Authake is finally arrived to CakePHP 2.2.3 and is (another) solution to manage users and groups and their rights in a CakePHP platform, as well as their registration, email confirmation and password changing requests. It’s composed by a component, a plugin, and a helper.
Newest features are:
- Totally new look & feel. New interface using twitter bootstrap library
- Generated schema file to use cache schema create
- Total adaptation to CakePHP 2.2.3
- Totally new Dashboard
- Gravatar Support
- Better alerts
- Beautiful navigation and breadcrumbs
- html5shiv support for older browsers
- Dropdown lists for commands
- Help file with regex information
- Settings page (needs some effort)
- Better readme files with markdowns
Further changes are here for your contribution:
- sha1 security
- long id's
- For questions and issues: Mutlu Tevfik Kocak mtkocak(at)
For install instructions and feedback, please go to Authake home page:
Unzip the plugin to your app/Plugin folder with the name Authake. Case is important, lowercase folder name does not work.
You have to have in your bootstrap.php
CakePlugin::loadAll(); //or CakePlugin::load('Authake');
You can create schema from plugin using command to console terminal when you are in your app folder:
Do not use any schema to generate SQL. Causes redirection loop instead of it add the Authake/db/authake_clean.sql to your database.
Add this to your config/database.php to make authake work.
The idea behind this is that it would be possible to have 1 Authake instalation which handle multiple apps.
var $authake = array( 'datasource' => 'Database/Mysql', 'persistent' => false, 'host' => 'localhost', 'login' => ", //username for the db 'password' => ", //password for the db 'database' => 'authake', //or any other where you have imported the authake.sql file 'prefix' => ", );
Create AppController.php in you'r app's Controller folder first.
Change it's contents like this: UPDATED: No need debug_kit anymore
auth(); } private function auth(){ Configure::write('Authake.useDefaultLayout', true); $this->Authake->beforeFilter($this); } } ?> -
Use username: admin password: admin to login
For any question
Change the permissions of Config folder to 777 and recurse into enclosed items Chmod 777
Your login page is located at http://localhost/auth/authake/user/login if you want to login from http://localhost/auth/login you have to create a route at app/config/routes.php like this:
Router::connect('/login', array('plugin'=>'authake','controller' => 'user', 'action' => 'login'));
Before the line that contains:
require CAKE . 'Config' . DS . 'routes.php';