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This is the software project for the final project by:

Muhammad Nizami

Sarjana Informatika-STEI-ITB

CLEMIRAParser early development version

The following package contains a java implementation of the dependency parser described in the following works:

  • Nizami, M., and Purwarianti, A. (2017). Pembangunan Pengurai Dependensi untuk Bahasa Indonesia dengan Algoritma Chu-Liu Edmonds dan Algoritma Pembelajaran MIRA. Bachelor Thesis. Institut Teknologi Bandung.
  • Nizami, M., and Purwarianti, A. (2017). Modification of Chu-Liu/Edmonds Algorithm and MIRA Learning Algorithm for Dependency Parser on Indonesian Language. ICAICTA 2017, 40.


  1. Compiling

  2. Example of usage

  3. Running the parser

    a. Input data format

    b. Training a parser

    c. Running a trained model on new data

    d. Evaluating output

    e. Streaming

  4. Reproducing the results

  1. Compiling

To compile the code, use NetBeans IDE 8.1 with JDK 8.

  1. Example Usage

In the directory data/ there are examples of training and testing data. Data format is described in the next section.


  • training data provided by Universal Dependencies for Indonesian language.


  • test data provided by Universal Dependencies for Indonesian language

To run the parser type:

java -classpath ".:build/classes:lib/trove-3.0.3.jar:lib/commons-math3-3.2.jar:lib/Thomson/ChuLiuEdmonds-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:lib/Thomson/org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar" -Xmx4096m clemiraparser.CLEMIRAParser
train train-file:data/id-ud-train.conllu model-name:dep.model
test test-file:data/id-ud-test.conllu output-file:out.txt
eval gold-file:data/id-ud-test.conllu

This will train a parser on the training data, run it on the testing data and evaluate the output against the gold standard. The results from running the parser are in the file out.txt and the trained model in dep.model.

  1. Running the Parser

3a. Input data format

This parser accepts CoNLL-U format described in

3b. Training the parser

If you have a set of labeled data, first place it in the format described above.

If your training data is in a file train.conllu, you can then run the command:

java -classpath ".:build/classes:lib/trove-3.0.3.jar:lib/commons-math3-3.2.jar:lib/Thomson/ChuLiuEdmonds-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:lib/Thomson/org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar" -Xmx4096m clemiraparser.CLEMIRAParser
train train-file:data/train.conllu

This will train a parser with all the default properties. Additonal properties can be described with the following flags:


  • if present then parser will train a new model


  • use data in file.conllu to train the parser

  • store trained model in file called


  • Run training algorithm for numIters epochs, default is 10


  • Specifies the score function used for creating parse set
  • Default is original


  • Specifies the loss function used for training
  • Default is mcdonaldhamming


  • Specifies the constraint used for MIRA optimization problem
  • Default is original


  • Specifies the chooser function for the parse set during training
  • Default is kbest


  • Specifies the k-best parse set size to create constraints during training
  • Default is 1


  • Specifies the l-best parse set size to create constraints during training
  • Default is 1
  • Only needed when using l-worst chooser or k-best-l-worst chooser


  • Specifies the alpha used for modified constraint type
  • Default is 3.0


  • Specifies the lambda used for rootpreferred loss function
  • Default is 2.0


  • Specifies the gamma used for rootrelaxed loss function
  • Default is 0.95


  • Specifies the stages of the parsing
  • Default is two-simple

3c. Running a trained model on new data

This section assumes you have trained a model and it is stored in dep.model.

First, format your data properly (section 3a).

It should be noted that the parser assumes both words and POS tags.

The parser also assumes that the edge label and parent index entries are in the input. However, these can just be artificially inserted (e.g. with entries of "LAB" and "0") since the parser will produce these lines as output.

