blog post for this one that took about 12 hours
day05, crate stacks
- I really struggled with this one because I was avoiding readLine. I ended up using most of Brad's answer.
- The two combined took me 45 minutes.
- I learned more about scans and reduces.
- The result is really fast
day07, directory tree
- took two hours, about half reading in the input and about half solving the problems
day08, trees
- the first part took me until midnight, so 2 hours
- doing the second part after looking at other people's code and on day 10 and still took an hour and 45 minutes
day09, knots on a rope bridge
- think part 1 was an hour, did the night of
- part 2 was 27 minutes, did on day 10
day10, commands
- started in the morning after Sat workout
- part 1 took 40 minutes
- part 2 took 40 minutes as well
day11, monkeys
- part 1, 1 hour for parsing, 30 minutes for rest
- part 2, think I need big num for this? that didn't work, multiplying all test numbers together and mod by that number works because then all mods would end up with same result
- ran into the syntax error at the bottom of the file if I forgot a closing curly somewhere
var op : operation;
, when you putenum
before operation, the resulting error isn't helpful
day12, path finding
- part 1, spent about an hour on it in the morning, but haven't solved yet
day13, comparing nested lists
- part 1, 1 hour at night and then 20 minutes in the morning, works on test but not full