System submitted to the IWSLT 2021 offline speech translation task by the UPC Machine Translation group.
The paper is available here.
This paper describes the submission to the IWSLT 2021 offline speech translation task by the UPC Machine Translation group. The task consists of building a system capable of translating English audio recordings extracted from TED talks into German text. Submitted systems can be either cascade or end-to-end and use a custom or given segmentation. Our submission is an end-to-end speech translation system, which combines pre-trained models (Wav2Vec 2.0 and mBART) with coupling modules between the encoder and decoder, and uses an efficient fine-tuning technique, which trains only 20% of its total parameters. We show that adding an Adapter to the system and pre-training it, can increase the convergence speed and the final result, with which we achieve a BLEU score of 27.3 on the MuST-C test set. Our final model is an ensemble that obtains 28.22 BLEU score on the same set. Our submission also uses a custom segmentation algorithm that employs pre-trained Wav2Vec 2.0 for identifying periods of untranscribable text and can bring improvements of 2.5 to 3 BLEU score on the IWSLT 2019 test set, as compared to the result with the given segmentation.
Results | Learning Curves |
Cite this work as:
title = "End-to-End Speech Translation with Pre-trained Models and Adapters: UPC at IWSLT 2021",
author = "G{\'a}llego, Gerard I. and Tsiamas, Ioannis and Escolano, Carlos and Fonollosa, Jos{\'e} A. R. and Costa-juss{\`a}, Marta R.",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2021)",
month = aug,
year = "2021",
address = "Bangkok, Thailand (online)",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
url = "",
doi = "10.18653/v1/2021.iwslt-1.11",
pages = "110--119",
Set the environment variables:
export IWSLT_ROOT=... # where you'll clone this repository
export FAIRSEQ_ROOT=... # where you'll clone our Fairseq fork
Clone this repository to $IWSLT_ROOT
git clone ${IWSLT_ROOT}
Create a conda environment using the environment.yml
file and activate it:
conda env create -f ${IWSLT_ROOT}/environment.yml && \
conda activate iwslt21
We have been working on some PR of Fairseq, but they have not been merged yet. Clone our Fairseq fork and install it.
git clone -b iwslt21 ${FAIRSEQ_ROOT} && \
pip install --editable ${FAIRSEQ_ROOT}
Install NVIDIA's apex library for faster training.
git clone && cd apex
pip install -v --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" \
--global-option="--deprecated_fused_adam" --global-option="--xentropy" \
--global-option="--fast_multihead_attn" ./
cd .. && rm -rf apex
In this project we use a pre-trained Wav2Vec 2.0 encoder and a pre-trained mBART decoder.
Set the environment variables:
export WAV2VEC_ROOT=... # where you'll download the Wav2Vec checkpoint
export MBART_ROOT=... # where you'll download the mBART checkpoint
Download the "Wav2Vec 2.0 Large (LV-60) + Self Training" version:
wget -P ${WAV2VEC_ROOT}
It is necessary to make a few preparations to load this checkpoint into our model:
python ./scripts/ --checkpoint $WAV2VEC_ROOT/
Download the "mBART 50 finetuned one-to-many" version:
mkdir -p ${MBART_ROOT} && \
wget -O - | \
tar -xz --strip-components 1 -C ${MBART_ROOT}
Set the environment variables:
export MUSTC_ROOT=... # where you'll download MuST-C data
export COVOST_ROOT=... # where you'll download CoVoST data
export EUROPARLST_ROOT=... # where you'll download Europarl-ST data
export IWSLT_TEST_ROOT=... # where you'll download IWSLT test sets
export DATA_ROOT=... # where you'll combine the datasets
Download MuST-C v2 to $MUSTC_ROOT
mkdir -p ${MUSTC_ROOT} && \
wget -O - | \
tar -xz -C ${MUSTC_ROOT}
Download the English split from Common Voice v4. Unpack it to ${COVOST_ROOT}/en/
This dataset contains MP3 files at 48 kHz. We need to convert them to WAV to load them with the fairseq speech_to_text modules. Moreover, we'll need resample them to 16 kHz, which is the sample rate needed by Wav2Vec.
