You need python set up tools installed globally.
$ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
$ pip install virtualenv
After that run these commands
$ git clone https://github.com/mukulpriya/Task_Repo.git
$ cd Task_Repo
$ virtualenv myenv
$ source myenv/bin/activate
$ pip install django==1.9
$ cd my_task
$ python manage.py makemigrations blog
$ python manage.py migrate
$ python manage.py runserver
Your server is now up and running locally @
URL: localhost:8000
You will find nothing on the page beacuse the database is empty. To add a blog post type
URL: localhost:8000/post_a_blog
def index(request):
GET request
This view responds to a get request at url ('/')
This function returns the paginated home page with 5 entries per page
def article_detail(request,**kwargs):
GET request
This page returns with all the paragraps of a blog entry
url=('/article') payload= {'id' : some number} id here is primary key for the blog post
can be tested directly using get('/article/4') (just for example)
def show_comments(request,**kwargs):
GET request
This page returns all the comments on a paragraph of a blog entry.
url=('/article/show_comments/') payload={'id'= : primary key} This id here is primary key of the paragrah .
def post_a_blog(request):
POST request
url=('/post_a_blog') payload={'title' : text, 'body' : text}
Makes a new blog entry
The function parses the body of the entry for paragraps and store them in the models defined.
redirects to the home page
def post_a_comment(request,**kwargs)
POST request
URL=('/article/post_a_comment') payload ={'id': primary_key_for_paragraph}
Make a new comment entry .
Redirects to the paragraph on which comment was made