Generate valid random imgur urls and download them to a directory within the project.
As an example, a valid imgur url looks like this:
The image identifier can have 5, 6 or 7 characters. The best way of finding valid urls seems to be by trial and error.
By default this code will try to generate 6 digits identifiers, check if the url contains a valid image and, if so, will download it.
Trying to find valid 7 digits identifiers is way harder and it will take quite a while to download a good amount of images. In the other hand, 5 digit identifiers are very easy to find, but will be mostly pretty old images.
Running it with
go run .
will start the requets.
The settings of:
- How many images will be downloaded before the program terminates
- How many workers will be guessing for urls in the background
- Length of the image identifier
can all be changed within the main function in the main.go file.
Since the urls are randomly generated, there WILL be a good amount of NSFW images.
Running the program with a large amount of workers is a very good way of getting your IP blocked by imgur. So don't make too many requests per second for an extended amount of time.