for f in ${COVOST_ROOT}/*/clips/*.mp3; do
ffmpeg -i $f -ar 16000 -hide_banner -loglevel error "${f%.mp3}.wav" && rm $f
sed 's/\.mp3\t/\.wav\t/g' ${COVOST_ROOT}/**/*.tsv
Download Europarl-ST v1.1 to $EUROPARLST_ROOT
mkdir -p ${EUROPARLST_ROOT} && \
wget -O - | \
tar -xz --strip-components 1 -C ${EUROPARLST_ROOT}
This dataset contains M4A files at 44.1 kHz. As we did with CoVoST, we need to convert them to WAV and resample them to 16 kHz.
for f in ${EUROPARLST_ROOT}/*/audios/*.m4a; do
ffmpeg -i $f -ar 16000 -hide_banner -loglevel error "${f%.m4a}.wav" && rm $f
Download IWSLT test sets to $IWSLT_TEST_ROOT
mkdir -p ${IWSLT_TEST_ROOT}/tst2020/ && \
wget -O - | \
tar -xz --strip-components 1 -C ${IWSLT_TEST_ROOT}/tst2020/
# TODO: Add segmented tst2021 (not available in the new website)
Add some extra tokens to the mBART dictionary:
cat $MBART_ROOT/ML50_langs.txt | cut -d'_' -f1 | sed 's/^/<lang:/g' | \
sed 's/$/> 1/g' >> $MBART_ROOT/dict.en_XX.txt && \
echo "<mask> 1" >> $MBART_ROOT/dict.en_XX.txt
cat $MBART_ROOT/ML50_langs.txt | cut -d'_' -f1 | sed 's/^/<lang:/g' | \
sed 's/$/> 1/g' >> $MBART_ROOT/dict.de_DE.txt && \
echo "<mask> 1" >> $MBART_ROOT/dict.de_DE.txt
Copy the mBART vocabulary to the datasets directories.
# MuST-C
cp $MBART_ROOT/dict.en_XX.txt $MUSTC_ROOT/en-de/spm_bpe250000_asr.txt
cp $MBART_ROOT/dict.de_DE.txt $MUSTC_ROOT/en-de/spm_bpe250000_st.txt
cp $MBART_ROOT/sentence.bpe.model $MUSTC_ROOT/en-de/spm_bpe250000_asr.model
cp $MBART_ROOT/sentence.bpe.model $MUSTC_ROOT/en-de/spm_bpe250000_st.model
# CoVoST
cp $MBART_ROOT/dict.en_XX.txt $COVOST_ROOT/en/spm_bpe250000_asr_en.txt
cp $MBART_ROOT/dict.de_DE.txt $COVOST_ROOT/en/spm_bpe250000_st_en_de.txt
cp $MBART_ROOT/sentence.bpe.model $COVOST_ROOT/en/spm_bpe250000_asr_en.model
cp $MBART_ROOT/sentence.bpe.model $COVOST_ROOT/en/spm_bpe250000_st_en_de.model
# Europarl-ST
cp $MBART_ROOT/dict.en_XX.txt $EUROPARLST_ROOT/en/spm_bpe250000_en-de_asr.txt
cp $MBART_ROOT/dict.de_DE.txt $EUROPARLST_ROOT/en/spm_bpe250000_en-de_st.txt
cp $MBART_ROOT/sentence.bpe.model $EUROPARLST_ROOT/en/spm_bpe250000_en-de_asr.model
cp $MBART_ROOT/sentence.bpe.model $EUROPARLST_ROOT/en/spm_bpe250000_en-de_st.model
Run the scripts that will generate the TSV files.
