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upgradeadvice edited this page Feb 13, 2015 · 2 revisions

MonetaryUnit Logo


Heady ideals surely, but we want MUE to become the de facto internet transaction & tipping currency. Yes there is a long way to go, but we do not want to be "an also ran".

From a big picture aspect, I can only see mass adoption of Cryptocurrency through ease of access for those with limited technical skills, low per unit value giving access globally based on the huge disparity of lowest to highest GDP, very fast transaction times allowing for commercial and retail use, true decentralisation based on the limited appeal to farms, and low potential for market price manipulation if supply and demand cannot be influenced significantly.

MUE brings this to the market place!

This coin is not aimed solely at miners, or investors, or traders, it is aimed to be palatable to the general public.

For Cryptocurrency to break out of it's techno-niche, it has to break it's techno-mould.

MUE. Me. U. Everybody.

  • MonetaryUnit, a cryptocurrency with true libertarian and egalitarian values.
  • An attempt to make accessible to all not just the developed world.
  • Designed to stop the hardware arms race and a cease fire on market price manipulation.
  • Environmentally responsible as does not rely on powerful computing.
  • Truly decentralised as no big incentive for mining farms or mining pools as mining reward limited.
  • Mu, from the Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol for water.
  • Mu, from the Japanese term to not have or be without.
  • Mue, metamorphosis of conventional and digital currencies.
  • MUE, a MonetaryUnit for all, me, you, everybody.
  • Financial freedom for all, as life giving as water.
  • Accessible to all, so no one will be without.