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Daedalus is a flexible data description language for generating parsers with data dependencies.

Installing Haskell

Daedalus is implemented in Haskell, so to build it you'd need to setup a Haskell environment. An easy way to get this setup is to use ghcup. You need a Haskell compiler (recommended GHC 8.8.3), and a Haskell package installer (recommended Cabal 3.2).

Building the Daedalus Interpreter

The Daedalus interpreter, called daedalus is a good way to experiment with, and learn the Daedlus language. To build and install the interpreter you may use the command:

cabal install exe:daedalus --installdir=DIR \

This instructs cabal to build Daedlus and place a link to the binary in directory DIR. The flag --overwrite-policy is optional and instructs cabal to overwite existing links with the same name.

Running the Interpreter

To run daedalus you need a Daedalus specification describing the parser, and a file that should be parsed. For example, you could try the following, assuming daedalus is in your path:

daedalus tests/midi/midi.ddl -i tests/midi/inputs/moz_k299.midi

The first argument to daedalus is a specification describing the midi format and the -i flag specfies the input that should be parsed. If the input is parsed successfully, then daedalus will display the resulting semantic value. Otherwise, you should see a parse error describing what went wrong.

Setting up Your Editor

The directory syntax-highlight contain Daedalus syntax hilighting files for common editors.

More about the Daedalus Language

The documentation for Daedlus is not yet complete, but you may read more about the language in docs/UserGuide.pdf. The tests directory contains numerous small examples of Daedlus specifications, of particular interest might be subdirectories ppm (PPM image format), sexp (S-expressions) and midi (MIDI messages).

Generating Parsers

At present we can translate Daedalus specifications into Haskell, so that the resulting parsers may be intergrated with Haskell applications. We are working on adding support for generating parsers in other languages as well. The parser generation functionality is very much in development at the moment.

The repositry contains two examples of Haskell applications using Daedalus parsers. They are both validators, for the ICC and PDF format respectively. You may install them using the commands:

cabal install exe:icc-parser    --installdir=DIR
cabal install exe:pdf-hs-driver --installdir=DIR

The source code for the ICC validator is in icc-driver and the source code for the PDF validator is in pdf-driver.


This material is based upon work supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under Contract No. HR0011-19-C-0073. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).


The Daedalus data description language







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