# MuST-C
python $FAIRSEQ_ROOT/examples/speech_to_text/ \
--data-root $MUSTC_ROOT --task asr --vocab-type bpe \
--vocab-size 250000 --use-audio-input --prepend-tgt-lang-tag
python $FAIRSEQ_ROOT/examples/speech_to_text/ \
--data-root $MUSTC_ROOT --task st --vocab-type bpe \
--vocab-size 250000 --use-audio-input --prepend-tgt-lang-tag
# CoVoST
python $FAIRSEQ_ROOT/examples/speech_to_text/ \
--data-root $COVOST_ROOT --vocab-type bpe --vocab-size 250000 \
--src-lang en --use-audio-input --prepend-tgt-lang-tag
python $FAIRSEQ_ROOT/examples/speech_to_text/ \
--data-root $COVOST_ROOT --vocab-type bpe --vocab-size 250000 \
--src-lang en --tgt-lang de --use-audio-input --prepend-tgt-lang-tag
# Europarl-ST
python $FAIRSEQ_ROOT/examples/speech_to_text/ \
--data-root $EUROPARLST_ROOT --lang-pair en-de --task asr \
--vocab-type bpe --vocab-size 250000 \
--use-audio-input --prepend-tgt-lang-tag
python $FAIRSEQ_ROOT/examples/speech_to_text/ \
--data-root $EUROPARLST_ROOT --lang-pair en-de --task st \
--vocab-type bpe --vocab-size 250000 \
--use-audio-input --prepend-tgt-lang-tag
# IWSLT test sets
python $IWSLT_ROOT/scripts/ --test-dir-root ${IWSLT_TEST_ROOT}/tst2020
# TODO: Add segmented tst2021 (not available in the new website)
Run the filtering script to produce a clean version of a dataset. The script does:
- Text filtering by formatting the target text of an example and removal of empty examples after text filtering.
- Noise filtering by removing completelly an example based on predictions from an ASR system.
# MuST-C
python $IWSLT_ROOT/scripts/filtering/ \
--dataset_name MUSTC --tsv_root $MUSTC_ROOT/en-de \
--asr_batch_size 24 --asr_wer_threshold 0.5
# CoVoST
python $IWSLT_ROOT/scripts/filtering/ \
--dataset_name COVOST --tsv_root $COVOST_ROOT/en \
--asr_batch_size 24 --asr_wer_threshold 0.5
# Europarl-ST
python $IWSLT_ROOT/scripts/filtering/ \
--dataset_name EUROPARLST --tsv_root $EUROPARLST_ROOT/en \
--asr_batch_size 24 --asr_wer_threshold 0.5
Generate symlinks pointing to dataset files in $DATA_ROOT
ln -s $MUSTC_ROOT/en-de/config_st.yaml $DATA_ROOT/config.yaml
ln -s $MUSTC_ROOT/en-de/spm_bpe250000_st.{txt,model} $DATA_ROOT/
ln -s $MUSTC_ROOT/en-de/train_st_filtered.tsv $DATA_ROOT/train_mustc.tsv
ln -s $MUSTC_ROOT/en-de/dev_st.tsv $DATA_ROOT/dev_mustc.tsv
ln -s $MUSTC_ROOT/en-de/tst-COMMON_st.tsv $DATA_ROOT/tst-COMMON_mustc.tsv
ln -s $MUSTC_ROOT/en-de/tst-HE_st.tsv $DATA_ROOT/tst-HE_mustc.tsv
ln -s $COVOST_ROOT/en/train_st_en_de_filtered.tsv $DATA_ROOT/train_covost.tsv
ln -s $COVOST_ROOT/en/dev_st_en_de_filtered.tsv $DATA_ROOT/train_dev_covost.tsv
ln -s $COVOST_ROOT/en/test_st_en_de.tsv $DATA_ROOT/test_covost.tsv
ln -s $EUROPARLST_ROOT/en/train_en-de_st_filtered.tsv $DATA_ROOT/train_europarlst.tsv
ln -s $EUROPARLST_ROOT/en/dev_en-de_st_filtered.tsv $DATA_ROOT/train_dev_europarlst.tsv
ln -s $EUROPARLST_ROOT/en/test_en-de_st.tsv $DATA_ROOT/test_europarlst.tsv
ln -s $IWSLT_TEST_ROOT/tst2020.tsv $DATA_ROOT/tst2020_iwslt.tsv
ln -s $IWSLT_TEST_ROOT/tst2021.tsv $DATA_ROOT/tst2021_iwslt.tsv
Set the environment variables:
export SAVE_DIR=... # where the checkpoints, hydra logs and tensorboard logs will be saved
NOTE: When launching the trainings, take into account:
If you use a different number of GPUs, remember to set the appropriate value for
(wherex = old_update_freq * old_n_gpus / new_n_gpus
). -
