Webscript is an HTML-like Javascript syntax for defining, creating, composing and manipulating DOM elements. It is for creating web pages, web sites, web applications. It is like HTML but it is Javascript.
Read the documentation: https://mudgen.github.io/webscript/docs/
- It has zero dependencies.
- It is small. It's size is about 2KB.
- Replaces JSX in React.
- Replaces HTML templating languages.
- Replaces HTML in Javascript applications.
- Replaces HTML in your Javascript library.
<div class="card-image">
<img src="images/sample-1.jpg" alt="Sample Image" />
<span class="card-title">Card Title</span>
img.src`images/sample-1.jpg`.alt`Sample Image`,
span.class`card-title`("Card Title"))
Please see the documentation here: https://mudgen.github.io/webscript/docs/
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