Advent of Code 2021 solutions in Clojure.
I don't really know what I'm doing (I'm not proficient in Clojure), so don't try to learn from my solutions. ๐
Puzzle instructions available at Advent of Code. Each puzzle has two parts. Part 2 is unlocked after solving Part 1.
The files are meant to be evaluated in a REPL a small piece at a time. Running a full file probably won't work.
- 2021/01.clj
- 2021/02.clj
- 2021/03.clj
- 2021/04.clj
- 2021/05.clj
- 2021/06: work in progress
- 2021/07.clj
If you know Clojure and don't have anything better to do (heh), feel free to open an issue and let me know how I could improve my code or make it more idiomatic. Thanks!
MIT ยฉ Matias Kinnunen