We recommend to set
for a better performance (wherey = n_cpu // 2
Run the following command to train the model:
fairseq-hydra-train \
--config-dir ${IWSLT_ROOT}/config/ \
--config-name lna_ed.yaml
Generate predictions of the MuST-C dev and test sets:
for subset in {dev_mustc,tst-COMMON_mustc}; do
fairseq-generate ${DATA_ROOT} \
--path ${SAVE_DIR}/lna_ed/ckpts/ \
--results-path ${SAVE_DIR}/lna_ed/results/ \
--user-dir ${IWSLT_ROOT}/fairseq_modules \
--task speech_to_text_iwslt21 --gen-subset $subset \
--max-source-positions 960000 --max-tokens 960000 \
--skip-invalid-size-inputs-valid-test --prefix-size 1 \
--beam 5 --scoring sacrebleu
Run the following command to train the model:
fairseq-hydra-train \
--config-dir ${IWSLT_ROOT}/config/ \
--config-name lna_ed_adapt.yaml
Run the following command to fine-tune it with just with MuST-C:
fairseq-hydra-train \
--config-dir ${IWSLT_ROOT}/config/ \
--config-name lna_ed_adapt_ft.yaml
Generate predictions of the MuST-C dev and test sets:
for experiment in {lna_ed_adapt, lna_ed_adapt_ft}; do
for subset in {dev_mustc,tst-COMMON_mustc}; do
fairseq-generate ${DATA_ROOT} \
--path ${SAVE_DIR}/${experiment}/ckpts/ \
--results-path ${SAVE_DIR}/${experiment}/results/ \
--user-dir ${IWSLT_ROOT}/fairseq_modules \
--task speech_to_text_iwslt21 --gen-subset $subset \
--max-source-positions 960000 --max-tokens 960000 \
--skip-invalid-size-inputs-valid-test --prefix-size 1 \
--beam 5 --scoring sacrebleu
Run the following command to train the first step of the experiment:
fairseq-hydra-train \
--config-dir ${IWSLT_ROOT}/config/ \
--config-name lna_ed_adapt_2step_1.yaml
Run this command to train the second step:
fairseq-hydra-train \
--config-dir ${IWSLT_ROOT}/config/ \
--config-name lna_ed_adapt_2step_2.yaml
Generate predictions of the MuST-C dev and test sets:
for subset in {dev_mustc,tst-COMMON_mustc}; do
fairseq-generate ${DATA_ROOT} \
--path ${SAVE_DIR}/lna_ed_adapt_2step_2/ckpts/ \
--results-path ${SAVE_DIR}/lna_ed_adapt_2step_2/results/ \
--user-dir ${IWSLT_ROOT}/fairseq_modules \
--task speech_to_text_iwslt21 --gen-subset $subset \
--max-source-positions 960000 --max-tokens 960000 \
--skip-invalid-size-inputs-valid-test --prefix-size 1 \
--beam 5 --scoring sacrebleu
To get token predictions from Wav2Vec 2.0
for subset in {tst2020,tst2021}; do
python ${IWSLT_ROOT}/scripts/segmentation/ --wav_dir ${IWSLT_TEST_ROOT}/${subset}/wavs
Use the predictions to segment the audio files with the maximum segment length of 22, which was found to maximize BLEU score on the tst2019.
for subset in {tst2020,tst2021}; do
python ${IWSLT_ROOT}scripts/segmentation/ --dataset_root ${IWSLT_TEST_ROOT}/${subset} --max_segm_len 22
Prepare test sets for generation
for subset in {tst2020,tst2021}; do
python ${IWSLT_ROOT}/scripts/ -d ${IWSLT_TEST_ROOT}/${subset}
python ${IWSLT_ROOT}/scripts/ -d ${IWSLT_TEST_ROOT}/${subset} -c
Generate predictions for the two test sets for given and own segmentation
for subset in {tst2020,tst2020_own_22,tst2021,tst2021_own_22}; do
fairseq-generate ${DATA_ROOT} \
--path ${SAVE_DIR}/${experiment_name}/ckpts/ \
--results-path ${SAVE_DIR}/${experiment_name}/results/ \
--user-dir ${IWSLT_ROOT}/fairseq_modules \
--task speech_to_text_iwslt21 --gen-subset $subset \
--max-source-positions 960000 --max-tokens 960000 \
--prefix-size 1 \
--beam 5 --scoring sacrebleu