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Declarative Ajax Operations

Your easiest fastest way to have a single page web application with no single line of JavaScript code.

Live demo

Live demo

Running the demo

The demo is just static files, you might want to place this directory in your server document root or just type the following command which will start a simple http server on port 8000, then point your browser on http://localhost:8000/index.html

python -m SimpleHTTPServer


  • el - DOM element
  • $target - a jQuery object of target DOM element
  • where can be one of: closest, inside or doc which means entire document
  • how can be one of: prepend, append or replace

Declarative Usage

<a data-toggle="ajax-load" href="/posts/today.json" data-target=".posts">my link</a>
<button type="button" data-toggle="ajax-ops">my button</a>
<div class="me" data-refresh-url="/user/me.json" data-template="user_info"></div>
<div class="posts" data-template="posts_titles"></div>
<div class="posts" data-template="full_posts"></div>

you can define

  • data-toggle
    • ajax-load - fetched text, HTML content or pure data and apply it to target(s)
    • ajax-ops - fetches json op-codes
    • ajax-modal * requires extension
  • data-target - the selector to apply the fetched content to it
  • data-url (which sometimes can be replaced by href or data-refresh-url)
  • data-template - the template to be used to render pure data
  • data-format - can be text, html or json
  • data-how - can be one of: prepend, append or replace

templates are functions that take json object and return html you can use any template engine but we suggest Handlebars


  • ajax_ops.flashmsg({html:, text:, type:info|danger, selector:, base_target:$obj, where:closest|inside|''})
    • display info or warning box using template called 'flashmsg' given text or html and type
    • ajax_ops.flashmsg({text:'not found', type:'danger');
    •, {text:'not found', type:'danger', selector:'.modal', where:'closest'});
    • affected by self.flashmsg_opts.selector which is .content:first
  • onsubmit="return ajax_ops.submit_form(this, params);"
    • params are optional
    • params.cb=function($target, data){}
  • ajax_ops.loads({html: CONTENT, text: CONTENT, data: JSON, template: NAME, el: ELEMENT, how: prepend|append|replace})
    • helper to load html, text, or templated data into an element with an option to append it or prepend it
  • ajax_ops.load({el:element, url:, how: prepend|append|replace, selector:, where:closest|inside|, })
  • ajax_ops.refresh(element|selector, params)
    • params are optional
    • params.where
    • params.base_element
    • uses ajax_ops.load and accepts its params like how
    • example ajax_ops.refresh('.me')
  • ajax_ops.exec_ops([ [op1, selector1, params1], [op2, selector2, params2],.. ])
    • operations can be
      • remove
      • refresh
      • load
      • attr {set:{k:v}, unset:[k1,k2]}
      • class {add:[], remove:[], toggle[]}
      • one can extend with more operations by adding ajax_ops.ops['my_opcode']=function(el, params){}


// register templates
// nice hack
Handlebars.partials = Handlebars.templates;
// You might want to disable usual links behavior 
$('a[data-toggle]').click(function (e) {e.preventDefault()});

Copyright and license

Copyright 2014 Muayyad Alsadi

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at:

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.