If the data is in a file called test.conllu, run the command:

java -classpath ".:build/classes:lib/trove-3.0.3.jar:lib/commons-math3-3.2.jar:lib/Thomson/ChuLiuEdmonds-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:lib/Thomson/org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar" -Xmx4096m clemiraparser.CLEMIRAParser
test model-name:dep.model test-file:test.conllu output-file:out.conllu

This will create an output file "out.txt" with the predictions of the parser. Other properties can be defined with the following flags:


  • If included a trained parser will be run on the testing data


  • The file containing the data to run the parser on


  • If single-model is selected, the parser will load a model specified by model-name parameter. If multi-model is selected, the parser will load models specified by simple-sentence-model and compound-sentence-model. In multi-model mode, model specified by simple-sentence-model parameter will be used to parse simple sentences, and model specified by compound-sentence-model parameter will be used to parse compound sentences. Whether a sentence is compound or not is determined by the existence of a token with POS tag equal to the POS tag supplied by conjunction-pos parameter.

  • The name of the stored model to be used, if single-model is selected


  • The result of running the parser on the new data


  • The intermediate unlabeled trees produced (if a two-stage parser)

  • The name of the stored model to be used on simple sentences

  • The name of the stored model to be used on compound compound sentences


  • The pos tag for which existence inside a sentence indicates the sentence as a compound sentence. default: CONJ.

Note that the parsing stage run will be the same as the trained one. If the trained one is a two-stage parser, it the parsing will be two-stage parsing, and vice versa.

3d. Evaluating Output

This section describes a simple method for evaluating the output of the parser against a gold standard.

Assume you have a gold standard, say test.conllu and the output of the parser say out.conllu, then run the following command:

java -classpath ".:build/classes:lib/trove-3.0.3.jar:lib/commons-math3-3.2.jar:lib/Thomson/ChuLiuEdmonds-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:lib/Thomson/org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar" -Xmx4096m clemiraparser.CLEMIRAParser
eval gold-file:test.conllu output-file:out.conllu

This will return both labeled and unlabeled accuracy (if the data sets contain labeled trees) as well as complete sentence accuracy, again labeled and unlabeled.

3e. Streaming

This section describes a method for parsing through standard input and output. Assume you have a trained model, say dep.model, you can run the trained model on standard input by running the following command:

java -classpath ".:build/classes:lib/trove-3.0.3.jar:lib/commons-math3-3.2.jar:lib/Thomson/ChuLiuEdmonds-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:lib/Thomson/org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar" -Xmx4096m clemiraparser.CLEMIRAParser
stream model-name:dep.model

It should be noted that the parser assumes both words and POS tags in the input.

The parser also assumes that the edge label and parent index entries are in the input. However, these can just be artificially inserted (e.g. with entries of "LAB" and "0") since the parser will produce these lines as output.

The parsing result starts after the line "streaming..." in stdout.

Other properties can be defined with the flags described in section 3c, except the test-file and output-file tags.

  1. Reproducing the Results

To reproduce the results from the bachelor thesis, train the models and use the models according to the configurations described in the thesis.

To run and evaluate the parser against the test data, run this command:

java -classpath ".:build/classes:lib/trove-3.0.3.jar:lib/commons-math3-3.2.jar:lib/Thomson/ChuLiuEdmonds-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:lib/Thomson/org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar" -Xmx4096m clemiraparser.CLEMIRAParser test test-file:data/id-ud-test.conllu output-file:data/id-ud-test-finalrepro-simple-a-compound-c-output.conllu eval gold-file:data/id-ud-test.conllu number-of-models:multi-model simple-sentence-model:models/id-ud-finalrepro-gabungana.model compound-sentence-model:models/id-ud-finalrepro-gabunganc.model

To run the parser based on the best configuration described in the thesis in stdio manner, run this command:

java -classpath ".:build/classes:lib/trove-3.0.3.jar:lib/commons-math3-3.2.jar:lib/Thomson/ChuLiuEdmonds-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:lib/Thomson/org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar" -Xmx4096m clemiraparser.CLEMIRAParser stream number-of-models:multi-model simple-sentence-model:models/id-ud-finalrepro-gabungana.model compound-sentence-model:models/id-ud-finalrepro-gabunganc.model

The models used above are trained with these commands:

java -classpath ".:build/classes:lib/trove-3.0.3.jar:lib/commons-math3-3.2.jar:lib/Thomson/ChuLiuEdmonds-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:lib/Thomson/org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar" -Xmx4096m clemiraparser.CLEMIRAParser train train-file:data/id-ud-train.conllu model-name:models/id-ud-finalrepro-gabunganc.model chooser:klossmarkedupbest loss-function:rootpreferred constraint:modified score-function:original iters:5 training-k:1 training-lambda:1.1 training-alpha:3.0 parsing-k:1 java -classpath ".:build/classes:lib/trove-3.0.3.jar:lib/commons-math3-3.2.jar:lib/Thomson/ChuLiuEdmonds-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:lib/Thomson/org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar" -Xmx4096m clemiraparser.CLEMIRAParser train train-file:data/id-ud-train.conllu model-name:models/id-ud-finalrepro-gabungana.model chooser:klossmarkedupbest loss-function:rootpreferred constraint:modified score-function:rootrelaxed iters:10 training-k:10 training-alpha:3.0 training-lambda:1.5 score-gamma:0.98 parsing-k:1

To reproduce the best result from the paper, the models are trained with the parameters tuned with the development set. To run and evaluate the parser against the test data, run this command:

java -classpath ".:build/classes:lib/trove-3.0.3.jar:lib/commons-math3-3.2.jar:lib/Thomson/ChuLiuEdmonds-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:lib/Thomson/org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar" -Xmx4096m clemiraparser.CLEMIRAParser test test-file:data/id-ud-test.conllu output-file:data/id-ud-test-finalrepropaper-simple-b-compound-c-output.conllu eval gold-file:data/id-ud-test.conllu number-of-models:multi-model simple-sentence-model:models/id-ud-finalrepropaper-gabunganb.model compound-sentence-model:models/id-ud-finalrepropaper-gabunganc.model

The models used above are trained with these commands:

java -classpath ".:build/classes:lib/trove-3.0.3.jar:lib/commons-math3-3.2.jar:lib/Thomson/ChuLiuEdmonds-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:lib/Thomson/org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar" -Xmx4096m clemiraparser.CLEMIRAParser train train-file:data/id-ud-train.conllu model-name:models/id-ud-finalrepropaper-gabunganb.model chooser:klossmarkedupbest loss-function:rootpreferred constraint:original score-function:rootrelaxed iters:10 training-k:1 training-lambda:1.5 score-gamma:0.98 parsing-k:1 java -classpath ".:build/classes:lib/trove-3.0.3.jar:lib/commons-math3-3.2.jar:lib/Thomson/ChuLiuEdmonds-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:lib/Thomson/org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar" -Xmx4096m clemiraparser.CLEMIRAParser train train-file:data/id-ud-train.conllu model-name:models/id-ud-finalrepropaper-gabunganc.model chooser:klossmarkedupbest loss-function:rootpreferred constraint:modified score-function:original iters:5 training-k:1 training-lambda:1.1 training-alpha:3.0 parsing-k:1

To reproduce the results in english data, run these commands:

java -classpath ".:build/classes:lib/trove-3.0.3.jar:lib/commons-math3-3.2.jar:lib/Thomson/ChuLiuEdmonds-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:lib/Thomson/org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar" -Xmx4096m clemiraparser.CLEMIRAParser test test-file:data/en-ud-test.conllu output-file:data/en-ud-test-finalrepro-simple-a-compound-c-output.conllu eval gold-file:data/en-ud-test.conllu number-of-models:multi-model simple-sentence-model:models/en-ud-finalrepro-gabungana.model compound-sentence-model:models/en-ud-finalrepro-gabunganc.model stages:unlabeled

The models used above is trained in similar manner.


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